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Now that Monsters of the Multiverse is done its time for you all to vote on what I'll work on next! Below is a list of the books that are out now that I'd love to work on or personal projects I think would be fun. Please keep in mind this is a big list of what I want to work on and some books didn't make the cut given some are already near completion and I'd prefer to work on something big. 

Also keep in mind I can't work on Critical Role content as I was asked by individuals very involved in the creation of CR content to not to tackle their books. The folks at CR have their own plans for minis and I want to respect their wishes so I'm sure you all understand. Being rude to CR people just feels .. wrong lol. 

Anyway while this poll is going on I'll be working on requests from the request board! Also you're welcome to vote for more than one given there are a lot of good choices here. Thanks again everyone for your continued support! I can't wait to see what you guys pick! 



Got to love democracy .... but NOT when there is a majority for Spelljammer :( :( Like what the actual F. I remember when Loot Studio did their spelljammer month. SO many ppl (including myself) voiced how unhappy they were. So much so, that Loot had to go out afterwards and say, that the following months release would see a return to more "classical" themes. On another note: is it possible to changes ones original vote? I opted for MCDM, but I would rather change that vote to Kobold Press, just to try to avoid Spelljammer :)

Cam Macaulay

I'm pretty sure a lot of the 241 who didn't vote for it actively have a problem with the book.


So in case Tome of Beasts wins, does this cover only the first one or all three?


I was hoping to see the new starter box in the poll.....


I modeled most of the starter box already. There are only 5 models in that that are unique that I have plenty of substitutes for. It'd take me a day. In fact... Hmm


Come on Spelljammer! For those of you hating on Spelljammer, just don't use the book. There are tons of good books outside of it or just homebrew. I personally just want to see some cool ships, and some strange new monsters.


I really want Spelljammer to win that would be so cool!


There’s a few from Icewind Dale ROTFM that no one has made an stl for yet (or maybe I just missed them on your site?) - the Magen in Ythryn.

Derek Read

Curious to see what comes out of Spelljammer. It's never been interesting to me but figs might be useable for Traveller or Gammaworld. One reason I was in on Loot's sci-fi for a while.


Hello! I'm new to the Patreon and was wondering if "The Game Master's Book of Legendary Dragons" was ever on a pole?


I would love Spelljammer used to play when it first came out. Homebrewed some cool stuff. Really want to see some Drangonlance though. Chronicles are some of the best books.


Cmon guys! Spelljammer next!


Im playing dragonlance with my group right now and it would be amazing having a lord Soth and the the main different Draconians to play with.


Ravnica will get my vote every time


Come on Spelljammer. Some of the coolest and weirdest creatures are from there.


I have this book and its a great addition to any DM's collection, you should take a look at it.


I noticed that most monsters from Dragonlance SotDQ are new versions from Fizban ToD, i think it might be interesting, and imo new versions are a lot cooler then Fizban versions.


I just started a Spelljammer campaign.


Only 19 votes separating the behemoth Tome of Beasts from the comfortably small Spelljammer book... We'd like to see MZ finish up a few shorter books from the backlog before starting on the behemoth books...


Oh, and a small reminder to everyone: Remember that you can vote for multiple books in this poll. You don't need to pick just one.


Space clowns...


Bruh, to the 2268 that voted for tome of beasts, ya'll suck