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EDIT: Story text for this sketch can now be read here! (Still subject to edits and tweaks~ X3c)

After snaring her target, Fox wanted to get a closer look into Ella's eyes to get a better sense of the Omnivoyance she previously sensed in her. Fox's playful and snarky personality ended up being her downfall, as she was too focused on tormenting Ella to notice that Addie freed herself and had snuck up behind her~ The princess landed a powerful blow before quickly freeing Ella's hands with an arrow. I don't think Addie's done with the Fox just yet XP


Addie's pretty good at holding grudges, so she must've been waiting for an opportunity like this to get revenge on Fox for their previous encounter in Alabaster XP And I guess all those "escape training" lessons she was taking with Leuedai paid off >     v  >/ hehe

Like I said in the last post, I'm still working on getting all the story text typed out, but I'm hoping I'll get 'em ready soon so I can share the whole story and dialogue with y'all~ :3c

Until then!~ (/。    ◁゚)/ Enjoi!




"Eyes up here, Ellie. Let's see what makes you so special..." "Get the HELL away from her!!" I know Addie has a bit of a foul mouth, but I'm gonna play it safe here. Love the fact that you include a mix of fight scene action and bondage (not to mention the "captive intimacy" between Fox and Ella). The gags do blend in somewhat with the backgrounds, but that's a minor quibble. Looking forward to your story text and dialogue, I'm sure it'll be a lot better than my sad attempt... Love that you emphasized the continuity of Addie's previous experience with Fox, too! Hopefully that comes into play if she ends up making the Kuro specialist a prisoner herself!


Go Bunbun go !

willl sargent

This is a beautiful sequence of events, the action feels very fluid! I love seeing the girls get revenge on the Kuro! Is Addie still wearing her gag? If so, why did she leave it on?


In the words of Yarne from Fire Emblem Awakening: "DON'T MESS WITH A BUNNY!!"


Addie with the YEET to the Fox!!! Hehe, I love the tape bindings you still have on her legs and the comic is continuing to look fresh as heck!


Thanks!~ X3c And since she got the rest of herself free enough to act, she wanted to help Ella asap before she did anything else~

MagnoliaDucky (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 05:27:29 /) /) ( > ㅅ <)/
2019-08-26 18:15:36 /) /) ( > ㅅ <)/

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