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Before we get into this update, first I want to say the image above was created and posted only on Tumblr on 2/25/2018 named Vent. I needed to do something to break out the cycle I was in.

It is of some use here as well. Changes need to be made here at my Patreon/Gumroad. They are not drastic in any manner so please do not freak out. I just need balance, organization and understanding with my supporters.

As of right now I do not work a everyday 9-5 job. I live in my sister's finished basement with a lack of privacy(as in no personal walled off room and no basement door). It contains the laundry room and the main freezer which is used on a daily basis by her and others. On top of that I am kind of stuck(saying no doesn't end well) being the in-home babysitter(watching over them and taking them to school) for her child whenever she has work or wants to go on vacations... She has been on 3 full week vacations this year(wtf) and has another one this June...

Yes, a am still very lucky to be living where I am now and have the free time to devote to my art content. 

BUT I rarely leave the house and my computer. That's not good. I want time to do more than just stay here and just do Patreon/Gumroad content constantly. I want to move out, get my own place and start YouTube along side my art this year. Sidenote, It would be also nice to get back into the dating scene as well...

The biggest elephant in the room is that I have to be blunt and honest with this as possible. I feel and know I do too much. One way to make it clear is, I think the saying "Quality over Quality" holds quite true here. Now, It's not what I do now is bad quality, its just I know I could do so much more with less numbers. Get more ideas fleshed out in the month if I focused more on a idea instead of trying to get so many out at one time. 

Good and worthy enough ideas are hard to come by and not easy to keep rolling out good enough ones without becoming overwhelmed with real life/local/offline issues and such. 

I don't even have the time to do commissions anymore its so much... and do want to open them back up someday...

So I feel I need to tone this Image Pack stuff down a bit. For instance:

Original Target Count:

$15 for 40-50+ Items...

$30 for 100-140+ Items... 140? why was I doing this is beyond me...

When I started out I was not doing that much, I just kept adding more and more and not changing a reward price at all. 

I have come to the decision that the new target count for those levels will be around: 

$15 for 20-25+ Items.

$30 for 40-50+ Items. 

All the same original base content is being provided here, basic Images, cum versions, alterations and animations are all still there. Just with more going on. Right now I tended to do way too many pin-ups. I want to try to change that asap. Have some more character with character interactions.

The process of moving out this year will be quite a weighty change and I need to be prepared for that weighty change, so I hope you all understand. 

At the risk of sounding like a generic popular YouTuber, I really do appreciate you Bubs and I love to hear your feedback. I would not be here without your support and your general overall interest in my art.



Travis Progresso

Have you thought about doing more community interaction stuff? Maybe have polls to see which characters/positions people want to see? Willing to bet more people would pledge if the image packs were smaller but more focused.


I agree owo being stuck in a single room all day, having to make countless renders, it sounds like hell ;w; also didn't know you wanted to start art (assuming it's drawings) and YouTube, oh I hope the work out for the best ^w^ especially the dating scene, we all need someone special during these hard times 3: ... and for a happy good riddance to having to live with your sister in the basement, oh it'll be so good to have a place that isn't there with someone you can see eye-to-eye with :3 rub it in her dumb petty face~ And of course, I'm quite happy with the changes, it's been a long time coming that you've been overworking yourself every month ,w, the new targeted amounts seem pretty good, and if things are changing up, it'd make for an interesting set of packs in the future. All in all, I hope things work out for the best, and that things improve in your life, the patreons will always be there :3 I hope, I can't speak for all of them, but you get the idea *Strong fuzzy Yeti hugs*


why not simply getting rid of the "extreme bara bub" so you only have to worry about one pack? if you want to go out and date someone you'll have to


Will support what ever you need to do, bud. Appreciate all that you’ve done, and will continue to enjoy whatever you create.