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Just getting an idea of which service is used more.



Huh, interesting. I honestly thought more people used OneHub.

Brennon Booth

Surprised that many people use Onehub, as for me it is inconvenient, all because the Internet sometimes slows down, so basically I often use it to dropbox.

Suzanne Hunt

Drop Box works on my TV, OneHub doesn't!


I have to download it because my internet sucks and I can't stream videos at a high enough resolution to be worth watching.


98% of time download from dropbox and watch on laptop 2% I may cast to tv from phone and onehub works better for that


Usually use the Onehub link but occasionally if I am too early and the onehub is still unavailable I will use the dropbox link.


Download so I can load onto Plex to watch on my TV. OneHub for me is very slow, so I download from Dropbox now.

Brennon Booth

I saw some of the reactionary groups the homies using the service sync.com a kind of playlist of all reactions to TV series, movies, and the like.


I use the Onehub link mostly always

Paul Carroll

can she get a apple icloud or google drive account they got some nifty new features now that might be worth checking into you can upload to one of those and some people that can not use dropbox or one hub they can definitly use google drive in a link on patreon. have a great weekend. all