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Yes I did not forget about the voting 👀 I have a very up-to-date to do list in my mind that I just keep organized after priorities and deadlines so it took me a little to work on this! I hope I will be able to finish this before the month ends, but depending on how busy the upcoming days are with new-year's eve related events I might have to move it until very early next month, I'll do my best to get it done fast though!

I'm actually really happy with how this already is and I'm sure the final picture will be lovely! <3 Mipha is probably my favorite BoTw character so I'm really happy you guys voted for her :D Been a good while since I got to draw her last and it'll be really fun to compare this (once it's done) with my last full render Mipha picture ~ I took some liberties with her clothes & accessories, made her take some of them off where I felt like it would be easy to take them off while not completely undressing her, I hope you guys are okay with that choice! Also already have a nice background for this in mind, can't wait to work on it 👀
And one last thing, I'd suggest zooming in a little to see all the details because I've spent a good while on making the lines pretty and adding details ✨

I hope you like it so far already! <3




Looking good so far!