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Patrick - Excelsior

I do kind of like emotionless characters. They just seem bad ass, then later when they lose control and go full rage, its all the more badass. This might be a hold over from my youth watching Spock on Star Trek. Yeah, I guess its kind of an advantage to having all the main character cops on the run, no one left to investigate monsters of the week. I mean, I guess Renard could go off and do one himself, but he doesn’t seem the type. Love the humor in this episode. Also love Wu getting ready to take out Renard on his own. Good job on Hank Talking him down. I like seeing Claire Coffee get to show more of her comedic side. Although it should have been obvious after seeing the imposter on the news, she was stalling him and was in on it. But still, it was fun to watch. During the fight on the roof, the obvious joke would be for Nick to say “Why you hitting yourself?” every time he punches him. I think that Diana didn’t blast Nick, she undid the spell and that knocked Nick across room. She realized he wasn’t daddy and decided to make him return to himself. Woah, at first I thought it was that cop that wanted to be Captain with Renard at end. But its Meisner. WTH. Is this a haunting? A twin? Renard’s guilt driving him crazy? I wonder if the angry cop will come back up again.