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Black Mirror turned Jimmi Simpson from actor whose name I should know to one I did know. Still I didn't remember that this was him here. Cool.


When Finch said the company was "going public" with a billion users, he meant it was going on the stock exchange to be a publicly traded company. Facebook went public in 2012. I like Logan as a number and the episode over all was a good case of the week to follow the previous few.

Andrew Polinski

The auctioneer in this episode is the same auctioneer from the first episode of Hawkeye. Has actually played an Auctioneer on 16 different occasions


Yeah, he's very good. Not surprising that, when part of the POI creative team went on to create Westworld, they took him along!


I'll just say that 9/11 was and is a big deal. It was probably the biggest national tragedy in the US since World War 2. I don't want to dwell on this, but I think its gravity is important to the story here. We have now seen that it was the events of 9/11 that have pushed both John and Finch onto the path they are on now. When I see the flashback scene with Finch, what I think it's showing us is the moment of shock that convinces Finch (despite obvious inner reservations) to create something as dangerous as The Machine. To me, there is an obvious parallel to the creation of nuclear weapons in the US during World War 2 (The Manhattan Project). If you read a bit into it's history, it seems that the scientists and engineers (at least those who knew what they were creating) had put aside their own personal reservations because they were shocked by the atrocities committed by the Nazis during the war and wanted to contribute to stopping it. However, after the war, realizing that they had let the genie out of the bottle, the same scientists were some of the first people to call for stopping the spread of nuclear weapons. The Machine is Finch's genie.


Now, a bit of a tangent... Mild spoilers for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. As I think you know, the show involved a time jump from the '90s to the 2000's. One of the most memorable scenes for me was (in 1x02) when Sarah goes to some arms/fake ID dealers and they are the ones who have to explain 9/11 to her, since all the extra security after it made their jobs much harder. It was a short scene, but Sarah's reaction (props to Lena Headey) captured the magnitude of that tragedy very well. What an underrated show!