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The weekends are my chance to cut loose and work on fun projects. This weekend I worked on more of the characters from D&D Presents, the new streaming game hosted by Chris Perkins. Yesterday I painted up the Permit Crab and King Crab. Now I have her Rainer, printed and painted. He's played by Nathan Sharp. Next model is Setsuna the Tiefling Death Cleric, played by Mica Burton.

Her character works well for any tiefling necromancer as well, and if you remove the death highlights she could work as a another good caster model in general. Full files are in the DnD Presents folder. You can find them here too:  https://www.prusaprinters.org/prints/25073-dd-presents-torch-characters  

I'm going to a friends wedding today so I won't be painting her when she's done printing. I'll probably get around to it next weekend. Tomorrow its back to Descent into Avernus and your requests of course :-) 



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