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Hello friends! Yesterday was a holiday in the U.S. so I took off. However I did manage to work on some requests a little yesterday and today and made: 

  • Armored Owlbear - this was a fun model to put together! Making the custom armor bits was some good modeling :D. Full files are in Misc Patron Requests - O - Owlbear Armored. 
  • Spyder Fiend - a fun sculpting project! This was a weird one for sure haha. Full files are in Misc Patron Requests - S - Spyder Fiend. 
  • Goblinoid Revenant Rogue - this was a very specific request! The robotic eyeball might make this not too useable to most but a good paint job can make anything work in the end haha. Full files are in Adventurers - Rogues - Other Rogues. 

That's all for now! More to come tomorrow! 




This is perfect as I recently printed an owl bear and my current set of players has a ranger in it, so now I’ll have the armored one to print incase they tame it :)


The goblin kind of reminds me of Teatime from Terry Pratchett's The Colour of Magic


The armored owlbear is just the excuse we've all been waiting for to have an exotic animals division of a major city's watch.