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Brandon Wiesner

This was a very heavy handed episode with the whole environmental issue. It was quite boring. But I guess it's hard to top Lex and the Phantom Zone.

Patrick - Excelsior

You mentioned that the actor playing Zor-El, Jason Behr, looked too young to be Kara's father. (You did mention as a Kryptonian he would age slower). Jason is 15 years older than Melissa Benoist. He was 48 at the time and she was 33. So he wouldn't have to age much slower. In fact as a human he could have a child at 15.

Joseph Jimenez

Andrea is wrong catco didn't create supergirl cat grant she gave kara the supergirl name she was the one that kara strength so get your facts straight andera sorry just I hate that woman The environmental message is kinda hand fisted it's was a little after school special for me like remember kids throwing garbage in the ocean is bad Lena going back to her hometown could lead to a interesting story Kara thank you for mentioning iris I like it when they mention other characters from other shows because remember they live on the same earth now so mentioning other characters is okay sometimes Thank God they're not doing the William and Kara relationship storyline they have no chemistry and William was a jerk and he's not interesting character I said this a million times bring mon el or don't

Patrick - Excelsior

The keyboard with the hump in the middle is an ergonomic keyboard. It puts your wrist in a more natural position. I have one.

Avalon Perry

About the reason that Kara’s dad looks so young, I don’t know if you remember but time doesn’t pass in the phantom zone. When Kara’s pod got knocked off course she was stuck there for 24 years before landing on earth, but she was still 13 years old. That’s also why it’s been 40 years for Zor-El, because even though Kara is physically in her late 20s, it’s literally been over 40 years since krypton’s explosion.