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I've got fun scenarios and compositions all planned out for Banshee and for Kallen, and Juvia/Lucy is getting closer and closer~ But in the meantime, let's get May starteddd~
Next month may be a 'Magnolia Surprise' or something 🤔 (in part so I can do a bit of catching up on some other things too), but I dunno we'll seeee~
For now, hit me up with them grils! >:3c

No special theme this month~ 🍦


Suggestions will close at the end of the day MST, May 14th~

Here's da rules again~ Pleeeeaaaase pay attention to them.

  • Leave one comment below or send me a message of your character submission and the series they're from~
  • Provide at least one reference image of the submitted character. (I'll use these images for the voting sheet as well. Failure to provide a reference image will result in ineligibility! Dx I want to know you at least looked over the rules here and saw this~ So plz do it thx :3)
  • You may suggest a scenario and bindings with your submission (I'll try my best to follow the scenario, but bear in mind it may not be 100% exact)
  • ^As a follow-up to the above rule, if your suggested scenario cannot be told in a single image, I will ask you to simplify it. For example, if your scenario can only be told through a comic format or in multiple parts/panels, I'm gonna ask you to shorten it down so it can fit into a single drawing. Please keep 'em simple enough for one draw thx!~
  • You may submit OC's, but they should be yours~ Otherwise I'll need permission from the actual owner of the character
  • Only one character per patron please :3
  • Past winners are on a 6 month cooldown from the time they won before they can be submitted for a poll once again*
  • I reserve the right to reject ideas if I do not feel comfortable with drawing them. In which case, I will ask you to come up with a new idea :0

And that should do it! :3


*Past winners:

December 2020- None

January 2021- Rin Tohsaka ( Fate/stay night )

February 2021- Lucy Heartfilia x Juvia Lockser ( Fairy Tail )

March 2021- Deirdre/Banshee ( OC )

April 2021- Kallen ( Code Geass )



Does it have to be sexy, ecchi and/or hentai scenarios necessarily? Or could it be something more relaxed?


Well, I still haven't gotten over the hype of Pyra/Mythra in Smash, so I'm gonna suggest Pyra again for this month! We're approaching summer, so I'm gonna suggest her swimsuit version specifically: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/xenoblade/images/1/1d/Pro_Swimmer_Pyra.png/revision/latest?cb=20180901164624 As for a scenario, how about this: Rex's party is enjoying some much-needed R&R on one of the beaches of the Leftherian Archipelago. For some reason, Pyra is taking a long time to change into her swimsuit--and that's because some Aegis-hunting scoundrels ambushed her! Now she's stashed in a storage shed, tightly hogtied with ether ropes, her hands wrapped in ether tape, and also gagged with ether tape (or ether rope cleave gag, ether ball gag, your choice), helpless and unable to do anything but sit and hope that her friends find her before the beach clears out!


C.C. from code geass CC is being punished by zero for disobeying his orders so he ties her is in tape and gages her https://www.google.com/search?q=code+geass+c.c.&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj-yKuAlr7wAhULG6wKHScRAu0Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=code+geass+c.c.&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECCMQJzICCAAyAggAMgIIADICCAAyAggAMgYIABAHEB4yBggAEAcQHjIGCAAQBxAeMgYIABAHEB5Q7gtY7gtg1hJoAHAAeACAAVmIAVmSAQExmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=bqiYYP7ZCYu2sAWnoojoDg&bih=937&biw=1920&safe=active#imgrc=0F6sfOTFi3kSnM&imgdii=l3TUyJvcbFm1OM


Rias Gremory (Highschool DxD). Reference Image:https://www.pinterest.com/pin/189362359321178369/. She is tied in her stripper lingerie from the first end credits with her hands behind her back in a boxtie, gagged with many variants such as ball, cleave, tape, and is rotating on the pole stand as the highlight of the club. She could either be standing behind the pole as it rotates or be the ground lotus-tied. Her expression is very cheerful that everyone is enjoying the sight of her.


Fuka toyokawa from idolmaster https://www.project-imas.com/w/images/thumb/8/8e/Fuka_HN5.jpg/480px-Fuka_HN5.jpg


Still gotta go with my girl Chizuru Mizuhara front Rent-a-Girlfriend: https://sta.sh/01mt3ou87d4o thinking some bedroom or living room bondage, her hands bound behind her back with a few coils of rope or rolls of tape scattered around her as she instructs her Renter for the evening in how to properly bind and gag her :)


Well, we’ve already got “Fairy Tail-on-the-beach-thing” going on, so why not add one more to the pile? I am submitting Cana Alberona from Fairy Tail series Ref) https://images.app.goo.gl/1dtXJC2ScpkaqsDEA Well, to put it simply, Cana was the first to be kidnapped by the assailants on the beach and hauled into the wagon. After struggling fiercely against her tape bondage and gag, which pretty much made any motion or attempts at calls for help futile, she could only sweat profusely and breathe heavily through her gag as the flap to the back of the wagon opened. All she could do was blush and try to preserve her modesty at her kidnappers comment about her general appearance, since her struggles almost undid her bikini top and caused her pants to nearly slide off her bottom.

Purple Paradox

May as well try this again! My submission is my OC, Venin! I’m thinking very simple; she is being hogtied with rope by the Spoopy Ghost Hands! Her hands are in a box-tie, and she has a nice and big tape gag. Venin would be blushing, trying not to enjoy herself, and struggling as hard as she can to escape! And if there’s a little note with Leuedai’s chibi face on it, maybe Venin’s looking at it really embarrassed and thinking “D-damn you Leuedai…” References for Venin; https://www.deviantart.com/paradoxzealot/art/Venin-Aubin-design-sheet-872725192 https://www.deviantart.com/paradoxzealot/art/Venin-in-a-Bit-of-a-Bind-871353191 https://www.deviantart.com/paradoxzealot/art/Venin-in-Action-870249127 Reference for the pose I had in mind; https://www.deviantart.com/kalindorf/art/FE-Hinoka-DID-749981498

Spelt Wrong, but right.

I’m going with an old classic (https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/inuyasha/images/1/1f/Sango%27s_outfit.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/294?cb=20120228193639) sango from the Inuyash series. From feudal Japan so maybe some impressive rope work is required. Maybe some magical formula brings tape to the old days as well. I’ll leave the ideas to these people and you magnolia.


Ann Takamaki from Persona 5: Royal https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/b/be/An_takamaki.png/revision/latest?cb=20170426203909 Since she's a model, the scenario could be that she's signed up to be a bondage model due to the extra pay and she asks Akira/Ren to tie her up as practice.


Hayase Nagatoro (older of course 😏) https://static.myfigurecollection.net/pics/encyclopedia/161725.jpg?rev=1615619599

Liam Gleeson

Noelle Sliver from black clover


Nakano Nino from Go-Toubun no Hanayome https://static.zerochan.net/Nakano.Nino.full.3310135.png After finishing jogging she walks past a van when she is handgagged and pulled inside the van where she is tied, gagged and kidnapped for ransom


I'd like to submit Glynda Goodwitch from RWBY. https://sta.sh/0acvdu3qsah For a scenario, she could have been ambushed by some unruly students looking to cause some trouble. They leave her glaring at them from a chair that they've tied her to, with a cleave gag in her mouth muffling her angry curses. If you want to spice it up a bit more, they could undo her blouse to better show off her considerable "assets" as well.


(Kaede Kayano) from (Assassination Classroom) Wshe came home from school, she found something was forgotten and ran back to get it,When she entered the classroom, she accidentally triggered a trap set by the teacher (Koro-sense), and a lot of robotic arms suddenly appeared, using tape bondage and gagged. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ce/29/9a/ce299a699df87878fcc0d7228726bafe.jpg


Purple Heart from the Neptunia Series. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/786303?q=purple_heart+official_art+ In a world dominated by video games, Purple Heart is the Goddess who watches over her nation of Planeptune. So it only makes sense... That the lass be abducted by scurvy pirates lookin' t'be makin' great fortune off of her! Brutally bound and gagged and shoved in the cargo where she is surrounded by stolen merch coming from her nation.

Jonathan Gonzalez

Mamako Oosuki (Do You Love Your Mom and Her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?) https://www.deviantart.com/octopus-slime/art/Mamako-Oosuki-Stitch-Maid-Costume-01-834706962


I think I'll try Serena from Pokemon X and Y again https://imgur.com/a/9qxbpnd After losing a battle to Team Flare, she's been bound and gagged with lots of duct tape and has been thrown into the back of their vehicle to be taken back to their secret HQ to be held captive.


Ryuukyuu (My Hero Academia) https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bokunoheroacademia/images/2/20/Ryuko_Tatsuma_Hero_Costume_%28Anime%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20190914035424


Miyuri again :D https://twitter.com/hojojutsutengu/status/1356450792140640258?s=21 you choose the scene


I'll suggest Ami from Sailor Moon again. Outfit: a striped shirt & teal miniskirt. Scenario: Tightly tied up with rope and cleave-gagged, Ami squirms and struggles on the floor of her bedroom, trying to reach her transformation pen that's on the floor across from her, in the hopes that she can escape her bonds by turning into Sailor Mercury & ward off the robbers who tied her up in the first place. Outfit: https://sta.sh/017budy9veo3 Transformation pen: https://www.deviantart.com/earthstar01/art/Sailor-Mercury-Transformation-Wand-302689621


Gray from Lord El-Melloi II’s Case Files (part of the Fate series). Reines (the girl with Gray in the last 4 pics) decided to mess with her “elder brother” Lord El-Melloi II by taking his apprentice Gray and having some fun with her. She can be tied similarly to https://www.deviantart.com/magnolia-baillon/art/Strict-Ties-from-a-Strict-Coach-Marcy-x-Leuedai-821459703 or https://www.deviantart.com/magnolia-baillon/art/Robbin-the-Tactician-August-2019-Winner-829087543 (whichever you think is best; the second one would probably help with the cloak). She can be either cleave gagged or ball gagged. Maybe do a hood-less variant. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/9/9e/Gray_Troyca.png/revision/latest?cb=20190103185459 https://img3.gelbooru.com//samples/04/e5/sample_04e5c4627e7d49525217ce2d45a78509.jpg https://img3.gelbooru.com//samples/7c/27/sample_7c2728a433ab4dd0a79809dea1e6f1c0.jpg https://img3.gelbooru.com//samples/6b/7a/sample_6b7a7e48f5fb6166f50ee332a217766e.jpg https://img3.gelbooru.com//samples/15/90/sample_159071b4fe788b5c422814e6df841616.jpg https://img3.gelbooru.com//samples/6d/d8/sample_6dd8c32f0f8c5e2cb5a93cf90875b00b.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/lm_gT8hSJmA/maxresdefault.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ed/af/78/edaf7858a9fed7cb8bc8bedc5e139c93.gif https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ckK4KBliQ2o/XUzOEKwvR3I/AAAAAAABlXE/5Yerk-SXWKMvonAZOyHVNNAEBYmE0mwaQCKgBGAs/s1600/Lord%2BEl-Melloi%2BII%2BCase%2BFiles%2B-%2BEpisode%2B2%2B-%2BGray%2BWields%2BScythe.gif https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/788612240264023203/507BBBE6706FE6AAF7BE129F4B5882B80EED71EE/ https://i.redd.it/1lspujjg4t041.png https://tenor.com/view/lord-el-melloi-ii-sei-no-jikenbo-gray-reines-pinch-cheeks-gif-14990084 https://64.media.tumblr.com/04fbfa717fb2120e7ffa96ade2975a4b/tumblr_pw1cty2hEs1wj1nn0o2_500.gifv https://img3.gelbooru.com//samples/30/34/sample_303425d5797cbbd4996578c96fde8294.jpg


Sensei from Miru Tights in her dress from Ganbare Douki-chan (see pixiv links) https://s1.desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/a/image/1557/68/1557683798436.jpg https://s1.desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/a/image/1556/63/1556638103058.jpg https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89585086 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/89739433


My OC https://sta.sh/0g9q9li3vga bound in a combo of rope and the dark grey tape you use and a gag that looks like this https://sta.sh/024qpdicha4k lola is in the clothes she's in but wearing these instead https://sta.sh/0r5x0q5x4wj,


Chariot du Nord from Little Witch Academia (https://www.deviantart.com/rextheone/art/Little-Witch-Academia-Chariot-675592615) Scenario: Chariot accidentally trips a booby trap when infiltrating Croix's underground lab, causing magic duct tape to come to life and start wrapping her up (not full mummification, but in the process of doing so). She struggles to get free, but she has dropped her wand in surprise, so she'll have no way of escaping until Croix returns. But who knows what she'll do when she does?


Mei Hatsume from My Hero Academia https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bokunoheroacademia/images/c/c5/Mei_Hatsume_Anime_Profile.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/229?cb=20190619171828


Weiss Schnee from RWBY: Volume 5 version https://www.zerochan.net/2047153 Scenario: She's kidnapped by the Branwen Tribe, but they decide to be much more thorough in restraining her. And Vernal is tired of hearing her complain, so she gets a nice ballgag.


Princess Suki from Didnapper https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/didnapper/images/2/29/FSSuki_Base.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/310?cb=20190618170033 Don't have a scenario planned out yet. Perhaps she's been taken captive by pirates?

Joe Dover

I feel like I’ve done this before lol Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy 7 Character reference: https://mobile.twitter.com/y_ambe/status/1256936259504623618/photo/1 Scenario: Like the Rin pic you’ve blessed us with, I do wanna see the continuation of that one pic you did months ago. Maybe just the aftermath of her re-capture where she’s tied up tighter and punished for trying to escape.


How about Chun-Li wearing her black outfit https://i.pinimg.com/originals/90/ff/de/90ffdec2acb936521085121f1edd3b1f.png She could be kidnapped by Shadaloo members like The Dolls or Vega https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ca/00/d1/ca00d1e11da0fe97d95b776c6ab1ce80.png https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mortal-kombat-vs-steet-figther/images/4/45/SSFVega.png/revision/latest?cb=20131104075108&path-prefix=es


Mash Kyrielight un armored ( https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4447841?q=parent%3A4447841 ) she could have been captured with the purpose of getting some currency out of her master while she was distracted, binding her arms to her sides to disable her and her legs together to prevent escape


Hibiki Tachibana from symphogear ( https://static.zerochan.net/Tachibana.Hibiki.full.2111133.jpg ) tied up in her training clothes ( https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/826567686489243708/834482041814122546/EzamfQWXMAEmfHP.png ) halfway trough escaping a strict tie, having previously been hogtied but by the point the drawing would be she´d have undone those knots and now is just tied by her ankles, wrists, chest harness, above and below her knees. Gagged with a knotted cleavegag. She is winking and looking smug about how well the escaping is going~, if possible would be nice with some attention to her booty buuuut the facial expressions are more important if its one or the other~


Illustrious- Azur Lane https://c.wallhere.com/photos/a3/d1/manga_kawaii_girl_Illustrious_Azur_Lane-1341007.jpg!d On her way to a tea party where she had a date with the commander she was captured by a group of manjuu and was taken to a warehouse