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Thanks again folks for the fun mimic ideas you submitted earlier! Now its tine for the final poll! Go ahead and pick your favorite mimic idea and I'll make it later this week! I won't vote unless a tie breaker is needed. Expect something silly soon! 

Also today I updated my Chest Mimic

Full files are in Monster Manual - M - Mimics. Expect some fun stuff this week and don't worry, I'll also include the Hiding Mimic forms too :)



so many great things... Too bad we can only vote for one...


Oh wow. Cavern entrance is amazing. So huge! It has an eldritch horror vibe.

GM Numbat

I like the danger sign. Truth in advertising. A rare beast!


As an above knee amputee I'd love to see the prosthetic leg mimic :-)


DM: You notice a bright yellow sign on a wooden post near the road that reads, "Danger: Sign of Mimics"


For the next round of silly mimics, I nominate: The Canoe! Perfect for safely getting across that underground lake!