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Joseph LeRoy

These last 2 episodes were some of my favorites. I think that was a very fitting way for Kane to die rather than being eaten by a serial killer and yelled at by Octavia lol. Dying with his beliefs and principles while sending a message. The Octavia scenes I think were needed. She has been conflicted since the middle of season 5. Pike was a good person to help her figure it out because he was the first person she technically murdered (even though he deserved it). Any other kill up to that point was in war or for survival. Bellamy really left his friends and family unarmed in an impenetrable radiation dome surrounded by the armed enemy to save Clarke. That added with scenes from just these last 2 episodes means Bellarke has to be endgame lol.


That's not Madi; it's Sheidheda. So Madi wasn't annoying you; it was him. Haha. Breaking a rib is actually very common when performing CPR. The bone marrow does work. That's how Clarke was able to survive and become a Nightblood. I'm still not changing my mind about Abby. I like her, but she tends to let her heart control her more than her head. She wouldn't do these things if they didn't involve someone she loves and cares about. Many people would do the same things she has done if it meant saving someone they love. I'm not agreeing with her actions, but I can understand them and see them from a different perspective. To me, Bellamy and Clarke's relationship is more like that of siblings or best friends, rather than a romantic couple. Personally, I always shipped Clarke with Finn and then with Lexa, but not with Bellamy. You're getting close to the end of season 6! Only one more season after that. I miss this show so much. I wish it had been given more seasons or that the planned prequel had been greenlit. I'm just not ready to leave this world yet. Did you know that the series finale is the 100th episode? I think that's a really cool and fitting nod to the show's premise and title.


It’s way too late in the game for them to start a romantic relationship between Clarke and Bellamy. I can’t imagine them being more than friends with one season left. It would be weird for them to be friends this whole time then have them become romantic in the eleventh hour (how well did that work for Rey and Kylo). At most, Bellamy has feelings for her and they aren’t mutual.

AshLand Writer

I heard that the breathing part of CPR is only needed for drowning and smoke inhalation. During that entire scene, I just imagined Belemy blowing dust off the mind drive via Clarke's mouth.


Yeah, they are told not to do mouth to mouth anymore because it doesnt make it anymore effective. You just need to do the actual CPR for it to work.



Clarke was only able to come back because she had the allie chip in her that protected her mind from being erased.


1. I mean I see your point... IF I was in the EXACT same situation as Abby ...Where the person I loved didn't have ANY knowledge of getting transferred into someone else's body.. I might hesitate to do it ...Not out of the thought that the person I loved would look different though.. Looks fade considerably throughout our lives.. In this case that's taken a bit further ofcourse with an entirely new body but I digress.. It wouldbe the fear of letting go of said person.. Not being able to say goodbye that would get to me.. Hate me all you want ...But I think that this fear is what would ultimately make me decide to go through with the transfer even if it could end up in a break-up or worse ....Buuuuuuutttt... You're also right about the other side of things.. What if Kane WANTS to die? ...Personally... Given that I don't care about dying since I honestly have nothing to live for... I'd be pissed too if I was in HIS position and was brought back (but hey.. at least I'd look attractive for once.. right?) 2. Yeeeeaahh.. Josephine is a bit of a psycho.. If the guy you love has been trynna kill you.. You prooooobably shouldn't be trying to pursue him any more ..Seems like it would end in a short unhealthy relationship 3. True.. It's about time Indra made a reappearance.. It's like the writers just forgot about her 4. THIS GUY?!!?! Who the hell wanted Pike back!?! ...added after... Y'know what would've looked cool as a thumbnail? ANYTHING ELSE ....But aside from that.. I thought the bit where we saw Kane floating in space looked pretty cool and figured that'd make a really cool thumbnail 5. Gabriels followers aren't really the best at what they're supposed to do.. "Follow" ...Trynna kill Josephine/Clarke without his permission.. Gabriel needs to put his people in line 6. Y'know what IS kinda fucked though... Given that Clarke is able to come back.. What's to say that the dude who'm Kane took over couldn't do the same? ...They just floated an innocent brainwashed man for the sake of some Abby/Kane drama 7. Bish... Did you seriously just slap Murphy in the face?!?! ...Get the fuck outta here!! Trynna act like you're the better person... You were fucking MAKING the nightbloods for them... You facilitated their need for more hosts! ...And the award for biggest hypocrite goes to... Abby! 8. Oh I'm totally with you on that one Froots.. I don't have anything to live for ...Nothing to fight for since I lost my Spike ...So yeah.. I'm on board with you.. I don't wanna live forever either 9. Yeah sucks for the towns people... They all came out to see a bunch of people getting burned ..cough sadists cough.. They brought their kids and had a bunch marshmellows ready.. Lawn chairs and shit.. And now they only got one pyre to huddle around... Some of those marshmellows aren't gonna get burned well enough ..Big sad .......Oh and yeah... Big sad for the one dude that did get burned ofcourse.. Poor dude ....But those marshmellows though 😦