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Night Time

"Listen up, you cannot cross over from here no ma――――――tter what. Also, if you turn over here......I will hit you"

Estelise, places three empty bottles between the two of them. At those round adorable eyes of hers, a slight bit of tears is pooling up. Aah......as I thought, being in the same tent is――goes the lingerie beauty who's in deep regret.

"More importantly, today, people targeting for our lives showed up, you know"

Asch, answers with his back facing towards her. That voice had, a deep and serious tone.

"Wha-, what......are you alright?"

"Aah, it settled without any incident. I'm really glad I managed to stop them alone somehow before the students had any casualty"

Nonchalantly making an appeal of his own achievement. Making an appeal of his care for the students.


The Dark Magician, turned around and faced her direction.

"They weren't targeting me. Neither were they targeting Cis, the Holy Ark. Rather than me, I think their target seems to be the students"

The assassins attacked Mira's group as well. It's likely, that his deduction isn't wrong. As far as it goes, he'd given the instruction to make those, who were captured, spew out any information of their client, but it's likely futile.


"Estelise, do you know anything?"

The Dark Magician, stared straight into her eyes.

"......I, do not know anything"

She answered as such, but that expression of hers seemed grim somewhere.

"The students, might get targeted in the future"


"I'm begging you. You don't wish to expose them to further danger either, right?"

Saying that, he places his hand on her shoulder, and on top of that, sends a passionate gaze to her.


Of course, it's an act.

Amidst the serious conversation, this ero Magician succeeded in going as far as to place his hand on her shoulder. He desperately suppresses, the tremors in his heart at that delicate and soft sensation.

In plays, a protagonist who makes a woman fond of them and asks for important information often appears. However, Asch's interpretation is different. They're making the ladies like them, by asking for important information. The ero Magician concludes that that causal relationship is the other way around.

The truth of the incident or whatnot, it doesn't matter. He's just, acting like he's serious, in hopes of coaxing her.

Point-blank range. The fake gentleman, gradually shrinks the distance between them at a speed that she doesn't notice.

"No, you don't have to force yourself to talk about it. You have your circumstances as well after all. However, just as long as you don't forget what I said just now"

He spews such phrases; contrary to his heart.

Lingerie. Here is where the competent butler's competence shines. Her choice of design where her cleavage is abundantly visible. 'It's the epitome of perfection', the ero Magician praises Mira.

"I am really sorry. Now is still......"

"Fuu......is that so"

He averts his eyes lonelily......in an act and onto her thighs. He observes her slender thighs as well. 'Aah, I wanna touch them. Aaa, I wanna touch them', are the cries of the pervert ero Magician's heart.

"I would like you to wait......just a little bit more"

"I'll wait......until the day you open up your heart to me"

He smiles and places his hand on her cheek. The fake gentleman thinks as he places his hand.

'Somehow, it feels like today, I have a shot'

"Won't you try lying on your back for a bit?"

He takes the opportunity and gives it a shot here.


The tent rapidly becomes transparent, and numerous night sky stars are glistening.

It's a masterpiece that the researcher Asch=Dahl poured a single year and a massive sum of fees into. He had anticipated this situation and developed『the tent where the night sky is visible』. A romantic Magician who wants to praise himself even more than usual for completing it, despite it being berated by Mira as『the few useless inventions on the continent』, he is.

"That's Oriel......and, that's Desidees. And then, that's......"

"......as I thought, Asch-sensei sure is knowledgeable huh"

He's crazy happy at those words. He's happy from the bottom of his heart.

"N-, no such thing. Well, this much is common knowledge. And, that star is called Ditarl; there's an interesting anecdote. This is, a story about that famous Divine Star Magic user, Selen=Dovalte......"

Engrossedly, the erudite Magician, starts verbalising what he knows.


3 hours passed.

"......and, that's how it went. It's funny, right? The irony that that famous Sarin=Dogora had such a youth as well......Estelise, it's almost the middle of the night huh......Estelise?"



she was sleeping.


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