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Heyo, a  pseudo copy-pasta from FA


Haven't made any particular update notice 'cuz I've been running on a metaphorical hamster wheel for the last few months and finally get to start to chill out a bit once September is over. So far, nothing particularly life-changing (yet, maybe?) but for a bunch of reasons I've been working on forming the game plan for next year especially in advance so I'm already in a better position to pivot a little more easily as need be, especially after a variety of discussions with peeps the last month or so.

You might've noticed on FA for the last while I've sorta had comms be on an extra limited/sort of 'DM me' basis, mainly 'cuz I've needed to turn my attention in a few directions for prolonged amounts of time and I don't have the extra energy to process and hold huge 50-form batches of stuff in my mind for months at a time lately (u should see the chaos that is my Google Drive rn, it's still got 2021 info in here and there), so I've primarily been reaching out to people I've already had a number of talks with or stuff I still've wanted to do that I can fit in short sprints where I already have a strong idea of what I'm getting into.

On that specific note, especially on the matter of flexibility and time management, I'm planning to more specifically rebalance what kinds of comms are going to be accepted normally, but slowly as we maneuver towards 2023. Colored Sketches are going to become the 'standard', while Rendered ones will become more of a limited 'premium', in a manner of speaking. There'll be a price change when the year rolls over accordingly, but not just yet. In terms of that though, there'll be a couple elements that'll be looked at more closely than the rest, namely: backgrounds, b/w renders, and complex alts since those three are essentially the most complicating factors to manage across the board and scope creep is a term that describes my habits to a T over the years. The one thing out of those that I know right now for sure is that b/w renders will at minimum be readjusted to be at minimum right between colored sketch and colored renders after the change. Alts are a tricky thing to judge 'cuz the ways they can change things can vary so radically even just 'cuz on an individual character-basis, from something simple to a procedural cascade, so I need more time to navigate that.

For the most part, I can't confirm when/how I can do mass openings like I have for the longest time, I may just have to switch between approaches of that vs smaller scale ones vs private discussion, etc, but I do think as kind of inferred prior that they may be more limited to a specific kind of commission during a period, since I kind of have to arrange them around a larger forecast of multiple months for my broader schedules (always have, really).

Anyways, that's kind of it for the time being!


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