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Re: Charmed house and sets. Another friend I made went to Los Angeles for vacation earlier this year and asked for set locations to visit. Her boyfriend posted a random address in Los Angeles with no context and she simply replied "yes we're going there". I googled the address and it turned out to be the Fast and the Furious house. I clicked on 1 of the TV and movie set pages on Google and noticed that the Charmed house was listed as in the same neighborhood a few blocks away and told her that since I was fairly certain she was a Charmed fan too. I don't recall her sharing pictures at either home on her page yet though.


Imagine if they switched blood samples and it turned out Alex is an alien too lol I fully understand Alex's reasoning for acting this way. All he knows is his best friend is lying to him and the fbi is somehow involved. I hope he eventually finds out and becomes a trusted friend. Another great episode. Cant wait for another! I had chatgpt do the math bc im lazy but i have an estimate date when you will finish the series. You will finish the series on April 23rd, 2024. Assuming you continue the show and there are no unforeseen breaks (I already added the week break between seasons)


It's actually the 28th of May 2024 IF we decide to do the entire show, 1 episode a week with ONLY week breaks between seasons and nothing else unforeseen comes up. (I DID do the maff)


- You asked about their powers, they all have the powers of basic molecular manipulation and connection. Max's unique power is the healing, Isabel's is the dream walking, Michael's has yet to be revealed. - it's simplified for television sake, but of course Alex was able to crack Darla's email, her encryption in 285 South was literally just changing the words to Wingdings 😂. Also I never noticed til a podcast pointed it out, Darla made sure to take her favorite coffee mug with her as she left the school. - I know we're supposed to suspend disbelief to a degree, but the 1 nitpick I have with the explanation of the aliens' backstory is exposed here throughout the course of this episode. Even if I accept the "we don't get sick" and they haven't in the 10 or so years since they were found by the Evans, I would imagine a formality in the process of the adoption of them (and likewise Michael's by the state) would be to have taken a full physical (including blood typing) so that there would be a record of these children to even simply exist. But as your red button says ... - I didn't realize until years later, the nurse who drew the blood is the primary villain in the 2nd Power Rangers movie Turbo and that season of the show, this was 1 of her 1st roles after that. I had stopped watching Power Rangers by that point but if I still were watching it at the time it would be quite the juxtaposition seeing her go from Power Rangers Super Villain Lord to nurse in a small town. - my favorite alternative theory I've thought of to the show after seeing it a million times is that Topolsky was actually just Darla's cover and she's investigating if alien blood is tasty and if it's feasible to drink instead of pig's. She's now on her way back to Los Angeles to report her findings or lack thereof to Angel and Drusilla.

Jeremy Burch

This was a good episode, they finally exposed the least hidden undercover agent as FBI. I'm glad Max wasn't hurt to bad in the accident, that apparently wasn't his fault, although to quote you as you said so many times at the beginning of the episode "Eyes on the road", maybe don't stare at LIz when your driving Max. I feel bad for Alex, his 2 best friends suddenly stopped talking to him like they used to, started to, badly, hide things from him, because like I said before, they all just make it so obvious that their hiding something. Then they randomly accuse him of stealing Liz's diary, don't really get back to him about that, then suddenly ask him for his blood to exchange for Max and finally ask him to help expose an FBI agent, but won't tell him why. Not really the best friendship time for him.


Divatox already knows dealing with 5 teenagers on a weekly basis drives you insane.


1. I dunno what kinda fantasy world you're living in Froots... But hitting the brakes on your car doesn't mean you'll instantly stop ....Liz and Max were on a dirt road going at a decent enough speed ...Swerving/breaking while trying to avoid that horse they'd definitely be in for a wild ride and wouldn't instantly stop like you said ....The only thing not realistic about that scene was the sound of the tires breaking ...That's the sound of tires breaking on pavement ...That was a dirt road NOT. a paved street 2. You.. Singing: "Oh I am what I want.." realising you fucked up ...Classic Froots ....Keep practising though ....Coincidentally you said you were randomly singing the song while setting up stuff for the recording .... I started today singing the same song ...First one to play on my spotify playlist at random ...Weird .....Also side note... I dare you to sing as loud as we sung in voice a week ago ......NOT. muted! (Go ahead... You won't) ..smirk.. 3. Why don't they all have the same powers? Good question Froots ...Why can't we all juggle? Why can't we all speak Dutch? ...Think about it ...Some people can and others never learned ..Instead they developed other skills 4. It'd be a whooooooolllleee lotta FUCKED. UP. if the nurse was like "Hell yeah Michael I'll go on a date with you" ....Dude is 16! 5. Jeebus... Liz will have to stall Darla for a while.... Alex just logged into Darla's laptop and you could hear the dial up modem sound go off ....That shit takes AGES. to fucking dial in ....But I suppose this being a TV Show they seem to have a faster dial up connection ....Still faster than Australian internet thoooouuugghh.. HA! SUCK IT Froots! 6. Yeah I suppose Liz learned something from blurting out the secret to Maria ...Alex doesn't get to know ...So much for that friendship ...I can't blame Alex for walking away ...Dude got lied to and used ...I'd walk away too ...Although in my case I wouldn't leave without exacting some much needed painful revenge ...Time can only tell if Alex will react the same way