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The more languages people learn when they are young (for instance in school) the better. There are practical limitations, though. Which languages to learn and how much time to spend on them? This is especially relevant for sign languages. Yes, language*s*. Just like for spoken languages, there are many sign languages in the world, and the speakers ("signers") of these different languages would not automatically understand each other. Even within regions that share the same spoken language (say England, America, Australia) there are different sign languages. In those examples, there's British Sign Language (BSL), American Sign Language (ASL) and Australian Sign Language (Auslan). By historical accident, Auslan and BSL are related (like heavily accented versions of each other), while ASL is actually closer to French Sign Language, which is independent from the BSL/Auslan language family. So Shan, if you had learned sign language in school (probably Auslan) and you'd be watching an American TV show with signing, you'd be like "Why are these guys signing in French?!!" :-) Be prepared for a Wikipedia click-hole if you ever decided to look into the different sign languages in the world!


The proper answer as to "when does this take place" is it doesn't take place during any of the Marvel Netflixverse shows AT. ALL. Those shows are over, they're done, just as Agents Of Shield doesn't have anything to do with anything either (except for the first few seasons which were still good and which is where they were still linked to the movies before all the heavy secrecy started and the people in charge didn't want to work together with the show's people as much any more), these shows are NOT. taking place in the same verse. One of the biggest tells is that Fisk WASN'T this big and overly strong in the Marvel Netflixverse shows. I haven't seen all of them but UNLESS. he went through a DRASTIC. change during Season 3 of Daredevil then this ISN'T the same Fisk we saw on that show. There are a bunch more inconsistencies between the shows, some too small to tell but inconsistencies nonetheless. The real answer to the question is that this show has used some of the actors from the old show(s) and pretends it's the same universe. But... Rather than for the creators of the show to admit that this is it's own thing.. They're leaning heavily into trying to convince people that this is a continuation because that gets you more money since it attracts the old viewers as well as the new viewers. (not a bad business strategy I'll give them that) In the mean time people will debate the differences in characters and either come to the logical conclusion that it's not the same verse OR. they'll say it's mistakes in writing. Either way it gets people talking which means more views, more money. And that's what it's ultimately all about, it's not about good story telling these days, it's about making money and for the past couple of years that's exactly what Marvel has done with these cashgrab shows. (in my opinion they should've stopped after Endgame) The most in-verse (in this case Marvel) explanation I can give is that this show takes place on an alternate Earth MUCH. similar to that of the Marvel Netflixverse ...But that these are NOT. the same people. Fanboys will TRY. to make the connections but they forget the part where the multi-verse exists and that's the ONLY. way to explain the changes to these characters and have it make sense without chalking it up to writers error. The writers/creators don't care it's not consistent, they know it's not the same verse. They don't care if people don't understand that though, they already got paid. Anyways, that's my rational take on this. I'm sure there's people who will disagree with this opinion. But deep down they know that my detailed response just made MUCH. MORE. sense than whatever fanboys have put out there to try and fansplain the differences in order for their beloved Marvel Netflixverse to be included in things. I GET. that there's people out there who want to try and have it all be connected, but in order for that to happen it actually has to make sense. If it doesn't.. Then you're just trying to fix plotholes and when you build something on uneven ground and decide to deal with fixing it later, there's a huge chance it will all come falling down sooner or later. Marvel is crumbling under the insane amount of "fixed" plotholes. And that's only one of the reasons Marvel isn't doing so great these days. Drops mic.