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Ah ah ah. I know I know, I have like three or more other stories that I ought to write upload notes for. You can't stop me from skipping around, though. It's precious that you think I have to live like that. (I don't know why I feel convinced to have to live like that normally.) Trust me though, I'm gonna write up some more notes for those stories right after this.

Ahah. Anyway. Rachel's Realm! This was one of those commissions I took during my computer emergency, and an especially fun one! An easy way to get me to prioritize your commission, as it turns out, is to include a good heap of content that's either easy to write, or includes angles I'm particularly fond of~ But I think regular commissioners-of-art understand that. This is just a good example of that, I think, because I was able to get a good stride with this comm as a result; the content was to my liking, and the idea straightforward enough to dive right into. Just thought that maybe some folks would like to know that, yes, as a human, I do act on my biases~

And look at all these biases. Rampage content PLUS taking tinies away to a fellow giant partner. Ugh, I'm an easy sucker for this stuff. Love the fantasy of being stolen away and, just like that, I'm some sort of accessory to two giants having messy sex. Ung, right? Hah, actually Im sure quite a few people won't like the giant male content, or maybe specifically the couple-context -- it's not for everyone -- but if you have any reservations, maybe it'll make you feel better to know that all the male content comes at the end. Not really an intentional compromise, that's just sort of how the comm worked out~ We wanted to focus on Rachel primarily, and the content with her boyfriend to be more like a bonus. I tried to write it out so that the narrative favored her, but... I don't think I did a good job of that lol! I think in the end, I was giving Dylan a little too much perspective... but maybe I'm overthinking it.

Giant couple sex, as awesome as it is... it is suuuuuuuuuuuuch an ordeal to write out. Oh my god. You all certainly know how I am... wordy and overly detailed, right? Yeah well, that gets exhausting for me when I'm having to write a scene as hectic as two giants having sex with a bunch of tiny people all around them. There's just so, so many different perspectives, all weighing in at different importances. Capturing the emotions of both partners, giving them unique elements to stay engaged with, while also checking-in from the perspective of the tinies and how they respond to every shiver and squirt... It's, uh, easy to feel overwhelmed! A lot of times I had to cut back and try an interaction again, just because it was getting too wordy, or a crucial detail got completely overlooked. I love giant couples but oof, I need to refuel on electrolytes after writing a full scene of that... Hope it was worth it! I thought it was~

A lot of rampage scenes in this, as a lot of my writing tends to be about nowadays. Making these scenes unique from story to story is a regular challenge. So many times, I get worried I'm too repetitive, remaking the same scenes over and over. I try to break up the monotony with some unique elements, but some tropes are also just... kinda inescapable, huh? Hah, like the helicopter scene, that's fairly predictable stuff -- dumbass helicopter pilots always get too close to the giants -- so I tried to get some unique value out of it, like having her treat the camera as a live feed, crushing it between her thighs to impress the reporter, and then just eating her outright... Nothing especially original in all that on a grand level, but at least among my own works, it's something different! Same could be applied to my use of different settings; I included a luxury hotel, which might sound familiar to readers of Kaiju Summer Fun, but with this angle, I went with the "seat-shaped building" idea, which is something I loooove in a good rampage, a giant taking aim with her ass and promptly sitting down, gettin' cozy....... In any case, I gotta say, luxury hotels and resorts are fantastic settings lol. Easy access to all sorts of features, tons of people in different situations to mess with, the layout can be just about anything -- really convenient! ... This is the type of stuff writers love to think about.

This is yet another story where I debated about the title for a long while. It was actually just called "Rachel's Portal" for its whole development time... I tried playing around with some different ideas, trying to sound less bland... Focused on things like "Wish-Fulfillment," "Dream Come True," something to play-up the fetishist part Rachel has going on with her character. Ultimately... I fall back on ol' reliable: alliteration. Though in addition to having a nicer ring to it, Rachel's Realm also has the double-meaning of including both Rachel's own dimension, as well as the tiny world, which effectively then belongs to her. Much better title, putting more emphasis on what the portal does versus the portal itself.

Ahhhhhhlright. I think that's my notes on this one! Hope you guys enjoyed the story, and maybe found something neat about these notes~ That's one comm down, with about five more to go! Once I get a few more out of the way, and the others have some decent progress dedicated to them, I'm def gonna be open to taking more commissions~ This was really fun, and I think it's a business model I should definitely uh take advantage of more often. So if you've ever wanted some writing, stay alert~ Thanks for the support!


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