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only if they could channel that energy into the power grid. free electricity for all xD

Retro Tom

yes, the U.S. Government is renting the Egypt gate back from the Russians


Metric is still used for most scientific applications. The US uses an odd blend of both measuring systems as a result. I checked and all US airforce planes are actually designed to use both measuring system and switch between them at the touch of the button. Airforce pilots are trained to use whichever system they are currently in the airspace for anyway, and O'Neil's probably in international airspace at this point, so metric would be the standard anyway.


1. The move to Syfy didn't change anything in shooting location... Stargate has always been filmed at Bridge Studios, Burnaby Vancouver B.C ....With the exception of some special on location shoots far away and ofcourse all the "off-world" scenes that take place in the woods of Vancouver B.C. 2. No worries Froots... With 6x03 we'll be going back to action shots in the intro ...These first 2 episodes just didn't contain clips so people wouldn't get spoiled about certain things. HOWEVER, there ARE certain shots in the new intro that ARE from future episodes.. But they're blink and you'll miss them shots in the same way we've had them before with earlier seasons. You're good to go. 3. Soooooo.. Jonas asked Teal'c... That IF he could knock Teal'c out.. Teal'c would put in a good word for Jonas with O'neill ....The next shot Teal'c is putting in a good word.... Are you telling me Jonas....... JONAS???? ......I'mma say this again.. Just to be clear here... Jonas???? ......knocked out Teal'c?!!?!? C'mon son! 4. Did they debuff Teal'c? The guy who can't be phased by anything has been knocked out by a bookworm and is crying over the death of his ex.. The woman who basically cheated on him... If some girl cheated on me I'd be dancing ....I mean I guess now he's a single parent having to deal with a son though ....I'm not complaining here just FYI.. I do see character growth which is great for Teal'c 5. Yeah RDA has been an executive producer since day one ...Perhaps with less action going on on the screen it was more visible to you ...This will ofcourse change with the new intros again :P 6. Matter can't go through an incoming wormhole.. Meaning a person or object can't go through a stargate that's been dialed in from somewhere else... BUT.. They're trying to use an EMP (electro magnetic pulse) on the open gate.. And that CAN go through an open gate the same way radio signals can go through 7. Anubis is a bit of an idiot... He leaves a crack in this stolen Ancient device that people can just walk in through and also the defense shield only goes AROUND the device.. It's not a dome... Hence why Ry'ac could easily take out the device from the air .....Poor planning mah dude 8. The U.S Air Force uses the metric system yeah... I think it has something to do with being able to communicate more easily internationally or something ...I remember looking this up.... 2 seasons ago.. Cause someone asked a question about this in a stargate video I was watching ...smirk... 9. Aight... Que to add some suspension of disbelief I guess... Cause I find it kinda hard to believe a Goa'uld death glider can easily be flown by a kid 10. Yeah the U.S. is now leasing their original stargate (Alpha-gate) back from the Russians (SG-1 beamed it up to Thor's ship a couple seasons ago, crashed Thor's ship, and the Russians found the gate) ...The gate that blew up in this 2-parter was the Antarctica gate (Beta-gate) which we were using since the Russians pinched ours ..We've come full circle I suppose Added now: So according to a new video from Gateworld that came out about 10 hours ago.. Rumours are that a new show might be coming after an upcoming as of yet unannounced Stargate movie.. Apparently Amazon is adamant on trying to incorporate big franchises into their MGM+ line-up next year or something.. Also rumoured is that the people behind the scenes are big on having continuity in their content and might be open to the fans outcry for having it be set IN the currently established Gateverse in some way ....At least that's what I gathered from watching the video and keep in mind that at the current moment these are all just rumours... Fingers crossed