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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ycktgz18u1e7wtn/Roswell%20S01E15%20-%20Independence%20Day%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Jeremy Burch

I love that moment with Maria and Michael, I also love that Michael is emancipated and that he was able to ask for help. I'm not particularly invested in the Sheriff and Maria's mom dating, but they do need to give the Sheriff something else to do other than be obsessed with Max, Michael and Isabel. I also kind of thought that moment when Maria and Liz realized the Sheriff was in the house with Maria's mom was funny, also since you were asking, that was Majandra Delfino(Maria) singing in the last episode.


This has to be my favorite episode so far. Micheal breaking down at marias was just so sweet. He knew he could trust her and he feels safe with her. I love that he has someone else to go to when he just needs comfort. It was truly a beautiful moment. Im glad they kept it like that and didnt do more like some shows would have.


1. I already told this in voice last week but you weren't listening.. Majandra Delfino (Maria) was ACTUALLY the one that sang in 1x14 yeah... I looked it up too while we were in voice to see if I could find a full version of the song ..Sadly no ...She has an album though 2. Since you skipped a note I'm just gonna start doing this now... IF you skip a note.. I'll repeat it into the next weeks notes .........Sooooooo... If Liz is still interested in Max ...Why is she agreeing to go on this mystery date?? She could just not show up 3. I agree... An 18 year old should NOT. be cool with winning a date with a high school girl on some dating show ....He DIDN'T do it for publicity so this WAS kinda creepy ....Again ...Had Liz's parents actually been there I'd expect a lot of protest on this 4. GHWAT!1?!one? You don't remember Max touching some picture and with his alien photoshopping powers changing some peoples faces into his own face!?! That shit was hilarious! ......Again... Max... Hit me up! I got some PNG's for ya mah dude! 5. You just called me crazy, weird and unexpected ......(thinks).......Yeah.. True ...But so are you Froots 6. My guess ....There's probably some emotions that come with trying to use their powers ...Perhaps Michael was feeling a certain way and this is why he wasn't able to heal the black eye himself ..Alien performance anxiety? 7. True... Kind of an inconsistency there ...Michael claiming he can't control his powers ...You make a solid argument that he was using his powers for pranks before ...If he really couldn't control his powers then why didn't the school burn down? 8. I find it hiiiiiiighly doubtful that Max and Isabel's parents have NEVER met Michael as their mum claimed .....They hang out ALL. the time! ....You telling me he's NEVER. been to their house before??? Geeeet the fuck outta here with that shit! 9. I can't blame Michael for using his powers to stop Hank ....In my opinion he should've done it a long time ago ....Put some genuine fear into the guy and then blame it on him seeing shit cause he's drunk ...Do that a couple times maybe and perhaps Hank would sober up and start acting like a real dad ...Or Michael would end up living on his own somehow when authorities would see he's living in a bad environment with a crazy person who thinks his adoptive son has powers (You can see all the negative sides you want Froots... I for some reason choose to stay positive) 10. Yup... Not gonna lie ...The Maria / Michael scene where Maria lets Michael in from the rain ...Got me a bit ...Beeteedubs I was told this was one of the iconic scenes on the show where the music mattered to what was going on 11. Yeeaaah secrets apparently mean absolutely nothing on this show ....If you're told a secret ...You keep it to yourself! ..That's it... It's NOT. that hard ...If people would do this to me then they'd give me a clear sign that I CAN'T trust them 12. I meaannn... What the FUCK else are those things that Isabel is holding?? They LOOK like fucking dragonballs to me too! ....And she's got 5 of them already! .........Oooooooh... Oookkeeyyy... They're the stones that River Dog gave them ...Makes much more sense .....Man I'm beginning to think I maybe missed half of the episodes or something 13. Continuing on from that ....I was skipping through Season 2 and 3 when I checked them after taking them through Handbrake ...I don't remember ANYTHING from those 2 seasons ...I'm starting to doubt if I ever saw past Season 1 14. Yeeeeeeahh.. Picking up a hitchhiker can be dangerous ...You never know what kinda person you're inviting into your car and if there isn't another person hiding in a ditch or whatever ...I'll pass on that too 15. I know right!?! That Michael style hair did NOT. look good on that little kid .....Looked like the kid stepped off the set of Peter Pan or some shit 16. Nice job Detective... It DID seem pretty convenient that Hank all of a sudden decided to move out of Roswell