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Off to a great start.
one of them broke today 

they’re expensive 

I have two but only having one on doesnt work well to alter the camera quality 

basically my camera quality will probs be shit until I can afford. A new one idk

really upset about this. I feel like i keep getting bad news after bad news 

my mental health sucks 

anyway how u doin 



My favorite ever was the day I had to take my car in for repairs, and it wouldn't start. So I had to pay for a tow + the repairs I was going to get + all new repairs. Ugh. Stupid life crap that just happens. I'm not sure it applies here, but sometimes tennant / business insurance would cover such a cost, especially if its critical to you running your business (ASR). One short term suggestion would be google DIY Elgato Light for tips on making your own.


UPDATE - Managed to get it working after hours upon hours of troubleshooting. How long will it be fixed for? WHO KNOWS!