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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ijakk8ofdcenp94stfw1v/Superman-Lois-S03E11-Complications-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=y97c3f7ce9kivq5cuigrymhzn&dl=0

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Brandon Wiesner

I liked how there are a lot of parallels in the story. Pia's cancer came back and if Lois took the cure, that probably would have happened to her too. Pia's death impacted everyone and also made everyone grateful for Lois' successful surgery. Then you have Sarah and Jordan, and Nat and Mateo. The latter still have love for each other, while Jordan and Sarah are pissed at one other. They could take notes from the other 2.


Yeah i really do bad for the entire family. A part of me wishes she could have survived bc its so sad but its probably the right call. I hate seeing all these new storylines starting for all these characters and knowing they wont be in next season except for a few episodes. I can feel them setting up possible storylines for them and now they will have to probably unnaturally ignore it because the CW doesnt want to give them a good budget, honestly i would rather HBOMax pick it up. LMAO I couldnt help but die laughing when you called that guy a C-Word lol Yeah in america its the worst bad word you could say pretty much. I know shows that will glady drop the f-bomb 10 times but then bleep out the c-word. I dont know why its so bad here in america. I love jonathons and jordans relationship. They feel like real brothers. Probably the most realistic portrayal ive seen on tv. Its not just endless drama where they hate each other but they love each other. They fight sometimes but they always make up and have each others back no matter how angry they get at each other. I really love this version of Lex Luthor. I loved the finale, it felt like things were going back to normal only for things to start picking up in the second half. I liked seeing the more normal calm moments in the beginning. Season 3 is probably my favorite season if not then second best. I really liked it all the way through. I like how this show doesnt stretch their storylines to a set amount, like you saying how they finished the bruno storyline a couple episodes ago and started another story. It feels like they wrote it until it made sense and didnt stretch it out another couple of episodes so instead they decided to set up a new story for season 4. I just hope the budget cut isnt too noticeable with the special effects.

James jackson

Jordan you did a good job saving your mother during surgery but unfortunately when you whooshed in to the O R you brought a bunch of dirt and germs in with you and the post op infection nearly killed her. Tv shows gotta tv show

Patrick - Excelsior

Bazoombas ... I guess they couldn't get the endorsement money from Hooters.