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Yeah, the lightsaber fight had a pretty mixed reception. This finale kind of picked up on the speedforce constructs introduced in season 6 during the Death of the Speedforce episode and some might say they overdid it. Personally while I would've preferred a normal superspeed brawl, I don't hate the concept nearly as much as most of the fanbase seems to. This story arc is overall a pretty weird one. Godspeed comes off as very cartoonish and thus kinda lacks the threat he should have and for being supposedly such a big thing, it's over in a heartbeat for the show's standards. The Godspeed clones fought one another because when they are reabsorbed by August Heart, they essentially die. Some of the clones didn't want to die and thus rebelled, trying to find and kill August. I absolutely love the dynamic between Bart and Nora during this 2-parter. The way they are acting off of each other gives a real sense of history between the two which Barry and us the audience aren't privy to. Bart and Nora's conversation at Joe and Cecile's place last episode showcased that most of all. Talking about Nora. I really like that she is a different person from season 5's Nora. The show doesn't cheap out of her death at the end of season 5 by having this Nora be exactly the one from before. I also agree that the mature attitude works really well for her character and also works as an effective foil against Bart who now takes up the role of the more immature one. But obviously we gotta talk about the big thing. Barry outclassing Thawne was the most satisfying thing to come out of the last two seasons of this show, if you ask me. It's been a long time coming and the show really delivered on the moment. The soundtrack playing during that scene is also immaculate. It's just the right amount of heroic, mixed with this almost mystical atmosphere that such a shift in the status quo should carry. I can't tell you the chills I had when I first heard Barry say "I got faster. Didn't you?" when the episode first aired and it probably stands as being in my top 10 favorite moments of the entire show. Btw, fun fact: This season is the first season to air out of sync with the in universe timeline. Arrowverse year 9 officially takes place from around October of 2020 to March or April of 2021 same as all 8 years prior, season 7 however aired from March to July of 2021. This was quickly corrected however with a break of only 4 months between this finale and the season 8 premiere, which is quite ironic cause your break between them might be one of, if not the longest you've ever had. Overall season 7 was an incredibly mixed bag and while it does have some cool highs, they are few and far between. As of right now I'd probably rank this as my least favorite of the 7 seasons. Oh and I totally forgot to mention, I really like your hair. I don't know why but I really like the colour combination of the almost black base and pink tips. Addendum (Jan 19, 2023): You have since returned to the classic blonde base and pink tips. I was sad to see the brown hair go but you also look great as a blonde, so a win either way.

Joseph Jimenez

Honestly I hated this season it doesn't reach the height of the early seasons yes even season 3 Like I will give you one reason why the other villains were better Reverse flash amazing villains always 10 ahead barry when. Barry find out who wells really was. It's became cat and mouse game between them Zoom was a major threat creepy scary beat Berry ass easily Savitar show us how one of our heroes can span and goes off into the deep end and he was actually interesting for most part The thinker for all his faults he actually poses a threat to the flash not physically but mentally he was smart he was the smartest man alive against the fastest man alive the devoe mind was faster than barry so very need to think of a way to beat him without using his speed American pie I guess his dagger was interesting part 🤔🤔🤔 Bloodwork was better because him and barry had different views on death barry was ready to accept it while Ramsey refused to accept his faith and did anything to stay alive Godspeed too cartoonish Why the reverse flash is still played by Tom cavanaugh and not Matt letscher it's makes no sense after season 1 that tom cavanaugh is still the reverse flash This season broke my brain I have to ask did anyone wanna a star wars fight. I'm serious like lightsaber really you have three speedsters. And the writers Eric Wallace decided no speed fight do lightsaber I'm sorry but that was stupid and dumb and lazy The moment between Barry and Iris renewing their vows was sweet and cute yes bart should have sing running home to you and we should have seen moments between Barry and Iris throughout the last seven seasons of the show that we had perfect and a sweet ending My ranking worst to best 7. Season 7 6. Season 6 5. Season 5 4. season 3 3. Season 4 2. Season 2 1. Season 1 Overall worst season of the flash we have ever gotten 0/10 Final decision


James, why do you keep doing this? I thought we were boys.. ANY. and ALL. talk about future events regarding the shows she watches is strictly forbidden and they're considered spoilers. You know this. I'd suggest saving the following link (It leads to the "What is a spoiler?" tab on our site) and looking at it the next time you post something. https://www.aftershowreactions.com/faq-contact-us#h.7k7m5hw5gqd4

Jake Hodgson

It always warms my cold heart when I see Old Shippy suit up and bust out some speed moves. I was in my youth (a million years ago it seems) when the 90s flash came out and loved it.. my opinion on its quality may have changed as I've grown older however. He's always a highpoint for me even if the episode is not top notch. JWS Forever :).

Brandon Wiesner

Ok, now I can finally say it. This is absolutely the worst season of The Flash! None of the storylines were interesting. So much of the stuff that happened just fell flat. Like with this finale. Godspeed ended up being a moustache twirling villain. "Everyone will bow to the might of Godspeed! I like being a bad guy. Now, you will die Flash! Muhahahaha!" Extreme eye roll. Then yeah, the whole fight sequence at the end. They weren't even trying to hide the fact that they were ripping off Star Wars. I was actually expecting to hear the Duel of the Fates theme (when Qui Gon and Obi Wan fought Darth Maul). Also, where did this freakin' lightning saber thing come from all of a sudden? So fucking stupid! Barry and Iris renewing their vows was unnecessary. They were already married and it hasn't been that long. Plus, it was just a small ceremony in their house. If they were going to do it again and "do it right," they should have went all out and rented a space, got a band or DJ, invited everyone close to them *cough including some other superheroes cough* and had a more traditional wedding. This just seemed like it was out of the blue and it was an overly sappy way to end the episode and the season. Thawne coming back was kind of cool but I would have liked it better if it was just for this episode to fight Godspeed. Barry outclassing him was a good moment but then he just gets away and Barry's like alright cool, enough fighting for today. I wish he caught him again and put him back to where he was. Because they don't really know what to do with him anymore. Either keep using him or don't. This whole here today, gone for however long is getting annoying. At least it's finally over and hopefully season 8 will be more enjoyable for you.


I liked the twist of bringing Thawne into the final fight. I am annoyed how he keeps appearing with Wells' face. They established his original face and actor. It's frustrating to me how they don't use him, especially when I loved him in the Flashpoint episode and on season 2 of Legends. I also liked Barry and Iris renewing their vows. I don't think I will ever get over Felicity and Oliver taking over their wedding and proceeding to basically have their own in the next episode.

Patrick - Excelsior

During the battle between Flash/Eobard and Godspeed, I was waiting for Flash to say, "Its over Godspeed, I have the high ground".


Wow… yep truly the worst season of the show. Idk if it’s the worst Arrowverse season or not. IMO definitely worst then the two awful Arrow seasons. Awful first half of the season and somehow ruined Godspeed a second time. Godspeed in the comics is an antihero. He is supposed to be a detective and Barry’s friend, gets superspeed, then instead of arresting bad guys he kills them. They could have done a Punisher vs Daredevil storyline. Instead they made him Zoom 2.0 but this time worse. They ruined him in season 5 and yet they doubled down here. So many boring and bad episodes this season. Maybe only 3 episodes I actually enjoyed. Also yes I agree, wtf was that lightsaber duel at the end??? I get they were trying to make speedster fights fresh and not just super fast punching but no! Stop! Get some help! Although, I will give props to having one of the Top Ten best lines in the Arrowverse right after that. Up there with “I’m ten steps ahead of you and you haven’t even figured out what game we’re playing yet.” from Arrow

Tony (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 19:46:05 Ok... Some people were hoping you'd be able to catch up on Arrowverse before the finale.. I'll post this here I did the maff... And since we don't have the Year 11 Watch Order I CAN'T say this with absolute certainty. Plus of course this doesn't account for any unforeseen circumstances. But I can give a guesstimate on when you'll officially run out of new episodes of Arrowverse Currently Year 10 will end on the 7th of April Given that Year 11 will most likely only consist of The Flash Season 9 and Superman & Lois Season 3 (I didn't take into account Naomi cause I'm not sure if Chris will add it.. I'm thinking it's not really Arrowverse maybe? I dunno.. I stopped watching on my own cause I wanted to watch Arrowverse with you) Anyhoos.. The Flash Season 9 has 13 episodes Superman & Lois Season 3 most likely has 15 as did the previous seasons If we do our regular 4 episodes a week then I'm fairly certain we can get Year 11 done in 7 weeks Meaning Year 11 would end on the 2nd of June just a couple of weeks AFTER the end of The Flash which series finale airs on the 3rd of May (according to IMDB... which well.. take that with a grain of salt too I suppose cause IMDB is often wrong) Not sure about Superman & Lois since the only date that's currently known is the premiere date for 3x01.. It airs on the CW so there might be week-breaks in there which MIGHT allow you to catch up Sorry.. But in order to make it you'll have to put on that Flash ring.. Seize your destiny and... Run, Froots... Run!
2023-01-14 07:05:32 Ok... Some people were hoping you'd be able to catch up on Arrowverse before the Season 9 finale.. I'll post this here I did the maff... And since we don't have the Year 11 Watch Order yet I CAN'T say this with absolute certainty. Plus of course this doesn't account for any unforeseen circumstances. But I can give a guesstimate on when you'll officially run out of new episodes of Arrowverse Currently Year 10 will end on the 7th of April Given that Year 11 will most likely only consist of The Flash Season 9 and Superman & Lois Season 3 (I didn't take into account Naomi cause I'm not sure if Chris will add it.. I'm thinking it's not really Arrowverse maybe? I dunno.. I stopped watching on my own cause I wanted to watch Arrowverse with you) Anyhoos.. The Flash Season 9 has 13 episodes Superman & Lois Season 3 most likely has 15 as did the previous seasons If we do our regular 4 episodes a week then I'm fairly certain we can get Year 11 done in 7 weeks Meaning Year 11 would end on the 2nd of June just a couple of weeks AFTER the end of The Flash which series finale airs on the 3rd of May (according to IMDB... which well.. take that with a grain of salt too I suppose cause IMDB is often wrong.. And it airs on The CW which means it probably has some unaccounted for week-breaks) Not sure about Superman & Lois since the only date that's currently known is the premiere date for 3x01.. It airs on the CW too so there will be week-breaks in there as well which MIGHT allow you to catch up Sorry.. But in order to make it you'll have to put on that Flash ring.. Seize your destiny and... Run, Froots... Run!

Ok... Some people were hoping you'd be able to catch up on Arrowverse before the Season 9 finale.. I'll post this here I did the maff... And since we don't have the Year 11 Watch Order yet I CAN'T say this with absolute certainty. Plus of course this doesn't account for any unforeseen circumstances. But I can give a guesstimate on when you'll officially run out of new episodes of Arrowverse Currently Year 10 will end on the 7th of April Given that Year 11 will most likely only consist of The Flash Season 9 and Superman & Lois Season 3 (I didn't take into account Naomi cause I'm not sure if Chris will add it.. I'm thinking it's not really Arrowverse maybe? I dunno.. I stopped watching on my own cause I wanted to watch Arrowverse with you) Anyhoos.. The Flash Season 9 has 13 episodes Superman & Lois Season 3 most likely has 15 as did the previous seasons If we do our regular 4 episodes a week then I'm fairly certain we can get Year 11 done in 7 weeks Meaning Year 11 would end on the 2nd of June just a couple of weeks AFTER the end of The Flash which series finale airs on the 3rd of May (according to IMDB... which well.. take that with a grain of salt too I suppose cause IMDB is often wrong.. And it airs on The CW which means it probably has some unaccounted for week-breaks) Not sure about Superman & Lois since the only date that's currently known is the premiere date for 3x01.. It airs on the CW too so there will be week-breaks in there as well which MIGHT allow you to catch up Sorry.. But in order to make it you'll have to put on that Flash ring.. Seize your destiny and... Run, Froots... Run!