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A pretty solid intro focusing less on the superhero side of things. The hero/person balance is a classic superhero plot line and it makes sense for this series. But I think that the opening scene is the big thing. Very masterfully done, imo. It looks like a more innocent scene of a child making typical low stake child mistakes, but the whole scene is shot and color like a horror film and the music fits that as well. It's a rather startling bit of incongruity that lets you know that something much worse is going on. And the kid who plays "Bruce" is quite great. He rides the fine line between creepy and normal that you can believe that she'd think he was just another kid, but we can tell he's something much worse. And of course, this opening scene is a tone entirely different from the rest of the episodes. An interesting choice that gives us a tease of what might be happening, but still not telling us much. The only linking element being the black diamond that Cindy now possesses. Not that the rest of the episode isn't great. It is, but the intro scene just stands out to me.


It was also a show that aired in the summer, although that has changed with the 3rd season. Sorta.

Joseph Jimenez

Solid season premiere really good introduction back into our characters and where we are after the events the first season So we finally have a live action green lantern on the small screen and it's a legacy character which is cool So I guess Cindy is putting her own team together but I have a question why Mike Overall good episode like we don't need action throughout the whole episode I like slower pace episode but I want that slower pace to build up to something let's see what happens


I forgot to mention in my other comment the one thing about this season I hate--no episode titles! It's a small thing in the grand scheme of things, but I really like a good episode title. Chapter Number is boring.

Zach Hershman

Yeah, it was a decent way to explain why the school wasn't filled with kids.

Zach Hershman

I think that was Mike's mother that Starman was talking to in the diner. I don't think they'd introduce some other random ex-wife of Pat's. I was laughing when the goggles had amnesia. I was thinking "Shan is going to love this." I don't blame Courtney for attacking. Some stranger broke into their house and was stealing the Green Lantern's lantern. Pat being calm about it was what was off with that scene. That boy Courtney bumped into (who Cindy had a picture of) is Principal Bowin's (The Fiddler) son. I believe we met him once or twice last season.


Man, that opening scene just sets such a different tone from the rest of the episode and indicates in a very clever way what might be in store this season. Pat continues to be my favorite character of the show and that fight scene in the end was really well done. Can't believe it's been a good 10 years since we had last seen a Green Lantern in life action.

Brandon Wiesner

I was excited when they showed the green flash. I knew right away when I saw the symbol. It's not a main GL but still nice to see that they are adapting some of the lore into the show. It was also fun when they were going through what happened to all the villains and getting other superhero mentions. It may not seem like a big deal to some people but the thing is, with most of the Arrowverse gone and the Flash airing their last season next year, this show, along with S&L, are very enjoyable and it's really nice to know that there will be potential for other characters that we know and love to appear.

Jeremy Burch

I enjoyed the season premiere, I liked the darker tone in the opening scene, although I really don't like kids getting killed so mixed opinion on that part, at least I assume she was killed based on her mother's screaming. I like that their showing the effects killing Brainwave has on Yolanda and Rick bringing food to Grundy is interesting. I loved Green Lantern's daughter showing up at the end and I'm interested in seeing what's going on with Starman. Also, I'm wondering why Cindy wants Mike on her team, is it because she want's to mess with Courtney or because Mike killed Icicle or maybe both.

Frank Tremel

Summer school does exist in the US