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Giving a heads up for the essential plans in the coming week (make sure to read the whole thing):

So first up, I'm gonna be sorta quiet-ish besides posting some things for the next number of days while I tend to some other work for a bit, 'til like, Thursday (though I might have to bounce out of town around then for a short bit too, dunno yet). I've been trying to organize things to prepare for a new queue, but since enough things and time have changed since the last big one, I want to get things all sorted out right. Seeing as I have both the more recent batches of forms and also some of the earlier '21 forms, I want to do a checkthrough on everyone to make sure what ones are still 'valid' to carry over, which is to say to check if x person still wants to use that form or plans to refresh the idea at a different comm-type or doesn't plan to do one this next time at all whether just general or circumstance-changing, etc.

So, I figure the only way to do this effectively iiiiiis... *start sending a lot of DMs and ask one-by-one* lol. Looking at my Excel sheet right now, this means I'm sending messages to *about 60 people* counting cases where I have multiple forms from different times. So in general, if you're one of those people from 2021, probably anticipate a message between the next ~1-5 days, I'll try to have a general outline of the characters, comm type and price I had in your form and (I may make a separate questionnaire Google form) will be essentially asking:

1 - Carry over original form as is (with adjusted pricing if applicable due to time)
2 - Adjust form, such as colored render to colored sketch (which typically'll drop BG if applicable), keep chars but change idea, etc. If it's super minor I can just make notes, if it's big enough I'll have to have it submitted as a new form when the new opening period starts Thu or Fri
3 - Cancel/delete form completely, or plan to submit entirely new form during opening period

(If you already know/remember your information for your own case, or just have questions you can pre-emptively DM me, you don't need to wait for me to reach you first or anything)

If I don't get a response then I'll just assume #3 for planning purposes. Colored sketch forms from December will just carry over as-is in general, though just for the sake of not making assumptions, I'll still ask. If you've had multiple forms though, I will say you only get to keep one just 'cuz the volume of people might start out large to begin with. Typically I'm fine with people sending 2 forms 'cuz they're not 100% sure of an idea, etc but this one we're gonna keep streamlined.

Because this year, at least the first half is going to be very busy and I have to have my attention elsewhere a lot, this queue will be another long-period one where I'll pick a couple at a time to work on up through (planning for) March. Since people tend to ask, I do make my picks mostly based on variety and I always take note of lots of characters of the same 'type' or 'source' in case of fan-characters (i.e. if a lot of PKMN get put in, I will usually only pick one if at all). My preferences always weight more towards more original characters at default, but it's not a disqualifier or anything. Same as anthro over feral, but I always make my evaluation on the entire concept as a whole. I will take preference to colored sketches over renders because time is very crunchy for the next six months and realistically now that I have a better sense of things, I can usually do 2-3 sketches for every render of the same idea so time balance is a factor. So, not saying I won't pick renders, it's just that I can only pick a small amount in lieu of priorities, time and flexibility.

Most importantly though, I will be aiming a little more for repeat submitters that I haven't yet picked previously in the mixture. I do keep my eye out for those names and I usually try to get one or two in but over the three-ish month period I plan to grab more this next time.

I *think* that covers things for now, I could've entirely missed something, lol. As is always the case, if you have questions, ask me questions! I'll try to get back to you when available.


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