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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o1cmzxm6wkupu81/Stargate%20SG-1%20S07E05%20-%20Revisions%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

Note to self, cancel patreon selection for movie Signs .... 😥 ... jk Yes, this is an interesting episode. That actor that looked familiar tends to get around a bit. Fairly sure he's done Supernatural (Alastair), Smallville (Zor El) Sanctuary (Jack), and much more. I don't know if I agree that the internet is not brainwashing people in our world. I think that happens quite a bit.

Retro Tom

A little late, but hello to whichever kitty was meowing I really liked the look of the location they shot this episode out. It looks like it would be a nice place to live And after I typed this I got to part of the vide where Smudge, unless I was mistaken made a cameo. She's still so beautiful


One nice little detail and bit of foreshadowing: you can see when they enter the dome that there are ruined buildings that go right up to the edge of it, a hint that the dome used to reach farther. Also, they mention when they enter it that they can feel the electric charge of the dome as they approach it, even before they touch it. This would prevent people from accidentally wandering through it, since they can literally feel when it is near and would know not to go through it. I've always liked this one. It's a classic sci fi short story turned into an episode. Reminds me a lot of the older sci fi shows which turned unrelated short stories into episodes of a show, which worked because ever episode was a completely stand alone story. It's also a classic example of technology that works too well, with consequences that people didn't forsee.