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The romance continues~ As I know many of you have been anxiously awaiting, there's finally a new part to Discovery! (And there's finally upload notes for it -- woo-hoo!)

These chapters are taking longer and longer to write... and they're also just getting longer in general, hm? This one part alone was a chonker -- something like 23k words! It might be hard to put that in perspective, but if this were a patreon pledge reward, that'd be over 11 months of rewards dedicated to ONE upload. The upload prior to this was last in December... so it took seven-ish months to get done! And to be real, I wasn't writing for all seven of those months. I really only took off with the actual writing of the story in May/June, when I realized that wow, 2021 is just trucking on through, I gotta get this shit done.

I hope its length and content can both be appreciated. I know most folks here enjoy a longer story to snuggle into, that's just sort of the nature of my writing style, but... honestly, I think Part VII was critically too long of an upload. Because judging by the response... it's not electrified people the same way previous uploads had, haha. Of course I can't expect every upload to be met with a standing ovation, but the response has been fairly quiet. For awhile, I figured that was fair, because it was such a long story -- it was just gonna take a few days or even weeks for people to get around to reading it all.

But I can't help but worry that its length has made people pass it up. Either people begin the story, see how long it goes on for... and just drop out before investing, OR they get invested, try to read through it... take a break, and then don't even up coming back. In any case, that's a failure on my part to properly enthrall my audience. That's a part of the experience I ended up slacking on. And I don't think fixing this would require cutting any details, or specifically shortening it. Rather, I think I should have broken up the story with more divides... A few stops to give people a chance to breathe, check the time, drink some water -- rest stops that a reader could reliably close the window and come back to it. Hell, that's exactly what I'm doing on giantessworld as I upload it there, and I think the reception is noticeably better.

So, that's something for me to learn~

Otherwise about Discovery, wow, what a chapter huh? Another steamy one, which I hope people feel rewarded with. The previous chapter was not only a bit short, but lacking in anything directly erotic -- on top of being awkward and tense, intentionally. Going into this chapter, I knew I had to resolve their argument and continue where that left off, but I also wanted the ladies to live a little and focus on them enjoying a vision of a future they see together. I think it's an important moment in their romance to really experience what living together would be like~ It also, uh, just hits the usual story beats you'd expect from a typical erotica. It's a system that works!

I tried to use Duval's house here as a way to delve into her psyche. It was probably a bit on the nose, to be honest, I sort of began neglecting this concept at times as I was writing. But I hope enough details were vibrant enough to make a reader attach certain feelings to Duval, to understand her motivations and situation.

I could probably say a lot more... but there's still two more stories of upload notes I gotta write. So I'll cut it short here, and say that I think the writing speaks for itself~ Thanks for the support, everyone! I look forward to continuing Discovery ideally sooner rather than later~


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