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Sketch for Cho'Gath

I won't mince words and admit, this is one I haven't been looking forward to; I'm just not fond of really any aspects of the character/design. I'm no LoL fan (or really any MMO or MOBA, they just don't jive with me gameplay-wise) so anytime I draw them it's entirely fueled on analyzing the design and any lore bits that aren't too dense to research that help formulate an idea.  

Some of such characters manage to stick with me purely on their own merit alone but yeah, this is one of those cases that I'll be one-and-done'ing version wise and moving forward 




I believe that artists always do their best work when it's on something that they enjoy drawing. But I'll at least say, even despite you not really liking this character, just based on the sketch alone, I still think you're doing a fantastic job.


Sorry that you gotta deal with something you're not jiving with, but for what it's worth, it looks amazing already


I don´t know this character but you´re doing an awesome job here like always. :)

Andrew Potter

So there won't be any alternate image of him?


No, I'm not into the character or its style of design enough to add more work time to it, but also because the flip side is if I did, I start encouraging more like it to pop up in submissions and commission forms and DMs (which has happened with a few other cases)


That's understandable. I'm honestly surprised it won right away, I kinda figured the character would be in vote limbo for a while if anything. Sorry again that this isn't something you're into, but thank you for tackling it at all