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“I’m sorry ladies, but I for one am not interested in spending hundreds of THOUSANDS of dollars, if not MORE just to accommodate some ‘radical inclusion initiative’ that won’t bring us anything in return.” Mr. Grey said dismissively, much to Kelly’s visible distress.

“But it’s super important and like…where will all the girls go if they have to get kicked out?” Kelly whined, her tight, skinny abs flashing back and forth from behind the podium as the hippily dressed bimbo struggled to convince the murmuring men to keep their attention on her.

“Well *I* think it’s a great idea.” Professor Boardwell said, standing up and breathing some life back into the pair of blondes who could do little more than stand by and wait at this point. “Accommodating expectant mothers and preparing young women for both successful careers as well as for life as homemakers, mothers, and generally productive members of society both in and out of the workplace CANNOT be anything other than a noble endeavor! I fail to understand why this is so hard for you four to grasp.”

“Because,” Mr. Aloysius said. “It costs lots. And lots. Of money. Just because a female student is irresponsible enough to get pregnant while attending our university doesn’t mean we need to provide for her needs as an expectant mother while still keeping up with our specialized curriculum.”

“The specialized curriculum of reaching us how to suck a cock properly and get big, fat tits that we can use to get wealthy husbands, right?” Emily asked, jumping in but not feeling as bothered by the statements that she was making in the way that Emefa would.

“The very same.” Mr. Aloysius replied.

“Then what? Do we all have to wait until we can turn a man premature with just our tongues before we’re ever allowed to have sex for pleasure? Is it SO important for you to be able to control our bodies that you won’t allow us to do the ONE THING we are specifically designed to do? Or is this just about protecting some frat boy’s rich parents so that they keep donating? This is ridiculous and unfair. You TRAIN us to be as pleasurable as we are. We STUDY to be such PERFECT partners with the eventual (inevitable) desire to have kids for our men. So what’s to be said other than you first create bimbos, and then you punish them for not becoming career women?” Emily said eloquently as she walked over to Kelly.

“Hey Kelly, could you tell me what you want most out of Bright U?” Emily said with a wink and a big, enthusiastic, perfectly white smile that the board had needed to grow immune to over time in order to not be charmed by it.

Kelly turned red and clasped her hands behind her back in embarrassment, but unable to resist the pressure Emily had put on her to speak.

“Um…” She began sheepishly, blushing and furiously giddy with embarrassment at being made to say what she was being made to say.

“I want…Fat Mommy Milkers….” She said, shrinking down behind the podium only to be rocked by a wave of orgasmic energy that saw her hand fly straight to her crotch as she tensed her way through the ordeal, trying not to cum from the embarrassment and humiliation alone.

“See? Gentlemen, this is NOT a woman that is trying to rebel! She is merely taking to your program at an advanced rate. She’s meek, she’s hot, she’s submissive as hell. If anything, she’s ahead of the curve! Isn’t there some way we could even get government funding for a maternity dorm or motherhood courses or something? She WANTS to be here, and you guys didn’t even have a problem with it until she started showing!” 

“Emily, I do appreciate your spirit and passion for this particular subject, but I am afraid that doing this would cause more harm than good. We don’t want attendance to drop any lower than it is, and having a college that prides itself on the upscale, high quality of living that we represent being full of waddling, knocked up sorority girls puking and sobbing everywhere would I don’t know….cheapen our image.” Said Wallace Pan, Director of Logistics and school treasurer.

Emily wanted to snarl and chew him out, but knew that doing so at this point was only going to hurt her cause.

“Gentlemen, if I may,” Malcom began, standing up from his seat confidently and bringing a proud smile to Emily’s face. She thought that he had a nerdy sort of look like an evil snake with a diabolical plan for ninja kids. And glasses like an evil butler, which was also sometimes hot.

“Actually Malcolm, you may not. I don’t even know why you’re even allowed to attend this meeting let alone still be on the council given your recent engagement to Miss Knight.” Mr. Grey interrupted. “It’s pretty obvious that you are VERY biased in favor of your new fianceé, which while I don’t blame you for. The problem is that we now have to discount your input on suspicion that she is influencing you, and doubly so considering that it’s obvious which one of you takes charge in your relationship. Miss Knight, soon to be Missus Dell, the ruling is 3 in favor, 4 against. I am sorry, but the answer is no. This meeting is adjourned.

The board began standing up and walking out, with only a couple looking regretfully at Emily before departing themselves.

“Thanks, Tubby.” Emily said, casually taking her non-fat caramel macchiato with almond milk and 2 pumps of vanilla from Sophia Rosewater, now the newest employee at their local covfefe shop. Being that she was in the horrid mood that she was, she almost let the poor girl go without tormenting her that day. Emily saw that Sophia had put on a noticeable amount of weight in the past few weeks and was already having a tough time dealing with the “crop top” theme day that the store would use to drum up customers. But while most of the girls were slim or fit with firm, perky implants, or at least on their way to getting them, Sophia’s muffintop was spilling out of her jeans as she tried to maneuver her pudgy, out of shape body around the store with a smile.


“Of course, Miss Knight! If you ever need anything, you can count on me, Miss Knight!” She said, her recent weight gain having not seemed to dull her enthusiasm one bit. Which annoyed Emily even further because she was still using it to try and kiss her ass. 

“Sycophant.” Emily spat, rolling her eyes and walking away before the frustration grew too much to bear and she wheeled around, returning to the counter. 

“Actually Tubs, I’d like to buy those boxes of bonbons on the specialty display.” She said, causing Sophia’s eyes to go wide.

“Oh! Which ones?!” She asked enthusiastically, a pleadingly desperate look in her eyes at the chance to serve Emily directly and improve her chances of entering ββω House the following semester.

“You know what? All of them. They’re my gift to you, Sophia. And you will eat them ALL by the end of your shift tomorrow.” She said cattily with cruelly pleasant glare, making strategic use of her real name to entice her into believing she was making some progress in her quest for acceptance.

Even so, Sophia stuttered for a moment. “But…That’s like 20 boxes.”

“It is, Tubby! Good Mathing!” Emily cheered, patting the girl on the head. “Let’s see: 20 boxes, 5 chocolates each…that’s 100 times…let’s say….50 calories…yep! 5,000 calories in 30 hours? You can totally do that! But you’re gonna have to get on it, Tubs!”

Sophia’s happy demeanor darkened a bit, her facade dropping. “…Yes Miss Knight.”

“Good “ Emily said. “Now be a good girl and tell me what I love to hear.” 

Sophia swallowed nervously. She knew this was part of the pledging process, but she was getting used to humiliating herself in front of her coworkers. Especially of someone as famous as Emily Knight was prodding her for it.

“Miss Knight is sexy and beautiful and I’m just a fat loser” She droned, trying her best to seem enthusiastic. In reality she wasn’t even all that big, but Emily had made sure to get her student password changed as a favor from Malcolm in terms of pledge admission.

“That’s right. Are you good enough to join my sorority, Sophia?” Emily cooed almost musically.

“No.” The pudgy barista responded.

“And why’s thaaaat?” Emily asked, leaning in sweetly.

“Because I can’t stop eating. I’m a Total Fatty.” Sophia writhed, almost retching at the nauseating pain in her stomach.

“Exactly. See you when I see you, Tubby! And remember, you only have 30 minutes to be at my place if I decide to text you.” Emily smiled, sighing with legitimate relief at how hazing a failed pledge made her feel. 

She knew she was never going to allow Sophia Rosewater into her sisterhood unless she did something drastic to change her own life. She wasn’t looking for people who were going to fawn over everything she did and throw themselves on the ground for her. She wanted REAL people with REAL goals and desires of their own. If Sophia Rosewater ever decided to quit this job and refuse to do what Emily told her, she would probably get her old figure back and stand a chance of getting into ββω. But as the house leader looked back at her new pet pussy licker.

In truth, Sophia had come to the house several times since the initiations began, but never as a pledge or even a guest. Emily would have her enter late at night through the kitchen exit to meet her in her room whenever she felt like torturing the poor girl who would eagerly perform oral sex on the tight bodied blonde who would spend the time softly wiggling and moaning as she typed away on her phone, texting Malcolm between orgasms. Sophia originally hated the idea, but grew more and more attached to her station over time, but even that was only more proof that she didn’t have what it took to attend her school, let alone be a part of her sorority.

“That’s a lot of chocolate.” Malcolm said casually as the pair left the café and walked to his car. “She’s gonna get sick.”

“Nah. Something tells me she won’t.” Emily said, looking back at the bubbly blonde who could already be seen greedy scarfing down bonbons at the counter while she was supposed to be working. 

“Still, you could be nicer. All she did was like you.” He said, only slightly concerned for the poor girl despite his lover’s obvious enjoyment.

“Yeah, but that's the problem: she likes me *too* much. No matter what happens, she just does whatever she THINKS I *want* her to do. She only says what she THINKS I *want* her to say. She’s fucking soulless. I could tell her to shove a dildo in her ass and suck my toes in front of her parents and she wouldn’t protest in the slightest if she thought it’d get her in. I don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of cheerleady You-go Girls waiting for me to graduate so they can a Bring It On style blood fued over my throne. I want women who actually respect themselves enough to be who they really are in the face of scrutiny."

The two drove, sipping their drinks through their straws in silence as a peppy, poppy song came on through the stereo.

“Wait.” Malcom said. 

Emily turned, wondering what she was waiting for. “What?”

“Oh my god, yes!” He said, now grinning goofily over the steering wheel as “I Rule The World” by LIZ continued to play.

“WHAT?” Emily asked, almost snapping at him in the  impatience of being led on.

“That’s it. I know what to do!” He said excitedly.

“MALCOLM. TELL ME WHAT THE THING IS.” She half-yelled in an attempt to get him to spill the beans instead of just hyping it up forever.

He looked over at her and grinned. “Protest.”

Emily’s eyes widened in terror. “ROAD! LOOK AT THE FUCKING ROAD!!!” 

“OHSHIT! Myyyy baaaaaaad~” Malcolm sing-songed as he narrowly swerved between two cars to and making an illegal left turn into a shopping center they didn’t need to be in, leaving Emily clinging to the passenger side “Oh Shit Bar” for dear life as she began a set of impromptu breathing exercises.
“Anyways, you should stage a protest.” He said, grinning ear to ear as if he didn’t just narrowly avoid rear-ending a Mercedes Benz doing 40.

Katie had been running the pledges through a group workout session when Emily nearly kicked the door down, scaring the girls to death save for Katie herself who was by now used to Emily’s enthusiasm and refused to give up finishing her squats because Miss Knight had another revelation.

“Sup, Emmers. Is there a reason why you’re totally freaking my students out and killing everyone’s eyesight with the light of the lifestar while we’re doing our weekly blacklight booty workout?” She asked in a soft, sarcastic vocal fry that betrayed her valley girl roots. 



“Oh. Shit. So the meeting didn’t go well?” Katie asked aloofly, returning to her exercises without even really looking back at Emily. The other girls followed suit as she braced against the wall for leg lifts, unintentionally showing off her large, plastic-filled bubble butt in the process.

“Anyways, I’m in.” She said “ Anyone else know? You tell Victoria yet?” 

Emily paused, staring blankly for a moment, her face still branded with determination as a heavy blonde moment set in. 

“No.” She said, her eyes flicking off to the right corners of her eyes. “Alright. You start drumming up support and get the sports teams onboard. I’m gonna go tell Victoria.” 

Emily had already dashed off back to the car before Katie could respond, so she didn’t bother trying. She and the pledges only had enough time to switch legs before Emily ran back into the doorway.

“Hale Center.” Katie said immediately.

“Yep. Thank you.” Emily chirped, pointing a finger at her friend. “Baby Emily, straighten your leg. Katiekat, your ass looks fucking DELISH. Kay, bye!”

Katie grinned and rolled her eyes at the other bewildered girls. “Our fearless leader, ladies. I swear that chick has like… MAD ADHD or something.” She said.

“….Wait. Ew.”

Powerwalking into the Hale Center, Emily couldn’t help but notice how many hot guys and lusciously curvy girls stopped to watch her strut across the lawn. This bode well for recruitment, she thought. Victoria was easy to spot from the doorway, though mainly because Emily noticed her deep blue shirt. Even in the sorority house, Victoria had a notoriously large chest and was the envy of every woman there without even needing an ounce of plastic. Sure, she was a little pudgy, but Emily fiercely defended it as “pleasantly plump” after she’d succeeded in dropping upwards of 30 pounds to avoid Course Correction. 


“Hey! I need to talk to you.” Emily said, walking up and waving off the two frat boys that Victoria had been allowing to dote on her. Victoria smiled, but batted her eyelashes several times before responding.

“Okay. Um. Hi Emily! Also, am I in trouble for something?” She asked semi-nervously.
Emily tilted her head quizzically. “No? I have something cool to tell you though!” She said.
“Alright, well open by saying ‘Hey Victoria, I have something cool to tell you!’ Instead of ‘We need to talk to you’. That way, I don’t feel like I am getting fired, expelled, or walking into the living room after my parents walked in on me having sex.” Victoria said in a minorly sarcastic, but still sugary sweet tone.

“Oh shit, did that actually happen?” Emily asked.

“Sure did. I was still in high school too.” Victoria responded, pursing her lips and looking at the ground.

“Yikes.” Emily said.

“YIKES.” Victoria affirmed. “Anyways, what’s up?”

“The board said no. They’re gonna kick Kelly out of school for unless we stage a protest.” Emily explained briefly, much to Victoria’s shock.

“WHAT?! They can’t expel her for that!” She said, her hand flying to her mouth and her deep blue eyes widening.

“No, they can’t. Because they’re not expelling her. That’s not what they do. They call it a breach of contract and revoke your scholarship. No funding means you have to pay the whole tuition yourself and no pregnant 20 year old has that much money. THAT’S what they kick you out for.” Emily elaborated with a serious, determined vigor. “But we’re not letting that happen. That’s why I need you to help make the protest into a giant party. Instead of attending classes, we will be screaming outside of the dean’s office to change his mind. But we’re gonna turn it into fucking Coachella so no one gets tired and fucks off, and we can have fun taking over the school!”

Victoria flashed a wickedly proud smile. “I fucking love you. Let’s go save the fucking day, huh? Did you tell Katie?”

“Katie’s down, but now I need to tell Sophie. Also, where is Sophie?” Emily asked.

The curvy blonde narrowed her eyes and puckered her lips as she thought. “I think……Oh. She just finished off CC, so she’s probably at the admissions office getting her paperwork taken care of and stuff. You can probably still catch her if you run.” 

Emily nodded, smiled, and then ran off in the other direction at an impressively high speed for a girl with as much silicone in her body as she did. She bolted across campus, making sure to implement her breathe control techniques she’d learned from Malcolm after the two binged Demon Slayer together and he’d explained that such skills were more or less real. Apparently, he had been something of a martial arts nerd and did pick a few real tricks up here and there, even if he had the physique of a mantis and couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag. It seemed dorky at the time, but it really did give her more wind when she would go jogging with the girls.

She tore up the hill to the admissions office just as Sophie was making her way past the pool. Having completed her Corrections courses, she was glowing with confidence and had slimmed down significantly. SophieLuxx had made a name for herself as Bright University’s first premier Burlesque dancer even before she’d fully lost the extra weight that got her in trouble in the first place. The woman that walked up to Emily was a shining example of the closest thing to an alternative girl Bright had. Her body was an outrageously fake hourglass with an equally enhanced face topped with artificially pink hair. Even so, she was incredibly popular despite her rocky start in her first year and was well on her way to celebrity status at the university.


“Hey….I…..need…fuck….uhm….I….need….” Emily huffed, gasping for air as she bent over and lifted a finger to signal an amused Sophie to wait. “The meeting sucked. We’re gonna protest the decision.” 

At first, Sophie felt her heart sink into her stomach, but couldn’t help but be swayed by Emily’s charisma and certainty. Instead, she just stood in awe and bewilderment, unsure of what to feel, let alone do.

“Fucking what?” She asked, completely overwhelmed.

After catching her breath, Emily explained that the meeting had gone poorly and that the board had voted to cut the funding of pregnant students instead of building accommodations for them, forcing every girl who did what she was taught in school to drop out. This was so common in fact, that by that point, 90% of women, be they pregnant or not would drop out before their graduation and even hold huge parties for it once they’d had their fun at Bright or found a rich benefactor to take care of them. Understandably outraged, Sophie immediately agreed to use her connections as a performer to bring in bands, dancers, and festival performers to draw more attention to the protest and completely disrupt regular school functions, complete with bouncers as a counter for school security.
When she was sure Emily was done talking, Sophie looked at her friend with a look of judgement and confusion.

“…What...?” Emily asked, now suspicious and trying to replay her explanation in her mind, hoping to detect where or even if she said something wrong.
Sophie removed her sunglasses and held them on her wide, plastic-enhanced hip. 

“That’s all great but like…..why’d you run all the way here to tell me? Where was your car?”

“The car is on the other end of campus and it would have been faster to run than to go through the traffic.” Emily explained knowingly.

Sophie wasn’t impressed. “Then why didn’t you just like…wait until I got home?”

“Because I figured that I didn’t know if you were gonna go out again, or if you were gonna be back late or something.” Emily defended, proud of herself for having a response ready and feeling like she was getting the better of the exchange.

“Then why didn’t you just text me? Or like…*call* if it’s that urgent. Hell, you and Victoria send me corgi videos and shit all the time, so I know you know how to reach me. Dumb bitch.” Sophie teased, her smile growing wider as she watched Emily’s face when she realized that she didn’t need to have run all that way at all.

“And now you have to walk all the way back to get your car.” She said, smiling.

With a sigh, Emily said “See you at home?” and began jogging briskly away.

“See you at home! And hurry!” Sophie called out. 

“FASTER! RUN, BITCH!!” She yelled, laughing as Emily heaved a heavy sigh and hauled ass back across the campus.

After the excitement of the day had worn off, Kelly walked out to find Emily poring through a book on California law.

“Hey,” She said sweetly in her breathy, whisperlike rasp. “I just wanted to say I am like, SUPER touched by the outpouring of positive energy you guys are having for me right now and I wanted to know how I can help. It *is* really my fight and my fault. You guys shouldn’t have to fight so hard for me.”

Emily smiled kindly, all traces of sexiness erased from her intent as she turned to face the blonde hippie barbie doll. “It’s not your fault, and it’s definitely not just your fight. Only 10% of women graduate from Bright because of this shit and that needs to change. All these women, including you aren’t allowed a secure future just because you were being yourself and doing what you’re made to do. It’s unfair and pretty fucking toxic, and I am not going to stand by as young women get thrown to the wolves because they are having a soon-to-be underprivileged child who could have been taken care of had four guys not been assholes. Besides, you don’t need to do anything seeing as how you’re pregananant and also like the face of our whole movement. YOU are the star, not me. So you just do that thing you do where you stand all serene and bathed in light and joy, and we’ll all cream our panties over what a goddess you are. You shall be our Helen. Our Nike. Or I dunno. I dunno what we are mythologically right now.” 


Kelly closed her eyes and felt the heat of half-formed tears burning into them. With the happiest, most touched face, she said “I’m an emotionally vulnerable Pisces and you’re the Aries from Hell if that clears it up a little bit.” 

Emily smiled back, her lack of edge replacing her sex appeal with the soft beauty of a purely pretty and caring girl. “It does.” She said.

“….Also….wait. When’s my birthday?” She asked warily.

Kelly shrugged. “Late March?” She guessed.

“April.” Emily scowled slightly. “How did you know I’m an Aries?” She pressed, becoming more interrogative than originally intended.

“It’s obvious.” Kelly said, standing back up and cradling her rounded belly with a slow, cold exhale.

“Go to bed.” Emily said kindly. “You have lots of baby to grow and I have reading to do so that we don’t get sued or whatever.” 

Kelly was again in tears as she opened her bedroom door. 

“You are really making a difference, you know. This could change a lot of lives for the better.” She said.

“That’s what I came here to do.” Emily replied with a soft, sleepy proudness.


“That’s all I’ve wanted to do this whole time.”



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