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I liked this episode. I was shocked just like you when the asgard just walked in on the news. I was kind of hoping this would be the episode the truth finally gets out. I think theres alot of story potential that could happen. Plus i would like to see the start of the earth becoming more advanced like we saw in the episode about the future. (Also im mad that future still had dr. fraiser alive and we dont. Damn future always changing)

Retro Tom

I like this episode, the more big incidents happen the more the cover stories are harder to believe. Plus I like the idea the at least one outside contractor was smart enough to put the pieces they had together to get at least part of the story As for last weeks comments, you confused those "Beyond The Gate" DVD extras with Syfy's Low-Down Specials they would air before the season premieres. Not a big deal but they are 2 separate things


There was a special on Syfy that aired just before Season 1 of Atlantis called Behind The Gate, you can still find it on YouTube. There was another special later on that maybe you're right, maybe it WAS called Low-Down which Syfy thought it was a great idea if they'd incorporate BSG into it.. I remember sitting down looking forward to the special thinking I was going to see more Stargate behind the scenes stuff and then they all of a sudden started talking about BSG ...I was furious... They messed with something I looked forward to by adding in my opinion some shit show I had ZERO. intention on watching (I'd seen trailers.. I wasn't interested.... Much later on I gave the pilot a shot... Still not interested) ...My hatred for BSG began with that special and has never died. That and I don't understand why anyone would think Katee Suckoff is hot... I'm sorry... But... NO.


1. You: "Do we like the side fringe or the front fringe better" ......Side fringe.. ANY. day of the week ...I'm NOT. saying the front fringe looks bad ...It's just my personal opinion that the side fringe looks better ....That and curlies ...And glasses ...But I'm getting distracted ....Moving on ................Next note 2. Yeah... We all have dumb reasons not to watch shows ...It can be a behind the scenes special shared with another show ...Or a guy getting ready for work in the intro 3. The rogue people inside the NID did get dealt with not too long ago BUT ofcourse there will always be people out there who have the same beliefs ...It's not like there's some magical device to change everything they believe in... What I found kinda odd though is how Daniel just randomly threw out their name while he was in the van saying something along the lines of "So you're calling yourself The Trust now" ......Like ...When the fuck did he find out this information?? It was a bit random to throw that out there like that 4. Oh.... Shit... You're right... We DID see Daniel in avatar form in the VR episode ...I totally forgot .....I don't thiiiiink I have Daniel in VRChat though ...Not sure ...I've got Teal'c and O'neill ....I'm SURE. I don't have Carter since I'm pretty sure there was no avatar for her in VRChat ....I'd have to check if I have Daniel 5. NOPE. ....Sounds like someone needs to re-watch Smallville ....You said during Lois's debut on Smallville she had a side fringe ...And before you come up with excuses... You didn't fuck up and accidentally say side fringe while meaning front fringe ...You were very sure about it during your little rant... You about Lois's hair on Smallville: "You get those kinda side fringes from having a front fringe first ...I should know" ...Apparently you don't ...How do I NOT. know hair but I remember hers in her debut better than you... I even checked just to be sure I'm not making myself look bad here (and instead just make YOU look bad muwhahaha) ....Lois has a big ass front fringe in 4x01 of Smallville ....You... Froots ....Are WRONG! ...Suck it! 6. Just some friendly advice since you say you're having trouble registering things today (it's not just today) ...Some notes would make a WHOLE lot more sense if you didn't try to rush through reading things ...Slow it down Froots ...It'll give you the chance to actually absorb what you're reading.. Making you less confused... And you might also give people a more interactive response in the process which is kinda what this whole comment reading section is about 7. I meaaaaaannnn.... Mr. Sheffield goes on international TV and outs to the world that the governments of several nations are hiding the truth about aliens AND that he has proof and will release it within 24 hours .....You suggest he "mysteriously dies" .....That'd be a bad idea though ...Someone does what he just did but then mysteriously dies??? ....It'd be a major red flag ...People would be asking a lot of questions 8. Alec Coulson... Yeah you're right ...Dude probably has a brother named Agent 9. I had the same thought as you just there... Mr. Sheffield is showing Carter and Daniel something and next to him is a picture that looks like it might as well be of the stargate itself ...It's not ofcourse ...But yeah I had to double check for a moment 10. Ok so it's canon ....Thor is either tardy or likes to show up casually late ...Dude! We said 8.00pm! NOT. 8.01! 11. Such a shift in the way Carter behaves in front of camera compared to when she was in front of it in the episode Heroes ....In Heroes she was awkwardly shy ...Yet here in this interview she's a LOT. more comfortable ....Kinda odd 12. It was funny seeing Thor just chilling in a chair in O'neills office like it's most normal thing in the world and how O'neill can be like "Thor and I are having a meeting with the president in 5 minutes" and then just beam out of there .....8 seasons ...I LOVE how far we've come and there's still more to go 13. I feel like Carter shouldn't have answered Mr. Sheffield's question so specifically ...After he got beamed to the SGC he asked where he was and she just flat out said Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado .....She could've just said "a secret facility the location we can't disclose" ....Now the dude knows WHERE the stargate is and IF he'd wanted would have even more proof 14. Ok I couldn't find anything about this ....But there's NO FUCKING WAY they DIDN'T do this on purpose... Calling the Alpha Site base commander Captain Sheffield!?? ....Come on! (and I legit didn't even pick up on it until now)