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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4a1l7dyerslcnf0/Batwoman%20S03E11%20-%20Broken%20Toys%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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I'm still upset that batwoman got cancelled and we are getting the horrible Gotham knights show Batwoman should have gotten a season 4 for a final season like maybe a 10-13 episode season so Ryan and Sophie relationship could grow more and more chances for Luke be a hero and Mary feeling better and more important as team doctor Now Alice getting the joy buzzer is a bad idea because she more psychological broken and Marquis is more neurological broken total different so getting joy buzzer for Alice is not going to work And maybe she needs to work toward the goal if she wants to be better because she has been shown that she wants to do better show more of that Finally Ryan and Sophie are together they deserve happiness Favorite episode honestly


this episode was directed by camrus johnson (luke) which apparently made the love scene very comfortable to shoot and they had a good time doing it. makes me happy to hear it. i love this episode so much.