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i am off medication bc it sucked

yesterday i lived and had fun time with friend

today i look at carpet for 1 hour straight without moving

sorry for delays again

i must seem like broken record

but i try i swear i will get things back to normal

i understand if you wish to abandon

                                im reallyt sorry and not good now but i be better soon i really hope



Please prioritize your health. No one will be better for it if you push yourself to do stuff you don't feel up for. Feel better.

Scarlett Monrow

Take your time to recover. Remember that your health is only true vital priority.


Abandon you? Anyone who would abandon someone when they are sick and struggling isn't someone I care to be around. Get better. We'll still be here.


Please focus on yourself Shan and don't worry about anything :)

Patrick - Excelsior

You ain't getting rid me me that easy. I'm here and staying here. Take the time you need to get better Shan.


You've got a huge library of past reactions for us to explore. Take some serious time off and recover not only your health but your zest for doing the reactions. Shouldn't feel like a job. Get well, we'll still be here.


Yeah, good try, but I’m not going anywhere either. We pests require more effort than that to make us give up! And don’t despair, things will get better, even if sometimes doesn’t look like it. Take all the time you need to take care of yourself; if you didn’t post any content for a year, I still wouldn’t catch up anyway…


Hey it’s fine jsut focus on yourself and your health that’s the most important thing (: jsut get better plus there’s loads of content to already watch that I have to catch up on

Mark Chrisco

I'm really worried for your health. Take all the time you need to find a proper treatment to let you feel better. Abandon you? This community won't leave one of our own behind.


im really worried about your health that is awful . Take the time you need