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Yes! Chuck and Sarah get married in season 25. You got a long road ahead of you. I think we did need the fake out at the beginning. Theres alot of stuff that happened between the fake out and when shaw traps sarah that becomes important. I dont think the stuff at the end would have been as impactful without those scenes. Ooh, Chuck shot Shaw!!! Is he really dead? Who knows, we will find out eventually lol but either way what chuck did was different than assassinating someone . He did it purely to save someones life. Even if chuck wasnt a spy he would not get in any trouble for what he did. Now we know that Sarah just doesnt want him to be a cold blooded killer but if he absolutely has to in order to save someone they love then its what he had to do. She understands its not all black and white. I love that morgan became a spy. Like you said it would never happen in real life but lets just enjoy this moment because its so sweet and theres alot of fun story opportunities they can do with this. YES finally. Sarah and Chuck are officially together! This seems like a good spot to finally end the will they wont they. The middle of season 3 is not too short but also not too long. I love this episode and im so happy they are together now. Lets see how their relationship develops. BTW Great thumbnails. Love them. I wasnt expecting you to replace all the past reactions with the new ones. I assumed you would only use it for future ones haha


Good reaction. Like the new thumbnails. I do have to disagree that the initial deception wasn’t needed. Shaw did have to ‘prove’ his loyalty to the CIA so that he could get access to the Intersect schematics that he gave the Director. Okay not really spoiler but general information. This was going to be the season 3 season finale. The show got renewed for a 13 episode season order at the end of season 2 and the network extended the season for more episodes after season 3 started airing. The same thing ended up happening the next season. I mention the above as explaining why I am mentioning this next point. Previously you had mentioned not liking the name reveal to Shaw and I didn’t want to post my thoughts since they were a bit spoilery. Initially I was okay with it because I thought it would become important later on in the season. However, once we got to this point and the name wasn’t going to be brought up again during what they thought was the season, my opinion became the same as yours. It was such a big deal and it was wasted in this way. Loved Morgan joining the team and Casey getting back on the team.


If I remember correctly wasn't this also a potential series finale? I know the show has been almost canceled every season and every season finale was basically written as a potential series finale.


Yep, after being so close to being cancelled after season two they made sure the finales could work as the final episode of the series.

Jeremy Burch

This episode along with the previous were 2 really great episodes. I really loved everything from the scene with Shaw on the bridge, to Casey being back and bringing Morgan along, as well as Sarah and Chuck finally together. The comments above have mentioned reasons why the Shaw fake out at the beginning was necessary, my own reasons are simply I thought it was fun, the back and forth of being uncertain if Shaw was actually going to turn was interesting. After the previous episode I assumed the episode was going to start with Shaw trying to kill Sarah, but instead they made it seem quite plausible he wasn't going to, making us the viewer, uncertain what he was going to do throughout the beginning of the episode. Which I thought was interesting, I feel like it also added to the impactfulness of the ending. Great reaction, also the new thumbnails are great.

Fredrik IB

Absolutely astonishing episode of TV. When it comes to the "deception" at the beginning, it's probably open to interpretation, but.,, I think Shaw meant to confront Sarah and kill her at the beginning. However, when Shaw raises the gun towards her he sees the reflection of a flashlight over the muzzle of a gun in the TV behind Sarah, so he instantly takes the weapon down and reorganizes his plan. WIthout the "fakeout" at the beginning, nothing in this episode would have really happened. It would have been quite dull. Jumping to the climax of the episode right away would have taken the angst and payoff away from those moments imo. There are so many things to love about this episode. I'll mention some of my favourites at least. I love how disgusted with himself Shaw looks when Crowley asks if they bought it (in the elevator). You can tell he is not proud of what he's doing, but... Avenging his wife's murder is literally what he's been trying to do ever since she died. Then, we have Morgan. How can he prove his worth to the team? Well, he just did, didn't he. Figuring out that those punches and kicks didn't land. Pure writing brilliance. These writers are so good at coming up with ways for Chuck (before he had fighting skills) to save the day, and now Morgan, by just having them be smart, often tied to their nerdisms. And then... we have the immaculate Star Wars reference when Morgan says "No... There is another". Hands down the best ever reference of that moment. https://media.tenor.com/oBoTZU6fumYAAAAC/yoda-there-is.gif And then Morgan talks Casey into joining and helping Chuck. Again proving his worth. And then we have Shaw and Sarah in Paris. Shaw turned bad guy is just chilling. His acting here is fantastic and it's why I was excited when Brandon Routh would be a villain for abit in Legends. I knew that he could pull it off. Shaw explaining to Sarah just why he had to kill her was also great. I adore how they had Chuck actually shoot him thrice. It adds power to that scene and his decision. There was no trying to hide from that moment. He HAD to, and he did. Casey reinstated and getting Morgan on the team is also awesome. Also, yes. This episode was written as a potential series finale. I remember when I watched it for the first time, this episode had a 9.7 on IMDB.

Patrick - Excelsior

One more reason for fake out. The story needed Chuck to be on his own with team Bartowski (Morgan and Casey). Without the Fake-Out there would be no reason for the General Beckman to not believe Chuck. At the beginning of episode she believe Shaw was planning on killing Sarah. But because of the fake-out, Beckman now believes Shaw to be a true and loyal agent and therefore didn't believe Chuck. This kept the CIA from stopping Shaw's plan. I like how they not only had the 'finally" scene with Chuck and Sarah at the end but they also settled the 'Chuck always dreamed of seeing the Eiffel Tower' thing as well. In fact they did both at same time.