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EDIT: Story text for this sketch can now be read here! (Still subject to edits and tweaks~ X3c)

While Banshee set her sights on Hiromi and Cross encountered Leuedai, Fox went right for the gril whose Omnivoyance caught her attention: Ella. Addie and Ella attempted to fight off the sly Kuro, but they were unprepared for how quick and crafty the redhead was. Addie was swiftly subdued after Fox separated the pair, and after Ella spotted the wrapped up princess, Fox sprung her trap :O


^^Still working on getting all the story text typed out, so until then here's just the context of what's happening in the scene XP hehe




A wrapped Adelaide is always welcome 😄


CUUUTE, and intense! This is super sleek!


X3c Mags is totally fine haha and thank ya!~


Love how just Fox's arm device and eyes are visible in the haze, it makes her attack all the more terrifying (attack wrappings coming out of nowhere, scary but at least it leads to cute bondage?) The fact she chose to blindfold Addie with said wrappings is a nice touch, like she wants her to be not only restrained but unable to tell what's going on around her...dang Fox is devious! And of course El looks legitimately terrified, not just from getting snagged by Fox's attack but also seeing her ally in a literal bind. You sell her movement very well through the flow of her scarf, by the way.


Hehe there's a reason Fox's considered the most crafty and devious Kuro~ >:3c Uwaaaa ; A ;/ poor Ellaaa And thanks!~ X3c hehe