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Brandon Wiesner

I was hoping you didn't hear about Daredevil. It would have been great to see you react with shock, pause the video and be like "wait, what, no, wait, what, no way!" But of course it was hyped heavily before the show aired. This is probably my favorite episode so far. It had everything. She fought Titania in court and won. She earned her right to use her name. You know, the small things in life, haha. She got new superhero clothes. She also got a small victory against the losers she dated. Yes she aired her dirty laundry in court but in everyone's eyes, she came out looking like the prize.


1. The whole encounter you had with your "cat callers" at the laundry mat....... Lowkey makes me want to do something stupid that they'll regret ....Yeah I said "they" ....Not "me" ...I'd sleep like a baby ...Most likely in jail.. But it'd be worth it ......And no... Froots... Those kids were just trynna be mean / cool to their friends ...Don't worry about what they said... They were wrong anyways... There's nothing wrong with you... But that's just my opinion 2. You about me saying I could totally take you on in a fight: "Like you would fight me" I mean.... Touché bish... I would probably not fight you ........Unless you punched me first ...But that's a bridge I'm hoping to never have to blow up 3. To be clear... There WAS the mention online that an Ally McBeany episode was running in the background in that bar... BUT.. There was at the time of me watching it no information on WHICH Ally McBreadstick episode it was specifically 4. I dunno what kinda shit that party girl gets in to... But when going to a different dimension / meeting talking goats and escaping lava pits in exchange for some blood doesn't phase her ....I dunno... I kinda want in on it ...Sounds like fun 5. Jen is shown doing the bare minimum cause a girl doesn't really have to put in much work on a dating app... As a guy I am able to tell you that MOST guys would have zero interest in a biography.. They'd define their search to what they believe their dream woman must be.. Then they start swiping... See a pretty girl and swipe right and then move on to the next profile and keep repeating the process with the hopes that some poor girl will bite.. I could go on about this.. But I'mma just continue watching this recording instead cause this note would get too long and it'd potentially piss people off in the comments 6. I agree... If you ask someone out... YOU pay ...If you get asked out.. You offer to pitch in out of good manners ...Thems the rules ....That dude was a dick for bailing out on Jen 7. Holy crap Tahani sounds so different with a Murican accent ...Like... Who even is this!? 8. Yup... Dude for some reason was into large green women ...It happens ....I mean... Not really my type ...In fact neither is Jen ....But to each their own