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Gonna start right out with it; this month will probably be kind of a clusterfuck

The immediate ~10 days will largely be dedicated to taking care of a series of things that are technically on paper November stuff both here and outside. Normally I'd burn the 8th as it's my birthday but there's a hecka amount of things that need to all happen this month *and* there'll be Christmas week which I'm hoping will be nothing like Thanksgiving week turned out  'cuz behind the scenes a lot of things didn't work out great then this year and quite a chunk of time spent on a mix of things that ultimately added up to 0 and a lot of lost time so, gotta recover on that front.

Sunday, I will go over some additions and changes that will be happening to commissions and Patreon effective soon but definitively starting when the year rolls over, because to tl;dr it, the current system is unsustainable for much longer, for reasons I kind've ignored to myself, but I will explain the full details later this weekend.  

Some have voiced concern of impending burnout but that wrecking ball is still a good bit away, but visible enough that I gotta settle all the internal deliberations for the last 4-5 months and explain changes before it approaches for real.

In any case, it's almost 8:30a, I gotta sleep and then thanks to surprises this last evening, I get to go have angry words with some people down the street wooooo 


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