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So... Hello everyone! Virtualove 💙 here to bring you some great news for OMW! Before we look at this experimental update we would like to thank you for all your great support, when we released the OMW app we didn't think people would love it and that means we are on the right track and hope to continue to provide you with a great product, with that being said, Let's see then everything about this Experimental build.

What means Experimental Build?

It's basically a version for users to test new features and give us feedback so we can implement the necessary changes before releasing the public version. If you download and test this build you help us a lot.

OH MY WAIFU (3.0.0)

When we released OMW app we solve the great problem, now all your waifus was stay on a single app, however you probably noticed a new problem, OMW app includes all waifus into the app so that means more waifus, more size the app, so on desktop that's not a big problem because most games are several GB in size, but on phones this will be a big problem in the future because OMW will have more and more waifus, we were thinking how solve this problem while we were developing OMW app and now we have the solution! So let me introduce the "Waifu Cards".

Waifu Cards

How does it work? Ok, We have developed these new files called ".waifucard", these files store a waifu, so now you simply have to download your favorite Waifus or ".waifucard" and place them inside a special folder called "Waifus" so that the app can read it, that easy! In this way we solve the problem described above, since by not having all the waifus compiled within the game, this significantly reduces the size of the app and you decide which waifus you want to have and which not.

How to install Waifu Cards?

First you must download the correct version for your OS, that is, *the .waifucard for Windows will not work for Mac or Android and vice versa.* We hope to resolve this soon so that a .waifucard will work for all platforms.


  • Open the OMW root folder
  • You will find a folder called "Wiafus", if it does not appear you can create it manually
  • Download your "*.waifucard" and place them inside the "Waifus" folder
  • Enjoy!


  • Right click on OMW app
  • Select "Show Package Contents"
  • You will find a folder called "Wiafus", if it does not appear you can create it manually
  • Download your "*.waifucard" and place them inside the "Waifus" folder
  • Enjoy!


  • Connect your device to the computer
  • Navigate to "Phone\Android\data\com.virtualove.OHMYWAIFU\files\" *(Even if you have OMW installed on your SD Card)*
  • You will find a folder called "Wiafus", if it does not appear you can create it manually
  • Download your "*.waifucard" and place them inside the "Waifus" folder
  • Enjoy!

So OMW app does not include any waifu?

The game includes by default only the free waifus, and from Patreon you can download the ".waifucard" you want.

OH MY WAIFU app for MacOS?

Yes! You are reading it right, we have finally developed OMW for Mac devices.

Remember that this is an experimental version, so there may be bugs when playing. We hope to know your feedback about this version and any problem you have let us know so we can solve it, thank you and enjoy the app

How to install on Mac?

  • Download the .zip
  • Unzip
  • Run the App
  • You will probably get a popup warning telling you "cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified." Click on "Cancel"
  • Open System Settings > Privacy & Security > Security
  • Select "App Store and identified developers"
  • Bellow appear a message like: "OH MY WAIFU" was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer.
  • Click on "Open Anyway"
  • Enjoy!

Will OMW have a version for iOS (iPhone)?

We regret to announce that the version for iOS is not possible, iPhone devices are too hermetic, that is, they do not give you the ease of browsing files like Android or any desktop OS and also to install any application it must go through the AppStore and if you guessed it, the AppStore does not allow +18 or NSFW content, so it is impossible to publish OMW for these devices.

We have done several tests, with external installers such as "Scarlet" and although it is possible to install OMW on the device, the new feature "Waifu Cards" system it is impossible to make it work on iPhone since, as described above, file browsing is non-existent therefore you will not be able to download and install the ".waifucard" because it does not allow you to explore the internal directories of your apps :(

In conclusion, at the moment OMW for iOS is almost imposible, however we will not give up and we will continue trying, if anyone has an idea to make OMW works on these devices we will be happy to hear your proposal, thanks.


We hope that this build you like it. We would like to hear about your experience with the new version, and all your feedback is welcome. This will help us a lot to improve. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let us know. Thank you very much.

- virtualove 💙




Is it possible to have a version where all the characters are pre-loaded? Cause I have a lot of storage on my phone. 1 TB of storage.

Mothership VI

I agree with this, so I don't have to go attach my phone to the computer to add all the characters as I would've anyway


We could probably release both versions for people to try, however I think Waifu cards is the best way for Android users, most people including me have had issues with Android storage.


yes... but for each waifu you have to download a new version of the app, which means uninstalling and reinstalling the app. With this update you only have to download the waifu for the current version.


I prefer to uninstall and reinstall the app rather than connecting it to the computer every time.


Any new update just replaces the old one for me anyway. I dont have to actually uninstall the game. I hope you guys are just able to release a version with all as someone with no pc its kind of annoying seeing new content and not being able to try out any of them