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For you old school D&D fans you'll probably recognize this fella :-D 

Either way he's ready for your printing needs. You can find him in the MTOF folder under Eidolons. Wyrmlings, you can find the stl here:  https://www.shapeways.com/product/BE4QT7MWX/sacred-statue  

Next up are the Eladrin! For these given the major differences are more based on the the paint job, I'm just going to make four versions: two female and two male either in melee or ranged combat mode. 



Douglas Rector

I knew you would get around to doing him standing eventually. Thanks!

Douglas Rector

And just when I was looking for something to print today too! Of course he is getting scaled up by 2.3 to match the old idol sitting.

Sam Kay

Dig the textures on him!


Do you have a sitting version of this guy?