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I love Michael, he cares alot but he doesnt know how to show it. He doesnt like to be vulnerable so he puts up a wall. Another really good episode. This season has really picked up since the middle.

Jeremy Burch

Michael, he has a tendency to lash out, get angry, defensive, say sometimes mean things. But then he thinks about what was said to him and tries to make changes to his behavior or be there for the person. He's just not great at showing how he feels, but he tries and he cares a lot. I think we can trust the Sheriff, at the beginning of the season I didn't think so, but as the season went on I started thinking maybe he was someone who could be trusted, maybe we just needed to wait till he was a little less obsessed and paranoid, so he would be ready to handle the information and help us and I think he might be there now. Although to be fair I never really doubted he was a person who believed in helping people, I just wasn't sure how he would handle the information about aliens being real.

Suzanne Hunt

I don't like Tess! Nothing against the actress! I liked her a as Belle in Once upon a time! It's just her character I dislike here! I think it is partially because she is trying to come between Max and Liz. I don't trust Tess and her father at all! Great reaction Shan!


I don't recall if I called alien right away for Tess, but I do remember saying to myself I know exactly why you're here Tess from the moment she walked into frame the previous episode - to disrupt the A couple; and then in this episode after one of the most beautiful shots on the show of Max and Liz through the rainy door, when Max and Tess kiss I do remember saying to myself "and cue Liz". Sure they're cliches, but that doesn't matter because they work for a reason. I always believe in it doesn't matter if we know where the storyline is headed, what matters is the details and journey of how we get there and the emotions they illicit from you along the way.


I mainly only hate it when the main couples only get together for good near the end of the series instead of actually giving us time with them being a couple. I love late 90s and 2000s shows but they are notorious with having unnecessary drama with relationships. It just makes me frustrated when i cant enjoy couples actually being happy.


True. TV couples can have conflict and drama without actually having to break up. The example I always go to is I never got invested in any of Ross and Rachel's partners because everybody should know that Ross and Rachel were endgame from day 1.


1. You mentioned South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory ..."The other one" ....Good job Froots ....You.. The Australian... Managed to mention almost every territory when trying to pinpoint where Sydney was located ....Almost every one of them ...The correct place would be New South Wales ....Your guesses were all on the opposite side of the continent 2. Hooooooold up.... Let's not skate past this Froots..... You think Yvonne Strahovski (Sarah Walker from Chuck) ....You think her first name is pronounce you-vonne???? GHWAT!?!?!? ...We're 3 seasons into Chuck and this is legit the first time you mentioned that shit ......I have NEVER. heard anyone fuck up that name before and I once knew someone in class by that name .....Say it with me Froots ...E-Vonne ...E-Vonne ..........You-vonne... What the fuck Froots?!!? 3. I meeeeeaaan... Yeah... Sheriff Valenti didn't pay for his coffee... But I'm sure it wouldn't be that difficult to send him a bill ...It's not like he'd be difficult to track down 4. Keep singing Froots.. Even when I'm feeling really down it always makes me smile 5. Ok ofcourse Max was daydreaming about dry humping Tess in front of class.... But did Alex have to have that creeper smile on his face while watching?? Dude... 6. Also.... Max was just on fire ....ON... FIRE!!!! ....And the teacher crosses his arms and is basically like "Oh Max.. You silly silly guy" .....Like ...DUDE! A student was ON FIRE!!! GHWAT!?! 7. Really Isabel??? Really??? Michael just said a military dude with an M16 showed up and you're like "I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this" ..squeeky voice...REALLY ISABEL?!?! ......Does this kinda shit happen a lot in Roswell?!? Cause I've lived close to a military base for most of my life and that shit NEVER. happened in my town .....I know you're a bit desperate for friends but COME OOOON!! 8. Big step by Valenti giving Max the orb as a sign of trust ...You're right Froots... It might be worth trusting the sheriff 9. Again.... Tess is talking about this Buddha statue and how her dad is collecting junk from all over the world ....PERFECT opportunity to say that they've been living in Australia for the longest time and that's how her accent is so noticeable ....But no ....Let's pretend she's American instead 10. Jeebus Liz can you move to open that door any slower???? It's CLEARLY pouring down outside and Max isn't getting any dryer out there .....Is this some passive aggressive thing girls do?? "Oh my boyfriend just supposedly cheated on me and here he is outside in the rain.. Let me just move to open the door at a snails pace just so I can have a little revenge.. Even though he didn't really do shit" (I mean... Roles reversed I'd do this for funsies but that's beside the point) 11. Yeah the fact that Liz KNOWS Max is an alien and that they've had this exaggerated attraction towards each other ...She SHOULD be a little bit more open to Max saying there's something wrong about Tess ...I mean... Sure... Ofcourse it's probably not the greatest of feelings to see the guy you love kiss another girl or whatever... Like ..IF this were a normal situation then I'd say he better watch his back.. Once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater ..Trust GONE. ....But this is not a normal situation here ....Be a bit more open minded that Max COULD be telling the truth ...Everyone ..Not just Liz ...Everyone is shutting him down ...It's kinda stupid how close minded they all are 12. Ok I know damn well Valenti is more than likely using an unmarked car while taking pictures of Max and them in front of Tess's house ....But it just made me laugh at how close he was to them with his car and the thought got into my mind like "What if he's just in the back of his police car taking those pictures ...Like... EXTREMELY out in the open and they didn't notice him" ....I dunno... Made me laugh 13. I meaaaan... Tess COULD have been human like Liz and this whole vision thing isn't so special ....But yeah ...It wasn't that much of a surprise to find out she's an alien 14. Do we trust Valenti? As you suggest ...I'm just thinking he's looking out for them... But trust needs to come from BOTH sides ...So far he's shown the gang that he CAN be trusted or at least he's made the first step ...The gang however is still distrustful of him ...Time will tell I suppose