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[This story is a commission for my patron, Sapphire! Thank you so much for your support~

The following story features a giant woman, ~90 meters tall, and later includes an equally giant male partner. The story contains city rampaging/destruction; violence/crush; vore; breasts, ass, cunt, dick, feet; insertion; giant couple sex; masturbation; stealing people; initially unaware content.]

He was struck speechless when he entered the garage and saw it there in the corner, some glowing phenomenon that crackled with an electrical energy, a hole of distorted light that he dared not approach. He stood by the door, using it halfway as a shield while he contemplated how to proceed, yet unsure just how dangerous it could be. Rachel was the more forward one of their relationship, but Dylan was without her – he had been looking for her, realizing she had not yet joined him in bed, when he stumbled upon that surreal scene.

Dylan stepped into the garage slowly, his skin chilled by the concrete floor and the suspense of what he stared into – wearing boxers and a t-shirt, he was especially anxious by whatever the spectacle could be. Then, before he could get within reach, it rippled; Dylan blinked and backed away, expecting a surge of power to lash out and harm him. It was more baffling than what he imagined, that from the other side of the portal appeared a human – his girlfriend, exiting the strange circle of light without distress nor confusion, but a bubbly smile, a joy that spilled down onto that which she carried in both hands against her torso. Rachel looked her happiest, so zoned into her emotion that she had not yet noticed her partner was there to greet her.

“Rachel! Wh-What are– What is that?!” Dylan asked, his voice surprising Rachel into a gasp. He thought to pull her away from the portal, but her calm demeanor eased the worst of his worries. He approached her nonetheless with a hurry to know more, his shudder of skepticism accentuating his shortness under her, but all the same was his concern commendable. “Wait– did you come out of that?! Wh-Where have you been?! I-I’ve been looking– are you, um, eating something…?”

Rachel was guilty of exactly that, caught in the midst of swallowing something – and seemingly struggling to do so, tickled by amusement. “Dylan, oh my god,” she giggled over herself, stumbling over words when she finally had the chance to speak. She looked not to her partner’s eyes, but down at his feet, clearly interested in something but not yet saying what aloud. “Dylan, you’re never gonna believe– just look!

Though there was a growing queue of questions, Dylan played along with Rachel’s direction. In the dimness of the garage, he could not make-out whatever it was at his feet, but his toes were sensitive to bits that they bumped into – like pebbles or chips, Dylan was initially thinking he would have to sweep, until he picked one foot up into his hand to inspect more closely. Having curled his toes around some of those bits, he then pinched one in particular to examine even closer, unprepared to conceptualize what he had obtained was an especially small model of some sort of vehicle.

Dylan wrestled that lackluster answer with a sense of humor. “Okay. That’s cute,” he chuckled, and motioned to what Rachel held: a line of train cars, also designed at that same miniature scale. It was impressive, if spontaneous; the two certainly had their interest in size-based fantasies, but of all moments to be presenting model toys– “Wh-Why, though? Rachel, can you just tell me what happened?”

But she insisted on playing, her heart skipping too much to simply explain. Rachel bit her lip, managing the train in her possession so that she had one car pinched between two fingers, which she then snapped off from the rest, claiming it alone in her giddy grasp. She looked into the windows, her smile blossomed, and she ushered it onto Dylan, making him hold it in his own hands. “Look! Do you see them…?”

Dylan would have complained under his breath, but when he did as he was told and brought the little train car up to his eyes, the doubt visibly fleeted from his expression. What he saw was a scene of real panic, pinched between his fingertips; tiny people, packed into a capsule-like train car, genuinely disturbed and horrified by their circumstance. He awed them just as they awed at him, though their many belittled perspectives were more volatile in their reactions, grappling with the extreme reality that their lives bordered on the whims of a man’s fingers. They hid themselves behind seats and under the windows, as if ducking away from that massive eye would help them. Their only sanctuary was their captor’s hesitation and wonder, that he was so astonished by what was given to him, he refrained from moving at all.

“This isn’t… real, right?” Dylan muttered, fearful of the warmth he felt inside himself. He chuckled, “R-Rachel–” But he was interrupted by her, his proximity invaded by his taller partner leaning in for a forceful kiss, an affection that mostly nuzzled his cheek than his lip. He stood his ground, allowing Rachel to move closer and use one arm to make an embrace. She spellbound him with a firmer kiss, holding him steady with his train car held between them – she locked his hand there, ensuring it would be submerged between their chests as they closed together. It disappeared for as long as they kissed; though safe behind the steel material of the train, the passengers inside were swamped by a hot darkness, haunted by two different heartbeats that drummed with growing intensity. Similarly was Rachel’s string of cars held loosely at their waists, likewise squished between their crotches as the couple connected, like some ordinary item idly held aside. Dylan remained solidified, absorbed into those tiny, unfortunate perspectives and the effect their helplessness had on him.

Rachel separated and gasped, still more activated than her boyfriend, but ever eager to share that excitement with him. She had gifted him a treat during their kiss, her tongue having passed along something Dylan only then recognized in his mouth, something writhing and alive. Shakily, he poked into his mouth and sought out the rice-sized soul; he felt the person plastered against his cheek, and then peeled them onto his fingertip along with an inevitable glob of saliva. It was a woman, dressed in black business attire, but turned graceless and drenched by the spit of two lovers. She struggled to hold her position on the finger, dizzied by her experience of being swapped between mouths, and further demoralized by those very titans towering above her with their judgements.

Before Dylan could speak, Rachel pounced – her lips lunged down at the finger, suckling the digit down to its base quickly, but making a slow, delicious performance out of how she rose back to the tip. Her grip was like iron around Dylan’s wrist, holding him as she left her own trail of saliva on the finger; that was all she allowed to be left behind. The business woman was gone, but Dylan found her when he glanced up at Rachel, her tongue exposed playfully with her victim seen sunken into the redness. If she had any life left within her, it was just a flinch of movement before being devoured, dramatically gulped so that Dylan was certain of her descent.

Rachel giggled late after feeling the woman fully drop, her train-holding hand used to rub her belly contentedly. That same hand, and those same people, then drifted to the plaid boxers Dylan had worn to bed, specifically the tent pitched out of the fabric. Dylan shuddered when touched, snapped out of a trance and lulled into a gentle embrace; a moan hissed from his lips as he became enamored with the train massaging his groin, how Rachel delicately utilized the several cars and its passengers as a toy of temptation.

The gap between them was closed again, but rather then seal a kiss onto Dylan, Rachel’s lips hovered to his ear. She whispered a plain question: “Upstairs?”

Dylan stuttered, then nodded.

The unknown was torture, and the ill-fated passengers of the train had only inklings of understanding as to where they were, and what they would be used for. Among the broken and bruised, the least-injured shakingly approached the windows of their car and scanned the outside world; they hoped to find a resource to rescue themselves, a path of escape, but what they saw was alien – a massive bedroom, as wide as a city district, decorated with proportionally gigantic things. They had been dragged from their regular commutes and into a different dimension, a reality where they were nothing more but playthings, and the playing was itching to start.

It began with a rhythm of metallic snaps, a steady pattern of train cars being ripped apart from one another. For each break, the passengers inside each car gasped into roars of fear, flung into panic all over again, but as Rachel did the dividing, it was as noteworthy a task as any mundane chore, easily picking apart the train until all ten segments were separated. One at a time, she took a train car and dotted it somewhere on the bedspread, leaving it and its pack of passengers in a sea of blue fabric. Each placement was strategic, at least according to Rachel’s racing imaginations, how she envisioned the chaos to soon unfold.

“Take those off,” Rachel commanded her partner behind her. Leaned over the bed like she was, she used her butt as a gesture for his attention; unlike how proactive she was, Dylan had been passive at the doorframe, waiting for a direction exactly like that. Rachel huffed, “Hurry! They’re starting to come out~” She shivered back with a widening grin, impatiently undressing herself down to complete nudity – she then stepped forward, back where she had been, empowered by the scatter of tiny people that were surely admiring her humongous, naked image.

Dylan was not so bold in his approach, nor as quick as his girlfriend. He felt too forward from the onset, his erection noticeable through his boxers and only growing harder – it was his fetish, too, but to actually be watching his girlfriend disrobe above dozens of tiny people on their bed was stunningly surreal. Where he hesitated, Rachel pushed, turning around and quickly pulling down on Dylan’s boxers, eager to expose him to that awestruck audience. Playful and steamy, they were nonetheless mountains in front of their captives, appropriately gawked at by crowds that trembled away from them, pitifully taking to hiding in the wrinkles of the sheets if they had the will and strength to act at all.

Intimidating was just their nude presentation, but far more impactful was the first of their movements onto the bed. Rachel’s cool fingers slyly took the sides of her partner and suggested him to the bed, overriding Dylan’s nervousness with a push that he was too loyal to disobey. He crawled onto the bedside, one knee rocking down and bending the plain to his weight, casting consequences to all despite his consideration to not directly step on them. While passengers were bounced off their feet amidst rolling train cars, Dylan continued over top of them, his shadow encompassing the sprawl of distress as he stood suspended on all-fours.

Once again did Rachel intervene, driven to ignite the fun to be had. Her hands slithered onto Dylan’s hips, one reaching around to his crotch in which to gently fondle. She gripped the firmness with a circle of fingers, a sensual stroke from the base to its head– then, without warning, she added herself to the bed, climbing over the edge and shoving her boyfriend down in the process. Whereas Dylan’s hugeness was slow and stoic, a lug of a behemoth that could be outmaneuvered for the moment, Rachel was radically active, her debut onto the mattress instantly stirring mayhem as she recklessly took a proud position. On her knees, she overlooked everything, including her own lover; she smiled at him lovingly, but her focus was unapologetically oriented onto those little people straggling around his body.

“Oh my god, they’re stuck–” Rachel began, interrupted by own amusement. She pointed down to Dylan’s crotch, a corner of his vision he barely had access to in his vulpine state. “They’re stuck under your balls,” she explained in a giggle, describing the simple struggles she saw. Indeed, some speck-sized individuals were unfortunate enough to be lodged under her boyfriend’s sack, with efforts being made by others to pry them loose from the giant genitals. Rachel nearly broke down in laughter, deciding to increase the humor; she gently fondled Dylan’s cock, precise in how she lifted his testicles and then lowered them back onto the people nearby, their squeals smothered under the heap of skin.

Initially, Dylan expected the sensation of tiny people under his balls to be itchy or bothersome, but rather quickly did he discover just how small they all were, their strained attempts of moving underneath him thwarted by his sheer weight. While dwelling on their awkward defeat, he was ambushed by an offering – something slipped into his lips by his girlfriend. Trusting Rachel, he allowed the object to reside there, concluding it to be one of the train cars. He could infer from her fascination that it was surely loaded with passengers, but the car itself was exhilarating to bite with his lips, that he knew with a pinch of force, he could crumple the vehicle.

Rachel sought something of that nature, leaning in close over her partner in a display that was especially striking to the dozens surrounding them. She exhaled over Dylan’s mouth, swamping the train car with an aroused breath that was intoxicating to her lover’s senses. Inside the capsule-like vehicle, passengers swarmed from one side to the other, fearful of both the giant that held them in his mouth, and the giant which had selected them, targeted specifically because they hid for too long. Either direction was hopeless, as the fate of their lives had already been decided.

For the meantime, they were teased to be left there between Dylan’s lips, an ornament to return to later. Rachel was more energized than ever, clawing up handfuls of people as she could while she positioned herself atop her boyfriend. Those that she netted were given only a glance of observation before given purpose; some were spread across Dylan’s chest and tangled into his hairs, others were drizzled over her breasts, and an unfortunate few were outright eaten like snacks. Between the inclines of their bodies, many of these tinies were fumbled where she otherwise wanted them, down onto Dylan’s lap – just as her own was prepared to crash upon it.

Rachel held her breath as she sank onto Dylan’s dick, drawing out the sensation of that beginning pump. She supported herself on her boyfriend’s shoulders, blissfully unaware of how much weight she pushed onto him, lost in the constant swirling of her thoughts. Sensitive to their situations, Rachel cherished the scatter of perspectives, smiling down at the various scenes responding to her claim over Dylan. His erection was undoubtedly impressive with its house-like height, but to witness it be absorbed into an equally gigantic pussy – a pink, oozing hole that descended from the sky – was to behold one goliath consume another. Emotions of disgust and anger towards the meeting of genitals all led to despair and humiliation, that they were just toy-like additions to enhance the sex of two uncaring giants, and worse yet were they threatened to be crushed between their embrace, a wave of their pubic musk forewarning that conclusion.

That introductory mount had already proven perilous, but Rachel shivered in a desire for much more. The prelude was over, and so Rachel bounced into motion, small moans pushed out from her as she developed a satisfying, accelerating rhythm. Dylan was rocked into her method, but the bouncing effect was tremendous to their plentiful additions; both partners watched as they stumbled and fell in the land of skin and sheets, sharing amusement over their dismay. They became mired in sweat, or worse for those swamped in their pubic hair, the wetness of their performance soaked into the countless threads and creating an inescapable obstacle for those knotted in their bushes. Any that took to hiding in the tipped-over train cars were setting themselves up to be handpicked, inevitably taken into Rachel’s possession and either dispensed onto a giant, or devoured in a rush of a swallow.

It was after crushing one such train car, having emptied its occupants into her gluttonous mood, that Rachel remembered that which she had set aside between Dylan’s lips. The shuttle was still suspended there, kept there as Dylan had been instructed; deserving of an update, Rachel slowed herself and peered into the train. Though having been largely uninvolved, the passengers within were no less harassed and ridiculed, enduring unreal conditions ranging from the ceaseless shaking to the overbearing humidity brought by Dylan’s heated seething. His tongue had broken through one of the exits, flooding the back-half of the shuttle with saliva and threatening to submerge any that slipped his way – a fate they thought they could avoid, bunkered in the rows of seats, until that fate was tempted with a touch against the opposite side.

“Eat up~” Rachel hummed, though strict enough to still be an order. A soft but quivering finger delicately lifted the train car from the side pointed at her, inclining its passengers towards Dylan’s throat. “They’re delicious~ God, heh, I-I’ve had so many… Y-You just can’t stop…!”

Rachel’s management had successfully sunk one person out of the car and into Dylan’s mouth, as signaled by his brightened expression of surprise. She giggled at her boyfriend’s reaction, twisting the train playfully between his lips and stroking a finger down his neck encouragingly. Dylan choked slightly, but committed, swallowing hard on an unfortunate soul. He gasped, and the train fumbled from his mouth; it crashed into his collarbone, then continued down his chest, careening into tinies that had been fleeing in that direction. Stragglers still trapped in his mouth were then subject to pursuits of the tongue, sought out like crumbs caught between his teeth – and then the trouble multiplied, added onto by another tongue, his girlfriend’s that was just as hungry. Between the two monsters was no chance of survival; people were wrestled between the tongues and divided between the couple, their maddening cries overpowered by a competition of moans.

“Right? Right?” Rachel laughed and nodded, her fingers fast with loving touches over her partner, rewarding him for his devouring. “Addicting, huh?” Her forehead was rested onto his, their bodies stopped for the moment, intentionally allowing their glory to glow – for their collection of people to stabilize wherever they were, and gawk at their terrain-like form, how their hips connected in a spine-chilling presentation. They were a young couple thrust into sex, but they knew they were so much more, that they were mountains among mortals, free from consequence, blessed with a divine privilege to use these people as they craved.

She was not alone, seeped into that fantasy. Dylan, too, was now enamored with his giant status, his attention drawn to the first victim he could find. It was a tan-suited man glazed on top of his girlfriend’s nipple, clinging ferociously to the skin that was angled against him, kicking at the tit in desperation. Rachel had hardly noticed him, but Dylan focused on the speck with a glare of passion; he repositioned on the bed, leveling himself with his partner, and groped her breast so that the individual was surrounded. Terror ran through that diminutive body, suddenly realizing that he was a target. He scrambled to get away, racing up towards Rachel’s neck as if that were any salvation– a useless attempt when Dylan’s mouth abducted him. A soft nibble of a bite, a ticklish end to the scene Rachel enjoyed watching, followed by a gulp that was just as satisfying to hear.

Rachel meant to comment, but Dylan rushed her backwards, quickly claiming a top position. A wildfire had been ignited in him, the likes of which Rachel had no comparison to. He was spontaneously fierce, confidently aligning their waists and admiring their writhing additions; he laughed at those pitifully impressed into his girlfriend’s skin, the sweat of their romance plastering them in beautiful locations.

It empowered him to have this audience witness his drop into his partner, his pillar-sized shaft starting a sequence of earthquake-like shivers all over her landscape body. A moan bellowed from Rachel as she reached around Dylan’s shoulders, grasping him in a tightness that kept his rhythm compact and deep. Lustful hands grabbed not only at each other, but at the tinies decorating their bed and bodies, greedily applied with only enough tenderness to keep them alive. They were poked into mouths, smothered under breasts, or directly fed to their crotches, sacrificed to behemoth body parts that were swelling soon to a climax.

“Hah, s-slow down… a second…~” Rachel whimpered, discovering just how breathless their engagement had made her. Dylan obeyed and restrained himself, gladly giving all control to his girlfriend as she shifted out from under him. She fingered herself, an act that still drew out terrified reactions from those tangled in her pubic hair; they were ignored as she searched within her wetness for something– someone particular. Their body had been excellently placed to please her, kicking spiritedly to her amusement. Rachel had a suspicion, and it was confirmed when her fingers retrieved the drenched mess of a bikini-clad woman – a character she had stolen from the luxury hotel, recognized immediately for that mature, bountiful body.

“H-Huh? Wh-What’s with her?” Dylan asked, still catching his breath, reddened with anticipation and impatience. He could still joke, “That a friend?”

“Sort of,” Rachel giggled. She dangled the woman between them by a leg, her whole body hung with limpness, but notably still squirming. “God, she’s been through a lot~ How has that itty-bitty swimsuit stayed on this long, huh? Hehe~” She jostled the woman into flailing and shouting, a pathetic scene that pushed the edges her and Dylan had left themselves on. “She’s cute, right? Here, you can have her~” The woman was then draped upon the head of Dylan’s cock, tapped and stuck into a trickle of precum. Dylan’s hugeness shuddered from the sensation, already at the precipice of release, an approach made more imminent when Rachel leaned close to his dick.

Rachel prodded the little body delicately, less concerned for her health than she was of making Dylan comfortable. She poked the woman’s ass with enough force to massage her body against the tip, swirling her in that viscous juice that continued to leak. Opening her mouth, she audibly released a breath over the cock and its rider, providing a provocative warmth down the sensitive shaft. It had the desired effect as Dylan jittered, a hand catching her by the shoulder as a means of support, preparing for that inevitable break–

Ggh– Haah!” Dylan grunted with his head reared back, his hips propelled forward aggressively, a posture controlled by the impulse of his release. Rachel received his orgasm, her mouth catching the load as it kissed into the head as though it were a spout she were sealing off. Her laughter buzzed into Dylan’s core, the last spurts of his seed suckled out from him by the devious dance of her tongue. Rachel licked and swallowed the gushing flavor, but she was careful of what she ate, making sure to locate that lump of life that was the bikini-clad woman and pinning her somewhere to be stored.

Both partners collapsed rightwise into bed, shivering under the chills of their sweat and itched by the crowds their bodies continuously rolled over. Overwhelmed, Dylan stared upwards in a trance, recollecting everything that had occurred, finally in the mindset to try and process the reality Rachel had introduced him to. He felt the deep pit of his own actions, struck with the sickening responsibility that he had been feasting on innocent people from some other world, forcing them into becoming highlights of their graceless sex–

He looked to his girlfriend, wondering if she were plagued by similar worries, but found her giggling and quivering where she was nestled beside him. Rachel was continuing to torment that bikini-clad woman, binding her victim in some demeaning game; she was held by a precise bite of front teeth, her lower-body harassed by a monster of a tongue. The muscle was blind, but eerily precise, manipulating the little legs into allowing it entry between them. The woman shouted in unreal gasps, squirming painfully between the edges of teeth, resisting the perverted intentions – until she could no longer, pressed into an otherworldly orgasm that hung her weak and exhausted. In the peak she was rushed into, she remembered the endurance of ordeals, how her vacation was obscenely interrupted and warped to where it was.

Rachel, too, thought of that journey as she masturbated furiously to that very misery. Then, synchronized with her own chilling orgasm, her lips closed – as did her teeth. A petite crunch -- Dylan flinched, thinking he imagined the scene, but Rachel was indeed chewing her victim, for as minimally much she could be chewed for. Rachel melted where she lay, her spasms of euphoria felt by all those still lingering along her body and the bedsheets, dwelling deep on how far she took that unfortunate woman. Gone forever, there was an ounce of regret, but it was a whimper against the roar of her fantasies, the awareness that she had a wide world of replacements waiting for her return.


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