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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2cqqgpk0hj7z7aqwax0mf/Person-Of-Interest-S03E16-RAM-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=8res3e7ysximobpu1h8o3qz5x&dl=0

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Mark Chrisco

At the end of this, a frightening thought occurred to me. Could you imagine how scary it might have been had Kara been teamed with Shaw instead of John?


I remember I liked this episode and was looking forward to the rewatch. As a fan, it is fun to see all your favorite characters cross each other's paths in the past, without even knowing it. From a critic's point of view, if we are shown on the screen only things that we were told in the past without enriching the story, it's a bit of a let down. I think that the introduction of Dillinger as Finch's previous employee does a good job of enriching the story. Note that I said "employee", while for John I would call him Finch's "partner" in their enterprise. I like how we see that the bad experience with Dillinger drove Finch find someone who would feel that helping people is a calling, rather than a job: a true partner, like John is now. It also helps us understand Finch's reticence to reveal any details of their operation to newcomers. If you remove Dillinger, then I would say there's actually not that much here that enriches the back story. The episode could have been even better if it gave us more on that front. Still, all together, the episode holds up under rewatch. I still like it. :-)