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Im actually really surprised they kissed. They normally drag this out until the end of the season. Glad i was wrong. I ship Isabel and Alex. I love that theres 3 aliens with 3 humans that they feel connections to. I hope all 3 of them stay together with each other. I find it really cute. I also want Isabel to have Alex bc he genuinely is a nice and sweet guy that likes isabel for whats on the inside. It feels wholesome. Another great episode. Im glad alex found out and honestly, i dont blame Liz this time. She really did have to or he would have told the cop everything.

Jeremy Burch

Makeup in the eye, is it worse than, the same or less annoying than an eyelash being in your eye? I don't get why they say heat wave's mean everyone wants to make out, why would you want to add someone else's body heat to yours when your boiling. I get that Maria was trying to hide the hickey but that was a terribly thick turtleneck sweater for a heat wave. I'm glad Alex kind of knows, like I said in a comment on a Chuck episode, I'm not a big fan of secrets and I prefer it when people find things out, I also don't think it was that bad that Liz told Alex, unlike with Maria I don't think she had much choice, since he said he was going to tell the sheriff everything.

Zach Hershman

I'm watching the last two episodes. While Max was in the hospital, you asked why the red tops had green in them. The red "tiger" (that's their name) topped blood vials are actually the most common. The different colored tops distinguish the type of tests that will be run on them. The most unbelievable part of that episode is how tiny the blood lab was. Even small-town hospitals have labs that are MUCH larger than that. A busy hospital, as shown in the episode, would probably have 10 to 20 people working in it. The "heat wave making people horny" trope is still portrayed in TV shows today. There is some actual truth to the trope, though. Heat waves do cause an increase in all sorts of emotions. It's not the heat itself. It's the increase of sun rays. The sun increases the amount of serotonin your body creates. It causes people to wear fewer clothes, and the more people sweat, the more pheromones they give off. All of that combined does lead to a higher sex drive. It also leads to people being more irritated and violent as well. I agree that hickeys are ugly. Even as a teenager, I hated them. I don't think it was Michael's first kiss. His issue is he isn't used to letting people emotionally in. His father is a jerk. I don't think he's ever had anyone truly care about him outside of Max and Isabel.


1. I looked it up since you were wondering ...Sunnydale High and Beverly High are NOT. the same building ...Nope.. They didn't redress the "Sunnydale" school over the past 20 years (yep it's been 20 years since Buffy went off the air) ...The school exterior shots used on All-American are that of an entirely different school 2. You about my note if Alex would do the same as me and exact painful revenge after being lied to and being used: "I don't think so.. I think Alex is a nice guy" .....Yeah as opposed to me ...I'm anything but nice ...Thanks for the confirmation Froots ..smirk.. 3. Really disappointed you didn't sing the intro out loud Froots.. I LOVE hearing you sing ...But seeing you smile as you clearly remembered my note daring you to sing ...Priceless 4. Kyle's girlfriend needs to get some matching shoes or something ...If you go back to the scene where she first shows up... She's hopping around like crazy next to him every time she speaks... Like she's wearing 2 different sized shoes 5. The only thing I can see that you'd prooooobably know the actress playing Maria's mum from is 3 episodes of Season 3 of the Charmed Reboot and 1 episode of Two And A Half Men 6. Ok cool trick.. Isabel can change the paint colour inside Liz's nail paint thingy (I'm a guy I don't know the name of this shit... even though my sis owns a nail salon but that's besides the point) ...I wonder what else kinda liquids she can change now ...Turn water into Pepsi? 7. Not gonna lie ...The first shot of Alex as he laid in bed dreaming ...He looked like he was having a GOOD time ...I wasn't expecting the next shot to be of him walking through the halls of the school in his dream ...I was expecting something else ENTIRELY 8. DUDE. I know you just got called cause of an emergency WHILE you're on a date with Maria's mum ...But at least ask if you can have a do-over ...I mean not that I particularly care about these 2 ...But work is calling ..I'm sure she'd understand ...Don't be like "Duty calls.. PEACE!" 9. Kyle... First of all.. Cockblocking!?... Rude! ....2nd... What exactly made you think the back of this truck in a parking lot was the best location to hook up with your new girlfriend? ...Anyone can walk by and see you guys (aside from Liz and Max who were too into eachother to notice I guess) .....Soooooo... Aside from the mis-matched shoes I'm guessing this new girlfriend is also missing her dignity 10. Scene at the jail cell opens up to a band member burping and his mate saying "Good one dude" ...You look towards the camera with a "Really bish?" look on your face and I'm looking straight at you with the same expression thinking the same thing 11. I suppose Liz telling Alex the secret in THIS case is fine ...I mean it's STILL not HER secret to tell.. But Alex said he was gonna tell Sheriff Valenti everything ...Normally I'd be like... Can't trust you ....But... I think it was the only way to get him not to talk so I'll make an exception 12. Ok so Alex doesn't believe Liz ...It's weird that he suddenly seems ok with getting lied to then ...Cause in his mind he SHOULD still be thinking he IS being lied to