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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/k5s34rdxv2eqwn1f8izs6/Ally-McBeal-S04E10-The-Ex-Files-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=fp19jbvqvgkdypdejia59ovtf&dl=0

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Brandon Wiesner

I thought the woman with tourettes looked familiar. Then I noticed the credits, it's Anne Heche. Funny, because her and Portia De Rossi (Nelle) dated for awhile. May she RIP. I think Ally's reaction to Larry kissing his ex was fair. Even though she's the mother of his child, kissing is still cheating. Of course though, they still made up. The guy marrying Ling's friend is a creep. It's one thing to still have a thing for your ex. But then, you shouldn't be getting married. It's not fair to your bride. You should be totally in love with her and not want anyone else. That whole thing about asking Ling if he still had a chance, man what a loser!


1. Ally.... Come on.... Larry is right... That hat looks fucking stupid ...It looks like you're about to go off on a fishing trip 2. Man I would NOT. be a good influence on those little shits ...That little girl just called John a boring little man straight to his face and he let her get away with it??? .....Bish ....Not in my class 3. Oh.... Ok.... SHIT. ....I paused at the wrong moment to type down that previous note ....Way to go John for scaring those little shits! I LOVE IT! 4. Your honor.. Get a better toupee.. That ball of yarn on your head ain't fooling anyone buddy 5. So this guy is consciously settling for "the next best thing" ...He KNOWS. that Ling is the woman of his dreams so this other woman that he's ending up with will always be second best in his mind .....That's sad to think about for that woman who is marrying him ....Dude.. If the woman of your dreams shuts you down and you CLEARLY feel that any other woman would always come second ....Be alone ...And let her find someone that DOES deserve her 6. While Larry SHOULDN'T have kissed Jean Grey in the first place.. I'm glad he instantly decided to head over to Ally to confess ...I can also understand Ally getting upset ...I do hope he gets a chance to explain ....BUT... I do stand by my initial thought.. He SHOULDN'T have kissed her ....To me that's a sign of mistrust ...If my significant other would do that I'd be done with the relationship 7. Yeah that was weird.. 1 scene Larry is talking to Jean Grey and the next he's talking to Ally and his hair has COMPLETELY changed ....He was also missing his glasses in the scene with Ally which kinda comes across like that whole scene was put in last minute or something .....In-canon explanation would probably be that the scene between him and Ally took place the next morning after he probably didn't sleep or anything he just sat in his office worrying about what to do after his talk with Jean Grey and then went over to Ally to try and talk to her again ...And he looked a mess cause he WAS. a mess 8. Ok I'm pretty sure that all of a sudden Larry's hair is back to being spikey ....This doesn't make sense... These scenes at Ally's place all belong to the same conversation they're having ...Why would he have gone to the bathroom in the middle of their conversation and styled his hair?? ....These scenes were shot in a weird order and someone fucked up in the hair department 9. I feel like Ling should have told her the truth... The dude is obviously never gonna confess to her that he went over to talk to Ling and said that Ling is the love of his live ....That woman deserves to be happy and being "The next best thing" isn't gonna give anyone any happiness 10. Yeah... DAMMIT Vonda!! Let RDJ sing the song! He sings MUCH. better! 11. You: "Mark is such an unnecessarily boring character" ....Froots.. I'mma be real ...He's my favourite chaahahahahaa ..I couldn't do it.. Like... Who the fuck cares about this guy!? You're right ...I forgot he even existed