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Joseph LeRoy

I completely understand Clarkes choice. Luna was easily the best fighter. Grounders wouldn't be able to live in the bunker anyway because they don't know how to use the tech needed to run it. Without Skai Kru everybody dies. So, with Octavia's odds against everybody including Roan and Luna I wouldn't gamble with the last of humankind.100% save some of humankind and let Octavia and Kane die or gamble with the extinction of humans with Octavia's odds. Sorry but in that scenario Octavia and Kane loose. Better to do something horrible and be hated while saving humankind than go extinct.

AshLand Writer

Funny how Clarke claims that she’s fighting for humanity to survive just to turn around and command the deaths of every clan but her own. Commander of Death, people. **Clap, clap**

Zach Hershman

She didn't do that though. She tried with all her power to get the clans to agree to sharing the bunker. They are the ones who decided to do a battle royale to decide which ONE clan would get the bunker on their own. Nobody in their right mind would think Octavia was going to win. Without plot armor, she would have lost. They were all much more skilled fighters. I say that as someone who loves Octavia's character. If Octavia had lost then the entire human race was doomed. None of the other clans had the knowledge to run and maintain any of the technology inside the bunker.

AshLand Writer

The technology thing is something that I hadn’t thought about, and I can see how it might seem like the end of the human race if a clan without the knowledge of how to use it would have won the conclave; however, a smart leader would have taken a couple members of Skaikru into the bunker has hostages, and almost any of them would have agreed to be the lucky survivors… Now that the thrill of the episode is over, I am recalling that Clarke believed that Luna as a former commander in training would have won. I should have cut her some slack, but we need to blame someone for all the bad in this universe. And that person is Clarke.

Zach Hershman

Did you ask if they have nose piercings in the future? I get it. The Grounder civilization plays tricks on your mind and makes you think this is in the past. To answer your question though, nose piercings have been around for over 4,000 years. Piercings were highly religious symbols in some cultures.

Zach Hershman

The Trikru warrior was the same guy Octavia "fought" in season 2. Octavia continually getting up after being knocked down is why Indra asked her to be her 2nd. Roan being honorable until the very end was a good character detail. I'm glad they wrote that part in.