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I dont mind allegra being right about this one thing. Its true that its very hard to get a job when you have record and went to prison. Even when you are trying to change, they look at your file and immediately pass on you. It doesnt matter how polite or good your life is doing at the moment. Thats why i feel like this story really is important. I do think you are biased towards Allegra, you get annoyed when she does some stuff that if other characters do you wouldnt care. Overall decent episode. probably one of the weaker episodes this season.


Yeah, this one wasn't as good as the last two but I still enjoyed it. The main story anyways. Even if team Flash not believing Barry for the umpteenth time can get tedious after 8 seasons, the theme of the story just gets me in the feels. I can't tell you how often I replayed the clip of Hotness and his son reuniting followed by the flashback of Barry and Henry hugging in the season 2 premiere. Combined with the soundtrack that scene just gets me. It's not said often enough but Blake Neely, the guy who does like 90% of the Arrowverse's soundtracks (which is like close to 350 tracks) is a master of his work, especially on the Flash. Barry continues to be very competent with his abilties, which makes me happy. The Allegra plot was going onto the right path for a bit and then b-lined right back into the cliché again. Iris publishing Allegra's article I don't even mind as much, as they can't just not release an article, something you learn very quickly when working at a media firm. Tho I agree Allegra got off way to lightly for just abandoning her assignment because she didn't care to engage with it.

Brandon Wiesner

I don't mind you hating Allegra. She is pretty useless. And sorry but Chester doesn't make up for losing Cisco. He just keeps reminding me of how much better Cisco was.

Patrick - Excelsior

I agree with you on everything you said this episode Shan. Allegra, do your freaking job. Good story or not Iris should not have rewarded her. At a minimum put the story on hold until Allegra straightens her crap out. Team Flash is not being very teamly. At what point will they finally start giving their team leader the benefit of a doubt. As he said there was no real evidence showing GMTM-Man (Give Me The Money) did this. Just because he has heat power and he's an ex-con... Alegra could do that with her UV powers and she is an ex-con too. Barry could do it with friction and he is an Ex-con too. In fact any speedster could do it. Mick has his Heatwave gun and he is an ex-con. Fall-out, Dr. Light, Trickster and many others could have done this. The list is nearly end less. But no, they all know better than Barry. Sorry...fire them all. (lol, I said fire ... Like I said last week, I like puns) The son being that old just doesn't work in this story line. He looked too old to be in child services. Plus the sons acting was sub par. Not a good episode for me.


I really wasn’t surprised or annoyed by Team Flash not believing Barry in this episode because it basically already happened before in S4xE7 when the original Team Flash wasn’t believing Barry about Clifford Devoe( aka The Thinker) being the bad guy. And also I guess it needed to happen that way to progress the story along

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-02 01:50:19 YEAH! They're continuously telling Barry he's wrong ...Keep in mind... Dude is a CSI and has 8 years of experience being The Flash yet he is constantly told he's probably just seeing shit.. Part of being a team means working TOGETHER! ...Also... This show is called The Flash ...How annoying is it that everyone seems to always disagree with THE. main character!? Allegra.... How's about you ACTUALLY do what you're supposed to do?? She's LUCKY. that she's for some reason part of Team Flash... If this were the real world her ass should've BEEN. fired a long time ago ...If you're not doing what you're supposed to do then get the fuck out and let people who actually CAN. do the work take over ...The fact she got praised there for an article about the girl who probably picked up her soap in the prison showers didn't make ANY. sense and FUCK. NO. I'm not siding with her cause her over-the-top co-worker just decided to "destroy her" ..I'd say I'd be looking forward to that but we both know this'll end with a dud since Allegra is always right ...NO. ...Allegra was wrong ...The only reason she's given so many do-overs is cause she's friends with the boss And yeah.. Showing the calendar was a weird move to indicate Henry's Birthday ...It wasn't written on there (I mean that to me seems logical since... I dunno about you... Since your parents are still alive... But mine aren't and I don't write down their birthdays on any calendar) .......Instead they should've had Barry look at a photo of Henry's birthday and mention the date earlier in the episode... I mean... They had the fucking actor show up in a flashback... They could've shown his birthday with a scene of young barry and a date showing up on screen .....Showing a calendar with no date was weird ....Are we just SUPPOSED. to know his date of birth??? I don't remember all that shit ...I don't take the time to memorize the birthdays of tv show characters... I only know the dates of real life people and ONLY the important people
2023-04-01 20:17:17 YEAH! They're continuously telling Barry he's wrong ...Keep in mind... Dude is a CSI and has 8 years of experience being The Flash yet he is constantly told he's probably just seeing shit.. Part of being a team means working TOGETHER! ...Also... This show is called The Flash ...How annoying is it that everyone seems to always disagree with THE. main character!? Allegra.... How's about you ACTUALLY do what you're supposed to do?? She's LUCKY. that she's for some reason part of Team Flash... If this were the real world her ass should've BEEN. fired a long time ago ...If you're not doing what you're supposed to do then get the fuck out and let people who actually CAN. do the work take over ...The fact she got praised there for an article about the girl who probably picked up her soap in the prison showers didn't make ANY. sense and FUCK. NO. I'm not siding with her cause her over-the-top co-worker just decided to ''destroy her'' ..I'd say I'd be looking forward to that but we both know this'll end with a dud since Allegra is always right ...NO. ...Allegra was wrong ...The only reason she's given so many do-overs is cause she's friends with the boss And yeah.. Showing the calendar was a weird move to indicate Henry's Birthday ...It wasn't written on there (I mean that to me seems logical since... I dunno about you... Since your parents are still alive... But mine aren't and I don't write down their birthdays on any calendar) .......Instead they should've had Barry look at a photo of Henry's birthday and mention the date earlier in the episode... I mean... They had the fucking actor show up in a flashback... They could've shown his birthday with a scene of young barry and a date showing up on screen .....Showing a calendar with no date was weird ....Are we just SUPPOSED. to know his date of birth??? I don't remember all that shit ...I don't take the time to memorize the birthdays of tv show characters... I only know the dates of real life people and ONLY the important ones.

YEAH! They're continuously telling Barry he's wrong ...Keep in mind... Dude is a CSI and has 8 years of experience being The Flash yet he is constantly told he's probably just seeing shit.. Part of being a team means working TOGETHER! ...Also... This show is called The Flash ...How annoying is it that everyone seems to always disagree with THE. main character!? Allegra.... How's about you ACTUALLY do what you're supposed to do?? She's LUCKY. that she's for some reason part of Team Flash... If this were the real world her ass should've BEEN. fired a long time ago ...If you're not doing what you're supposed to do then get the fuck out and let people who actually CAN. do the work take over ...The fact she got praised there for an article about the girl who probably picked up her soap in the prison showers didn't make ANY. sense and FUCK. NO. I'm not siding with her cause her over-the-top co-worker just decided to ''destroy her'' ..I'd say I'd be looking forward to that but we both know this'll end with a dud since Allegra is always right ...NO. ...Allegra was wrong ...The only reason she's given so many do-overs is cause she's friends with the boss And yeah.. Showing the calendar was a weird move to indicate Henry's Birthday ...It wasn't written on there (I mean that to me seems logical since... I dunno about you... Since your parents are still alive... But mine aren't and I don't write down their birthdays on any calendar) .......Instead they should've had Barry look at a photo of Henry's birthday and mention the date earlier in the episode... I mean... They had the fucking actor show up in a flashback... They could've shown his birthday with a scene of young barry and a date showing up on screen .....Showing a calendar with no date was weird ....Are we just SUPPOSED. to know his date of birth??? I don't remember all that shit ...I don't take the time to memorize the birthdays of tv show characters... I only know the dates of real life people and ONLY the important ones.


I was getting annoyed with the team not believing barry for the umpteenth like really barry has been the leader for 8 years at this point so I think he knows what he talking about Now the Allegra story was going okay until it's wasn't now Iris should have been more hard and harsh your her boss she should had said we are not going to run this I will pick someone while you apologize to Taylor and work with her like that have been better I get why people don't like Chester I don't like him either because in eyes he is just a dollar store version of Cisco look if Carlos Valdez who played Cisco wanted to leave okay but get a character who is well establish in the arrowverse already who people like to him here my 1 . Felicity 2. Harry 3. Julian 4.Winn (even though he in the future and it's impossible) All well established characters that people like I think the writes are trying to parallel the episode main story to what happened to barry dad but if wanted to that get a kid who younger not someone who is obviously almost 18 like 17 years or 16 get someone who 10 maybe Now I understand why they didn't put Henry's birthday on the calendar for one it's would be hard for barry to put it on there and obviously he grieving and put his own dad's birthday birthday on the calendar is his way of grieving then let him do it like my mom died 5 years ago and I haven't put on her birthday on the calendar so I understand where barry coming from Also lris should have hired someone that well establish the only person I want her to hired is Nia that's it's no else so Allegra can leave So weakest episode for me