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Well Shan, I think you've come full circle. You're watching a scifi show with vampire aliens!

Retro Tom

When Brad Wright was expecting SG-1 to end after season 6, he planned on moving Jonas Quinn over to Atlantis that he was just starting to develop. when SG-1 came back for a 7th season & Michael Shanks returned, & Jonas removed, Brad realized that Jonas would just be hanging around the SGC for a season with nothing to do, so that's why he was written as being allowed to go home & Atlantis was written without him. It makes it a double kick in the face when Shanks came back as not only did he lose the SG-1 gig, but also the Atlantis gig too

Patrick - Excelsior

I got the joke before and I got it this time too. Lady in red. lol Yes, this is a very kewl gate. Much faster than earth gate. Chief Master Sgt. Walter would have a heck of a time keeping up with the "First chevron encoded, Second chevron ...". The gate room is also much cooler with the hatch to allow the Puddle Jumpers access. There is ancient writing on each step going up to control, I always wonder what they say. "Careful, Don't trip." " This way to control" or maybe they are ads for Ancient products like chewing gum or a Puddle Jumper Dealership. LMAO, Ok you got me, Its not called Found City. But the city DID rise, and the episode IS called RISING. So its still fairly correct. Plus Rising could be referring to the Wraith waking up, as is Rise and Shine. After all the wraith are kind of shiny with the slimy skin of theirs. Since the Leader of the wraith had red hair, could she be the Lady in Red? Don't dance with her, she gets too handsy. I call the Ancient glow missiles Squid Bombs but I'm sure you will come up with something better.


At least the Ancients built seats into the puddle jumpers, unlike Goauld ships lol Also, they have unreal inertia dampeners or they would have all died under all that G force travelling at that speed and making those insane turns


Here's something you can ponder on: In SG-1 we are taught that all humans originate from Earth and that the only reason we find humans on other planets is because the Goa'uld spread humans from Earth to other planets when the System Lord Ra discovered Earth thousands of years ago. So why are there humans in the Pegasus galaxy? Where did these humans come from?


Someone please check up on my boy Daniel. He's definitely suffering from some major FOMO during these episodes. He's even the one that gave us the 8 symbol address to dial Atlantis's Stargate and still didn't get to go himself.

Daniel (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-04 16:49:25 I'm curious. Before you knew Atlantis was set in a completely different Galaxy, did you ever wonder, while you were watching SG-1 throughout the seasons, where the Wraith were and where they fit into the picture?
2023-06-04 14:09:20 I'm curious. Before you knew Atlantis was set in a completely different galaxy, did you ever wonder, while you were watching SG-1 throughout the seasons, where the Wraith were and where they fit into the picture?

I'm curious. Before you knew Atlantis was set in a completely different galaxy, did you ever wonder, while you were watching SG-1 throughout the seasons, where the Wraith were and where they fit into the picture?


I mean that's easy.. We saw Atlantis leave Earth in the first minute.. Then Daniel mentioned Atlantis, the flying city leaving earth perhaps to seed life in a new galaxy and then the hologram later on confirmed that ..Not much to ponder really


"Seeding worlds with life in a galaxy where there was none" is way too vague a statement. Does this imply that the Ancients created all the humans we see in the show? It could also be interpreted as just meaning the Ancients colonised the galaxy as they spread from world to world in Pegasus. Which is typically the case with powerful empires.


I don't think it's meant to be vague at all, it's been stated several times before that we're the 2nd evolution of their kind. Both on SG-1 and in the Atlantis pilot. Dr. Beckett said it as well when he was showing Sheppard the Ancient chair. Everything we've been told thus far has given us a clear sign that The Ancients lived here several million years ago, left Earth for the Pegasus galaxy and brought life to it. It's what Daniel and the hologram said and what others have basically hinted to. If one were to interpret it differently then they would not have been paying attention and would be ignoring the evidence which points to one singular conclusion. So to answer your original question once more. There are humans in the Pegasus galaxy because The Ancients "brought life" there. "Seeding world with life in a galaxy where there was none" ...Keyword "none" ..Before The Ancients got there, there were no humans. Nothing left to ponder.


Even "2nd evolution of their kind" is too vague a statement lol. So we evolved from them? What does that even mean? Why don't we have their level of intelligence or possess their healing power like the Ancient woman? I, of course, know what the correct answer to the original question is because I have watched both shows in their entirety. However, my central point is this: The show has thus far done a poor job explaining the relationship between the Ancients and modern day humans other than showcasing that they obviously looked the same.


2nd evolution of their kind means The Ancients created us I don't see how that's so vague ...As for why don't we have their powers ..That's part of evolution ...Some people have the gene (O'neill.. Sheppard.. Beckett) and some don't (McKay haha!) but we're not evolved enough yet to be able to use powers ...It took the use of the Ancient Repository for O'neill to be able to access those powers In my opinion it's all pretty clear, But I guess it can be vague for some

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-07 05:56:01 1. The ZPM in ARK didn't make the stargate dial faster you noob ...That's just a setting you could change with your "remote" ...However without a ZPM you could dial another gate and then you'd have to wait a while for the gate to build up enough power to be able to dial again ...With a ZPM you could dial roughly a 100 times before you'd need a new ZPM ......In comparison to the show ZPM that's fucking weak though ...It has a LOT. more power than that 2. Hey people can blame me all they want for having the Atlantis theme on my playlist ...I choose to ignore ...It's DAMN GOOD theme! 3. Yeah naw... I've already explained this in voice but I'll restate ...Originally McKay wasn't going to be on this show ...It was originally going to be a character called Dr. Benjamin Ingram he was supposedly a African-Canadian scientist ...David Hewlett... While obviously not African-Canadian decided to audition for the role regardless and it was executive producer Robert Cooper who decided to replace the character for a more established character ....And so McKay was added to the show (who previously was on 2 episodes btw... One in Season 5 and one in Season 6) 4. Yeah that's right ...All this time ...Narim faked his dead on the Tollan homeworld and has been secretly living the life of a human named Simon and pursued a relationship with Elizabeth Weir 5. Soooooo... A long time ago I told you about something which I can now put into more detail I suppose ....Lt. Aiden Ford (the guy who accompanies Sheppard on the Puddle Jumper to the Wraith world later on) ...The actor is the brother of Cree Summer ...That name probably doesn't ring a bell ...But she voiced a certain character by the name of Princess Kida of Atlantis (from Disney's Atlantis The Lost Kingdom) ...Coincidence? I think yes 6. To sum up the countries shown in the pilot that are part of the Atlantis expedition through flag patches seen in these 2 episodes... Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Greece, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, and Zimbabwé..... Sadly The Netherlands isn't representing ...I'm sure they could've brought some weed to the party or something 7. There's 9 chevrons on a stargate Froots ...8 are used to dial another galaxy ...The 9th one is probably for shits and giggles 8. I meeeaaaannn... You're not wrong ...If this were SG-1 ...Syler would've gotten electrocuted while flipping that switch or he would've blown up the ZPM (which would've been BAD.) ...But we're in the pilot of Atlantis here... We can't have Syler be Sylering right now 9. Aight I'mma name 2 things I know the dude from other than the Atlantis pilot since that's all I can think of ....He's T-1000 from Terminator 2 and he's Peacemaker's dad from ...Well.. Duh ..Peacemaker 10. YEAH! Where the FUCK. is Walter (Chevron Guy)!?!!? Dude just missed dialing Atlantis!! The FUCK!?!? 11. I'mma just say... Ford jumping backwards through the stargate ...Dude would land on his ass on the other side 12. I don't think you ever saw it ....But much like we had the SGC iris on ARK ...We also had the Atlantis iris ...I didn't show it to you cause it was a spoiler ...Even when I created our Atlantis base I decided not to .....Well... That and the fact that gating to it while activated it would lead to you losing all your inventory ...Which would've made some people flip the FUCK. out 13. Yeeeaahh.. Part 1 DID end really abruptly ...I thought about adding a "To Be Continued" text at the end ...But I wanted to catch you off guard with the beginning of Part 2 ...And it worked ...I'm glad I was able to make you smile ..It was worth the effort just for that 14. Kid to John: "I can't find my father" ......Me as John ...Puts hand on his shoulder: "Awww.. That seems like a you problem" ..Leaves 15. Scientist dude points out failing shield to Weir: "It seems like we don't have much time" ....Weir is really giving him the look like she's internally saying "You made me come all the way the fuck down here for this??? McKay already said that in the last episode!" 16. Much agreed... The Atlantis gate looks cooler than the old gate ...Plus it's more advanced and it's got pretty lights 17. Just an FYI ...Pause the rising of Atlantis at the right moment and you'll notice a fuck up in the CGI ...Some missing polygons in the Atlantis 3D Model showing some massive black spots which you can't unsee once you know where to look ....There's more but I'll get to that later 18. Atlantis has just risen out of the ocean and the crew is looking out the window ...We find out a scene later that there's a balcony outside THAT very window ...These fuckers were looking at the damn balcony ...They couldn't see shit out that window! 19. Notice how Atlantis has 6 piers ...3 small ones and 3 big ones ....Kinda like a certain ARK base I made (that didn't get used for more than 2 hours! ...yeah I'm not bitter about single handedly spending 2.5 weeks gathering resources for that) 20. Interesting how there's a plant on that balcony ...Given the city just violently erupted out of the water a couple minutes ago ...That plant must be super-glued to the fucking floor or something 21. Sumner: "Where are we?" You: "Somewhere that's got a fog machine.. I saw the fog" ....Good observation Froots... I'm sure The Wraith will be coming soon to hook up the strobe lights and the disco ball ....It's gonna be a party 22. Sumner just got YEETED. the FUCK. outta there by that Wraith guy! ...I'm TOTALLY adding a cat screech effect to the edit! (Spoiler alert: you're damn right I did) 23. To reiterate... You were right ..That DOES look like the Stargate Remote from ARK ...I always said it was going to make an appearance at some point but that it wasn't going to be what you thought it was ....It's in fact a Life Signs Detector ....Plus I think maybe sliiiiightly smaller than our remotes on ARK 24. Side note... There's an animal head on the table where Sumner meets the Wraith Queen ....It's a gag by the prop department ...It's one of them Abydos Space Cows from the Stargate Movie 25. Yeeeeaah.. As stated in these 2 episodes ...The Wraith have a somewhat limited power to make you see shit in order to frighten you ..They prey on fear ...And so far this Wraith Queen was seen to be capable of influencing her victims to give up their secrets ...There's some powers the Goa'uld would've loved to have 26. You about the Wraith waking up: "That's problematic" ...I meaaaann.. Yeah ...This is the race that defeated The Ancients ..The most advanced race in the universe ...They make the Goa'uld look like cosplayers ...I'd say problematic is probably underselling it Froots 27. Puddle Jumpers don't have a hyperdrive ...It'd take maaaaany years to reach the nearest gate ...I'm just bringing up the Puddle Jumper ...They look kinda clunky but boy would I LOVE to have one if they were real (provided the gene to fly it comes with it) ...I'd live on that thing (But if I could have a do-over wish ...Atlantis ...I'd live on THAT thing) 28. As Sheppard stated earlier the Puddle Jumper is equipped with artificial dampeners ...This means that you can make REALLY sharp turns and stop REALLY fast and you wouldn't feel a damn thing ..Combined with artificial gravity you could fly upside down and you'd stay standing on the Jumper's floor 29. Yeah my bad... In voice I did mention the name of Teyla's people ...I thought they mentioned it during the pilot but I was wrong ...Whoops ...I'm very sure it gets mentioned soon
2023-06-06 18:06:37 1. The ZPM in ARK didn't make the stargate dial faster you noob ...That's just a setting you could change with your "remote" ...However without a ZPM you could dial another gate and then you'd have to wait a while for the gate to build up enough power to be able to dial again ...With a ZPM you could dial roughly a 100 times before you'd need a new ZPM ......In comparison to the show ZPM that's fucking weak though ...It has a LOT. more power than that 2. Hey people can blame me all they want for having the Atlantis theme on my playlist ...I choose to ignore ...It's DAMN GOOD theme! 3. Yeah naw... I've already explained this in voice but I'll restate ...Originally McKay wasn't going to be on this show ...It was originally going to be a character called Dr. Benjamin Ingram he was supposedly a African-Canadian scientist ...David Hewlett... While obviously not African-Canadian decided to audition for the role regardless and it was executive producer Robert Cooper who decided to replace the character for a more established character ....And so McKay was added to the show (who previously was on 2 episodes btw... One in Season 5 and one in Season 6) 4. Yeah that's right ...All this time ...Narim faked his dead on the Tollan homeworld and has been secretly living the life of a human named Simon and pursued a relationship with Elizabeth Weir 5. Soooooo... A long time ago I told you about something which I can now put into more detail I suppose ....Lt. Aiden Ford (the guy who accompanies Sheppard on the Puddle Jumper to the Wraith world later on) ...The actor is the brother of Cree Summer ...That name probably doesn't ring a bell ...But she voiced a certain character by the name of Princess Kida of Atlantis (from Disney's Atlantis The Lost Kingdom) ...Coincidence? I think yes 6. To sum up the countries shown in the pilot that are part of the Atlantis expedition through flag patches seen in these 2 episodes... Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Greece, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, and Zimbabwé..... Sadly The Netherlands isn't representing ...I'm sure they could've brought some weed to the party or something 7. There's 9 chevrons on a stargate Froots ...8 are used to dial another galaxy ...The 9th one is probably for shits and giggles 8. I meeeaaaannn... You're not wrong ...If this were SG-1 ...Syler would've gotten electrocuted while flipping that switch or he would've blown up the ZPM (which would've been BAD.) ...But we're in the pilot of Atlantis here... We can't have Syler be Sylering right now 9. Aight I'mma name 2 things I know the dude from other than the Atlantis pilot since that's all I can think of ....He's T-1000 from Terminator 2 and he's Peacemaker's dad from ...Well.. Duh ..Peacemaker ...But you probably remember him from that random appearance on Chuck earlier today ...Are you weirded out? 10. YEAH! Where the FUCK. is Walter (Chevron Guy)!?!!? Dude just missed dialing Atlantis!! The FUCK!?!? 11. I'mma just say... Ford jumping backwards through the stargate ...Dude would land on his ass on the other side 12. I don't think you ever saw it ....But much like we had the SGC iris on ARK ...We also had the Atlantis iris ...I didn't show it to you cause it was a spoiler ...Even when I created our Atlantis base I decided not to .....Well... That and the fact that gating to it while activated it would lead to you losing all your inventory ...Which would've made some people flip the FUCK. out 13. Yeeeaahh.. Part 1 DID end really abruptly ...I thought about adding a "To Be Continued" text at the end ...But I wanted to catch you off guard with the beginning of Part 2 ...And it worked ...I'm glad I was able to make you smile ..It was worth the effort just for that 14. Kid to John: "I can't find my father" ......Me as John ...Puts hand on his shoulder: "Awww.. That seems like a you problem" ..Leaves 15. Scientist dude points out failing shield to Weir: "It seems like we don't have much time" ....Weir is really giving him the look like she's internally saying "You made me come all the way the fuck down here for this??? McKay already said that in the last episode!" 16. Much agreed... The Atlantis gate looks cooler than the old gate ...Plus it's more advanced and it's got pretty lights 17. Just an FYI ...Pause the rising of Atlantis at the right moment and you'll notice a fuck up in the CGI ...Some missing polygons in the Atlantis 3D Model showing some massive black spots which you can't unsee once you know where to look ....There's more but I'll get to that later 18. Atlantis has just risen out of the ocean and the crew is looking out the window ...We find out a scene later that there's a balcony outside THAT very window ...These fuckers were looking at the damn balcony ...They couldn't see shit out that window! 19. Notice how Atlantis has 6 piers ...3 small ones and 3 big ones ....Kinda like a certain ARK base I made (that didn't get used for more than 2 hours! ...yeah I'm not bitter about single handedly spending 2.5 weeks gathering resources for that) 20. Interesting how there's a plant on that balcony ...Given the city just violently erupted out of the water a couple minutes ago ...That plant must be super-glued to the fucking floor or something 21. Sumner: "Where are we?" You: "Somewhere that's got a fog machine.. I saw the fog" ....Good observation Froots... I'm sure The Wraith will be coming soon to hook up the strobe lights and the disco ball ....It's gonna be a party 22. Sumner just got YEETED. the FUCK. outta there by that Wraith guy! ...I'm TOTALLY adding a cat screech effect to the edit! (Spoiler alert: you're damn right I did) 23. To reiterate... You were right ..That DOES look like the Stargate Remote from ARK ...I always said it was going to make an appearance at some point but that it wasn't going to be what you thought it was ....It's in fact a Life Signs Detector ....Plus I think maybe sliiiiightly smaller than our remotes on ARK 24. Side note... There's an animal head on the table where Sumner meets the Wraith Queen ....It's a gag by the prop department ...It's one of them Abydos Space Cows from the Stargate Movie 25. Yeeeeaah.. As stated in these 2 episodes ...The Wraith have a somewhat limited power to make you see shit in order to frighten you ..They prey on fear ...And so far this Wraith Queen was seen to be capable of influencing her victims to give up their secrets ...There's some powers the Goa'uld would've loved to have 26. You about the Wraith waking up: "That's problematic" ...I meaaaann.. Yeah ...This is the race that defeated The Ancients ..The most advanced race in the universe ...They make the Goa'uld look like cosplayers ...I'd say problematic is probably underselling it Froots 27. Puddle Jumpers don't have a hyperdrive ...It'd take maaaaany years to reach the nearest gate ...I'm just bringing up the Puddle Jumper ...They look kinda clunky but boy would I LOVE to have one if they were real (provided the gene to fly it comes with it) ...I'd live on that thing (But if I could have a do-over wish ...Atlantis ...I'd live on THAT thing) 28. As Sheppard stated earlier the Puddle Jumper is equipped with artificial dampeners ...This means that you can make REALLY sharp turns and stop REALLY fast and you wouldn't feel a damn thing ..Combined with artificial gravity you could fly upside down and you'd stay standing on the Jumper's floor 29. Yeah my bad... In voice I did mention the name of Teyla's people ...I thought they mentioned it during the pilot but I was wrong ...Whoops ...I'm very sure it gets mentioned soon

1. The ZPM in ARK didn't make the stargate dial faster you noob ...That's just a setting you could change with your "remote" ...However without a ZPM you could dial another gate and then you'd have to wait a while for the gate to build up enough power to be able to dial again ...With a ZPM you could dial roughly a 100 times before you'd need a new ZPM ......In comparison to the show ZPM that's fucking weak though ...It has a LOT. more power than that 2. Hey people can blame me all they want for having the Atlantis theme on my playlist ...I choose to ignore ...It's DAMN GOOD theme! 3. Yeah naw... I've already explained this in voice but I'll restate ...Originally McKay wasn't going to be on this show ...It was originally going to be a character called Dr. Benjamin Ingram he was supposedly a African-Canadian scientist ...David Hewlett... While obviously not African-Canadian decided to audition for the role regardless and it was executive producer Robert Cooper who decided to replace the character for a more established character ....And so McKay was added to the show (who previously was on 2 episodes btw... One in Season 5 and one in Season 6) 4. Yeah that's right ...All this time ...Narim faked his dead on the Tollan homeworld and has been secretly living the life of a human named Simon and pursued a relationship with Elizabeth Weir 5. Soooooo... A long time ago I told you about something which I can now put into more detail I suppose ....Lt. Aiden Ford (the guy who accompanies Sheppard on the Puddle Jumper to the Wraith world later on) ...The actor is the brother of Cree Summer ...That name probably doesn't ring a bell ...But she voiced a certain character by the name of Princess Kida of Atlantis (from Disney's Atlantis The Lost Kingdom) ...Coincidence? I think yes 6. To sum up the countries shown in the pilot that are part of the Atlantis expedition through flag patches seen in these 2 episodes... Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Greece, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, and Zimbabwé..... Sadly The Netherlands isn't representing ...I'm sure they could've brought some weed to the party or something 7. There's 9 chevrons on a stargate Froots ...8 are used to dial another galaxy ...The 9th one is probably for shits and giggles 8. I meeeaaaannn... You're not wrong ...If this were SG-1 ...Syler would've gotten electrocuted while flipping that switch or he would've blown up the ZPM (which would've been BAD.) ...But we're in the pilot of Atlantis here... We can't have Syler be Sylering right now 9. Aight I'mma name 2 things I know the dude from other than the Atlantis pilot since that's all I can think of ....He's T-1000 from Terminator 2 and he's Peacemaker's dad from ...Well.. Duh ..Peacemaker ...But you probably remember him from that random appearance on Chuck earlier today ...Are you weirded out? 10. YEAH! Where the FUCK. is Walter (Chevron Guy)!?!!? Dude just missed dialing Atlantis!! The FUCK!?!? 11. I'mma just say... Ford jumping backwards through the stargate ...Dude would land on his ass on the other side 12. I don't think you ever saw it ....But much like we had the SGC iris on ARK ...We also had the Atlantis iris ...I didn't show it to you cause it was a spoiler ...Even when I created our Atlantis base I decided not to .....Well... That and the fact that gating to it while activated it would lead to you losing all your inventory ...Which would've made some people flip the FUCK. out 13. Yeeeaahh.. Part 1 DID end really abruptly ...I thought about adding a "To Be Continued" text at the end ...But I wanted to catch you off guard with the beginning of Part 2 ...And it worked ...I'm glad I was able to make you smile ..It was worth the effort just for that 14. Kid to John: "I can't find my father" ......Me as John ...Puts hand on his shoulder: "Awww.. That seems like a you problem" ..Leaves 15. Scientist dude points out failing shield to Weir: "It seems like we don't have much time" ....Weir is really giving him the look like she's internally saying "You made me come all the way the fuck down here for this??? McKay already said that in the last episode!" 16. Much agreed... The Atlantis gate looks cooler than the old gate ...Plus it's more advanced and it's got pretty lights 17. Just an FYI ...Pause the rising of Atlantis at the right moment and you'll notice a fuck up in the CGI ...Some missing polygons in the Atlantis 3D Model showing some massive black spots which you can't unsee once you know where to look ....There's more but I'll get to that later 18. Atlantis has just risen out of the ocean and the crew is looking out the window ...We find out a scene later that there's a balcony outside THAT very window ...These fuckers were looking at the damn balcony ...They couldn't see shit out that window! 19. Notice how Atlantis has 6 piers ...3 small ones and 3 big ones ....Kinda like a certain ARK base I made (that didn't get used for more than 2 hours! ...yeah I'm not bitter about single handedly spending 2.5 weeks gathering resources for that) 20. Interesting how there's a plant on that balcony ...Given the city just violently erupted out of the water a couple minutes ago ...That plant must be super-glued to the fucking floor or something 21. Sumner: "Where are we?" You: "Somewhere that's got a fog machine.. I saw the fog" ....Good observation Froots... I'm sure The Wraith will be coming soon to hook up the strobe lights and the disco ball ....It's gonna be a party 22. Sumner just got YEETED. the FUCK. outta there by that Wraith guy! ...I'm TOTALLY adding a cat screech effect to the edit! (Spoiler alert: you're damn right I did) 23. To reiterate... You were right ..That DOES look like the Stargate Remote from ARK ...I always said it was going to make an appearance at some point but that it wasn't going to be what you thought it was ....It's in fact a Life Signs Detector ....Plus I think maybe sliiiiightly smaller than our remotes on ARK 24. Side note... There's an animal head on the table where Sumner meets the Wraith Queen ....It's a gag by the prop department ...It's one of them Abydos Space Cows from the Stargate Movie 25. Yeeeeaah.. As stated in these 2 episodes ...The Wraith have a somewhat limited power to make you see shit in order to frighten you ..They prey on fear ...And so far this Wraith Queen was seen to be capable of influencing her victims to give up their secrets ...There's some powers the Goa'uld would've loved to have 26. You about the Wraith waking up: "That's problematic" ...I meaaaann.. Yeah ...This is the race that defeated The Ancients ..The most advanced race in the universe ...They make the Goa'uld look like cosplayers ...I'd say problematic is probably underselling it Froots 27. Puddle Jumpers don't have a hyperdrive ...It'd take maaaaany years to reach the nearest gate ...I'm just bringing up the Puddle Jumper ...They look kinda clunky but boy would I LOVE to have one if they were real (provided the gene to fly it comes with it) ...I'd live on that thing (But if I could have a do-over wish ...Atlantis ...I'd live on THAT thing) 28. As Sheppard stated earlier the Puddle Jumper is equipped with artificial dampeners ...This means that you can make REALLY sharp turns and stop REALLY fast and you wouldn't feel a damn thing ..Combined with artificial gravity you could fly upside down and you'd stay standing on the Jumper's floor 29. Yeah my bad... In voice I did mention the name of Teyla's people ...I thought they mentioned it during the pilot but I was wrong ...Whoops ...I'm very sure it gets mentioned soon