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203. Crossing the Sea, The Astonishment of the Qi Cultivator

In Great Chang, within the city of Haizhou, a sliver of sea breeze swept through, infusing the air with a touch of salinity.

"Brother Lin, Brother Shen, have you truly made up your minds?"

Liu Yibai glanced at Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin standing before him, his expression imbued with complexity.

"Brother Liu, since you've chosen to remain within the Hidden Sword Sect, we would kindly ask you to extend your protective gaze over the Nine Profound Sect and my Lin family."

Lin Fei, reciprocating with a respectful bow, had long informed Liu Yibai and Shen Lianxin of his intentions to voyage across the sea in pursuit of the Dao.

However, after deliberate contemplation, Liu Yibai declined. He chose to stay in the Hidden Sword Sect, preserving its centuries-long glory, akin to the Martial Saints of its history.

Furthermore, Liu Yibai's willingness to remain in Great Chang was indeed a boon. With this Martial Saint at the helm, Great Chang was as secure as a fortress of gold. No matter what transpired, Liu Yibai could lend his support to the Lin family.

"Rest easy, Brother Lin. Your Lin family is under the personal care of the Empress. How could it be my turn? The Martial Saint who guards the nation shares the nation's fate. The decree from the Empress is teeming with sincerity."

Liu Yibai commented, his smile teetering between sincerity and mockery.

For nine hundred years since the founding of Great Chang, there had never been a Martial Saint tasked with guarding the nation. Lin Fei was the first!

Rumors about the relationship between Lin Fei and the Empress were already circulating in the city. Liu Yibai was merely teasing Lin Fei.

Lin Fei offered no rebuttal. Following that, with a single stride, he stepped into the void.

"Until we meet again, Brother Liu! If there ever comes a day when I successfully find the Dao, I shall return to Great Chang!"

"Brother Lin, Brother Shen, may your journey be smooth!"

In an instant, Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin transformed into a streak of light. Soaring out of Haizhou City, they vanished within the vast expanse of the sea.

"Pursuing the Dao... I hope there will be a day of reunion..."

Liu Yibai gazed towards the outskirts of Haizhou City, remaining still for a long while.


The boundless sea stretched out before them, a sight that never ceased.

Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin had been flying for over a month.

Finally, Lin Fei could rest assured they hadn't circled back to their starting point. Haizhou City was nowhere to be seen. This confirmed that they had truly distanced themselves from Haizhou City.

Indeed, the ocean was the only path leading away from Great Chang. However, the sea was perilous.

In the initial few days, they faced no threats. Yet, barely a fortnight later, Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin encountered sea beasts, which were exotic beasts.

Great Chang was not devoid of such creatures, but they were simply found within the depths of the sea. The ordinary innate martial artist, even Grand Masters, would encounter numerous perils in the deep sea. Even Martial Saints would be at a disadvantage when facing these exotic beasts, a situation likely to end in disaster.

Shen Lianxin was acutely aware of this. In this short span of a month, they encountered seven crises. If Shen Lianxin had been alone during these seven crises, his death would have been almost certain! Fortunately, they had Lin Fei. Together, they had weathered these seven crises.

The pursuit of Dao was an arduous journey. Lin Fei even harboured suspicions that many of those who had departed - Foundation Establishment True Persons and even the Martial Saints - were likely more prone to disaster than fortune.

Take, for instance, the founding patriarch of Great Chang. Despite his comprehension of Momentum, the vast sea was riddled with peril. At any moment, a powerful sea beast could strike him down.

Yet, Lin Fei held an advantage - he possessed the Sky Reaching Tower. Within it, a world unto itself, he stored abundant fresh water and food. Although a Martial Saint could procure sustenance from the sea, the vast and treacherous waters demanded that they maintain a low profile. Their movements should be as discrete as possible.

With the Sky Reaching Tower, they could even retreat within it for rest. As such, Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin were able to delve deeper into the sea with more surprises than threats.

One month, two months, three months... Time trickled by, with Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin drifting aimlessly across the sea. Several months passed, and yet they had not spotted any land or coastline. They even lost track of the way back to Great Chang.

However, both of them were Martial Saints with unyielding resolve. Even though they were "adrift" at sea and directionless, their willpower remained steadfast. After all, it had only been a few months.

Even if they were to drift at sea for years, their convictions would not waver. Becoming a Martial Saint required an indomitable spirit!

Lin Fei, hovering above the sea, glanced at Shen Lianxin. His companion was as reticent as ever. If Lin Fei did not initiate conversation, Shen Lianxin might remain silent for months, or even years. Though they journeyed together, their conversations were few and far between.

"Brother Shen, have you noticed that in recent days, the number of sea beasts we've encountered has been decreasing? Sometimes, we wouldn't encounter a single sea beast in a day or two."

"Brother Lin, what do you imply?"

"Perhaps, we are nearing land."

A gleam of anticipation shimmered in Lin Fei's eyes. The dwindling number of sea beasts could only be attributed to one reason - they had been hunted. Or, there was something in the vicinity that deterred them.

However, with the vastness of the ocean, it seemed implausible that there would be several days, even weeks, without encountering a single sea beast.

Near the land, there would be people, and where there were people, there would likely be strong martial or immortal cultivators hunting vast amounts of sea beasts. Thus, the number of sea beasts naturally decreased. Moreover, sea beasts, inclined to seek fortune and avoid calamity, would hesitate to approach land.

However, this was only a hypothesis on Lin Fei's part. As of now, they hadn't even sighted a coastline, let alone the land. He didn't know how long it would take before they could truly set eyes on dry land.

"Let's enter the Sky Reaching Tower," Lin Fei suggested, his fatigue becoming evident. "We've been on the move for so long, we could use some rest. We'll recover in the tower."

With a wave of his hand, the Sky Reaching Tower appeared in the void.

"Tower Spirit, be on guard."

"Yes, Master."

With that, Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin flew straight into the Sky Reaching Tower. They would continue their journey once their bodies had fully recovered. The Sky Reaching Tower stood tall in the void, absorbing the faint Spiritual Qi from the sea to replenish Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin's internal energy.

Time slipped by unnoticed.

From the distant sea, four or five Qi Condensation cultivators appeared. These cultivators, each controlling a magical artifact, were flying above the sea as if searching for something.

"This area has been swept by Foundation Establishment True Persons, so there aren't any powerful sea beasts here. It's relatively safe," one of them commented. "But the Black Swine Beast doesn't appear in this sea area. We need to venture deeper, but the deeper we go, the greater the chance we encounter powerful sea beasts. With our current strength, such encounters will likely be disastrous."

"We have no other choice. Without catching the Black Swine Beast, when will we be able to gather enough contributions for the Foundation Establishment Pill?"

"Once we catch the Black Swine Beast, we can get at least two Foundation Establishment Pills. If one of us successfully establishes the Foundation, catching Black Swine Beasts will become much easier. Then, everyone could receive a Foundation Establishment Pill."

These Qi Condensation cultivators were all at stages ten, eleven, or even at the pinnacle stage twelve. They adventurously ventured onto the vast sea to hunt the Black Swine Beast to exchange it for a Foundation Establishment Pill.

"Huh? Look, there's a ray of treasure light ahead. Could it be a magic treasure?"

"Magic treasure?"

"Indeed, auspicious treasure light signifies the presence of a magic treasure!"

"It's rumored that beneath this sea, there are immortal dwellings. Could it be that this magic treasure came from one of those dwellings?"

"If it really is a magic treasure, perhaps we wouldn't need to risk catching the Black Swine Beast. We could sell the magic treasure and get the Foundation Establishment Pill."

For a moment, these Qi Condensation cultivators were filled with excitement.

A magic treasure in the open sea wasn't entirely impossible. There were often rumors of fortunate Qi Condensation cultivators who had accidentally fallen into the sea and found magic treasures. Some even rumored that there were ancient immortal dwellings at the bottom of the sea.

It seemed that their luck had finally turned. They "found" a magic treasure.

With that, the five Qi Condensation cultivators, each controlling their magical artifacts, quickly flew towards the treasure light.

Soon, the five cultivators arrived at the void and laid their eyes on the magic treasure. It was a tower radiating with treasure light, appearing mysterious, ancient, and emanating a powerful aura.

204. A strand of Saber Essence decimates the sea beast

"At last, human figures meet our sight…"

The voice of Lin Fei resonated in tranquility.

Unfortunately, these figures were merely Qi Condensation cultivators. As for language and scripts, they seemed akin to those of Great Chang.

Perhaps this was somewhat peculiar. But upon closer contemplation, it appeared to fall within the bounds of reason. After all, this was a world of cultivation. Possibly, ages ago, Great Chang had been connected with the outside world. Now, these were trivial concerns.

What mattered was that Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin had finally encountered others. And these were Qi Condensation cultivators no less! This implied that there were places suitable for cultivation. Undeniably, these Qi Condensation cultivators wouldn't be able to cultivate on the sea.


Lin Fei withdrew the Sky ReachingTower. Simultaneously, he also pulled back the Saber Momentum. Instantly, the five Qi Condensation cultivators began to gasp for air vehemently.

The oppressive aura exerted by Lin Fei had been overwhelmingly terrifying. Could this be the legendary "Martial Saint"?

Indeed, in legend. Because for a very long time, they hadn't seen a Martial Saint. The Fairy Mist Island housed martial artists. However, the Martial Saints were nearly extinct!

"From whence do you cultivators hail?"

Lin Fei inquired.

"With due respect, senior, we are cultivators from the Zhao family of Fairy Mist Island."

"Fairy Mist Island?"

A flicker passed through Lin Fei's gaze. Judging by the name, it seemed to be an island.

The Qi Condensation cultivators exchanged glances. Subsequently, one of them gritted his teeth and cautiously queried, "Dare I ask, senior, are you a Martial Saint?"


A glint flashed in Lin Fei's eyes.

For a moment, even without the exhibition of the Saber Momentum, the inherent oppression of a Martial Saint was not something these Qi Condensation cultivators could match. More so, Lin Fei was no ordinary Martial Saint.

"I am indeed a Martial Saint. Are there no martial artists on your Fairy Mist Island?"

Lin Fei's question hung in the air with an aura of calm. He had just extinguished the ten immortal sects in Great Chang. The enmity between him and the Qi cultivators was far from trivial. Even before, in Great Chang, the relationship between martial artists and Qi cultivators had been fraught with tension.

If the situation on Fairy Mist Island was similar, then Lin Fei would have to consider whether to annihilate these Qi Condensation cultivators. After all, since they had encountered Qi cultivators here, it implied the proximity of Fairy Mist Island. A bit more searching, and they would certainly find it. They didn't even need these Qi cultivators to guide them.

"Senior, we do have martial artists on Fairy Mist Island. Perhaps the senior has misunderstood. On Fairy Mist Island, martial artists and Qi cultivators coexist. However, it has been a long time since a Martial Saint was born on Fairy Mist Island, hence the query. May I ask elder, have you traveled across the sea?"

"Indeed, I, Lin, have drifted in the vast sea for several months. This is the first encounter with living beings."

Lin Fei did not conceal his identity. This was something that simply couldn't be hidden. Even these Qi cultivators had discerned at a glance that Lin Fei had arrived across the sea.

Upon hearing this, the five Qi cultivators exchanged glances. A hint of shock shimmered in their eyes. He really had journeyed across the sea! Moreover, he had drifted on the sea for several months.

Several months! It should be noted, once one strayed away from the vicinity of Fairy Mist Island and slightly ventured into the outer sea, terrifying sea beasts would be encountered. Even the lofty Foundation Establishment True Persons would more likely face calamity than fortune. To have endured three days' time was deemed a feat for top-tier Foundation Establishment True Persons.

And now?

These two Martial Saints who had journeyed across the sea could actually drift for several months at sea. This was truly unimaginable!

The five Qi cultivators weren't fools, under such circumstances, it could only indicate that the two Martial Saints before them were incredibly powerful. Even beyond their imaginations.

For a moment, the hearts of the five Qi Condensation cultivators burned with excitement.

"Seniors, since you have journeyed across the sea, you must be seeking the Dao, right? Our Fairy Mist Island occasionally hosts visitors from the outer sea who are on a quest for Dao. Seniors could first come to Fairy Mist Island, rest a while, and understand the situation. And then make plans, how about it?"

The Qi cultivators took the initiative to invite Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin.

"Inviting us, what's in it for you?"

Lin Fei asked straightforwardly. After all, this was not Great Chang. For Lin Fei, everything here was unfamiliar.


The five Qi cultivators felt a bit abrupt, but when they thought that Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin had journeyed across the sea and might have encountered countless dangers, being vigilant was quite justified.

"Seniors, if we say there are no benefits, you probably wouldn't believe us. To be honest with you, both of you are Martial Saints and there are martial arts families on Fairy Mist Island, they are currently desperate for Martial Saints. If we bring the two Martial Saints back to Fairy Mist Island. Then, those martial arts families will certainly seek us out. As Qi Condensation cultivators, we desire some resources, and we believe those martial arts families will certainly give them. After all, they are all former Martial Saint families, each with deep resources."

These Qi cultivators didn't dare hide anything. They basically laid everything out on the table.

"There are Martial Saint families on Fairy Mist Island?"

"Yes, there are indeed Martial Saint families, and more than one!"

Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin exchanged a glance. Now they had journeyed across the sea and had been drifting on the vast ocean for several months, wasn't it to seek the Dao and hope to make further progress in martial arts? Since there were Martial Saint families on Fairy Mist Island, it was natural to go take a look. Even if there was no breakthrough in martial arts, they would also know the direction for a breakthrough in martial arts.

"Alright, we will follow you back to Fairy Mist Island."

Lin Fei agreed.

"Great! Now, even if we can't find the Black Swine Beast, there might still be hope for our Foundation Establishment Pills. This trip wasn't in vain."

The faces of the five Qi Condensation cultivators all held a glimmer of joy.

Martial Saints! It is believed that the Martial Saint families on Fairy Mist Island would each go crazy. And those Martial Saint families, each was exceedingly wealthy. In order to meet a Martial Saint, giving them some resources was nothing.

However, just as they were about to leave,

Suddenly, someone exclaimed: "Look, the Black Swine Beast!"

"The Black Swine Beast has been found!"

"Isn't our trip out to sea for the purpose of hunting the Black Swine Beast?"

"Now that we're here, and it's so close, it would be a pity not to hunt it."

For a moment, the five Qi Condensation cultivators were somewhat hesitant.

"Seniors, our trip out to sea was specifically to hunt the Black Swine Beast. This relates to whether we can obtain the Foundation Establishment Pills. So, please wait a moment, seniors, let us hunt this Black Swine Beast first, then we'll take you back to Fairy Mist Island."

In the end, these Qi Condensation cultivators decided to hunt the Black Swine Beast first.

Lin Fei glanced at the Black Swine Beast. He had seen this kind of sea beast. Its strength was not worth mentioning. Even a Foundation Establishment cultivator could handle it.

Lin Fei was in a hurry to go to Fairy Mist Island. So, he lightly said, "You want to hunt this sea beast? Forget it, consider it as a greeting gift."

Lin Fei flicked his finger.


A wisp of saber energy flew out. In an instant, this wisp of saber energy grew with the wind and it transformed into a heavenly saber several tens of meters high.


The sky saber fell instantly. It slashed on the Black Swine Beast.


The Black Swine Beast let out a miserable cry. Almost without the power to resist, it was cut into two halves by the heavenly saber.

Blood dyed the surrounding seawater red. The air was filled with a rich scent of blood. The five Qi Condensation cultivators were all looking at Lin Fei with an incredibly shocked expression.

With a casual wave, He killed the Black Swine Beast. Even a Foundation Establishment True Person couldn't do it this easily and casually. And they knew, Martial Artists, especially Martial Saints, excel in close combat.

As for Lin Fei? Thousand of meters away, his true essence flew out, easily killing the Black Swine Beast. This was beyond their understanding of martial artists. They felt incredibly shocked! At this moment, perhaps they could more intuitively understand what it means to drift at sea for months.


Justin van mele

Please tell me that Lin was storing all those beasts he was killing, that should give them some pocket money atleast.