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Ashley works at a sensitive research company called "Sensitivus." The company's objective was to conduct sensitivity tests on individuals, seeking improvements in the research conducted on the work and development of the nervous system in the brain!

Sensitivus' distinctive feature was offering a financial reward to people who participated in the tests. Each participant would receive $500 as an incentive.

Additionally, Ashley earned a commission based on this amount, making the opportunity even more appealing to her.

One day, while Ashley was researching on social media to find potential candidates for the tests, she came across the profile of a young woman named Abby.

Abby was 24 years old and unemployed, looking for a way to make some money to help with her expenses and overcome the difficult moment in her life.

Ashley became interested in Abby and contacted her to explain about the company and the tests they were conducting. She also mentioned the amount the participant would receive at the end of the test.

Intrigued by the proposal and in need of money, Abby agreed to meet with Ashley to learn more details about the research.

When they met, Ashley explained in detail how the tests worked. She also shared some stories of people who had participated before.

Abby was impressed and found the company's purpose to be quite unique. Since she was in dire need of money, she decided to accept the offer!

Abby accompanied Ashley to the location where the tests would be conducted.

There, Ashley introduced Abby to the person in charge of administering the tests, who explained all the stages of the process and assured that everything would be done with ethics and respect.



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