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I know it has been established that Ba'al has multiple clones now but I wonder if the one that got killed in this episode was the OG one or just a clone.


I know that, on record, Mitchell is technically the leader of SG-1. However, one thing I do appreciate about the new team dynamic is that it doesn't really feel that way. It feels more like a collaborative effort between Carter and Mitchell. From the way Carter speaks to Mitchell, both on and off duty, there isn't much of a power dynamic like there was with O'Neill, where she was always ending every sentence with 'sir'. Carter even led the rescue team that saved Teal'c. For example, during the rescue mission, Mitchell wanted to board the mothership holding Teal'c. Carter warns against it because there's a chance he could get stuck there. Despite this, Carter tells Mitchell to board the mothership anyway and that her and Daniel will cover him. Then when Mitchell asks, "Are you sure about that?" Carter responds with, "Am I gonna be able to stop you?" You could feel the vibe between them here was definitely more even. You wouldn't see this type of back and forth with O'Neill and Carter. When O'Neill tells Carter to jump, Carter asks how high? Now... I'm sure this dynamic is mostly due to the fact that both Carter and Mitchell are of the same military rank but I think it goes a little beyond that. Mitchell understands that Carter is more experienced and that she probably deserves the position of leader of SG-1 more than him which is why he doesn't boss her around. We actually kinda saw this in the first episode of the season when Mitchell is first introduced. When Mitchell was trying to convince Sam to rejoin SG-1, we hear him become vulnerable and admit "what if the world needs saving because I screwed up cause you weren't here in the first place" highlighting Sam's superior skill set and perhaps even some insecurity on Mitchell's end. Ultimately, Mitchell respects Sam and the OG team's opinion more than his own.