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Andrew Polinski

I had low expectations coming into this show, especially after watching the trailers, my expectations were raised a little bit after seeing some of the reviews of the first episode only before the public release. And i was pleasantly surprised , from a person who has watched Scott Pilgrim vs the World around 20 times (what can I say I love the movie) the art style was amazing, the color palette was great as well. They really seem to be focusing on using the director/show runners styles within the confines of the D+ shows latterly especially Moon Knight and now this. As for her powers being different to the comics/games, I'm still not sure how to feel about it, still a little too early in the show tbh, the mother obviously knows something more about the bracelet then she is letting on, the look she had and how fast she got that put away into the attic, and saying how her Nanni (grandmother obv) was also off in her own fantasy world says there is more to it. Do I think by the end of the season her powers will be cosmic like they apparently are now, hopefully No, I have a theory (a very out there theory) that the bracelet just manifests some of the powers you would have as an inhuman and we will see her actually become her inhuman self (probably wishful thinking but hey I can only hope). Iman Vellani (Kamala Khan) did amazing job for her acting debut, Disney/Marvel seem to be able to find no-name talent easily, first Alaqua Cox (Echo) in Hawkeye and now Iman. Iman is apparently just like her character in the fact she is a huge comic book geek. Overall a good start, and I am actually somewhat more interested in seeing where this show goes throughout the season.


It's been a long time since I did driver's ed (32 years ago), so not sure how much it's changed,. She was not taking a lesson she was taking her test. When I did it the lessons took place in the educator's car with the extra pedals like you said, but the test was done in the family car (usually the one you did you practice in with parents.) I don't know why thy test giver met them at a random location to start the test, maybe it's a big city thing. I went to the Dept, of Motor Vehicles and started/ended there.


I heard other than the reason for changing her origin to fit in more to captain marvel, it's that there hasn't been really any inhuman stuff in MCEU except for AOS and the inhuman show which was badly received. I liked the first episode and the new vibe of this marvel show.

Brandon Wiesner

Yeah. I actually took my driver's test in NJ. When I was taking lessons, it was in one of those specialized cars but when I took the test, it was at the DMV on a course. Jersey City was portayed like yhe suburbs but the real JC is not where you want your teenagers just walking and biking around.

Mike Simonton

I'm interested in the glimpse of demons. As I'm not from the represented culture, I don't know if the demons she glimpses are Djinn, Imps, or another identification. I did realize the mistake, but couldn't see this to fix it right away, so I assumed Tony deleted it until you responded. thanks for that. Because I wasn't typing on my tablet keyboard, I was trying to shorthand.

Luis Garcia

When I took my driver's test we started at the DMV, the department in charge of driver's licenses among other things, not on some street. I used my parents car for the driving test because they wanted us to bring our own car. My mom had to drive it to the DMV, but I drove it for the driving test. My roommate said that for his test, he got a car provided for the test just like you described because he didn't have his own car. I'm not sure what the standard is here in the U.S. but having to provide your own car is at least expected in some parts of the country.


Good reaction. really liked the show. Not familiar with the character so don’t know the backstory or any inconsistencies the show may have compared to the comics. So it was interesting watching and hearing your expectation for her to have stretchy powers while I was just surprised when it happened. Regarding driver’s tests, I am from Texas and took mine many years ago so it may have changed but we didn’t have an in vehicle driver’s test, just a written test. But we also had to have taken a driver’s education course. The car we used for that was like you described though.


1. Driving rule "Look in the mirror every 15 seconds" ...Rules are meant to be broken ...I don't look in the mirror often either Froots... I'm inclined to believe that this particular rule is there to test the newbie drivers ability to handle stress ...If you're chill as a cucumber behind the wheel then you don't need to look behind you every 15 seconds ....It's the same with both hands on the wheel ...It's rules to see how you handle the pressure of driving ...When I did my exam I barely followed any of that shit and passed in 1 go 2. Yeah the driving test was a bit over the top.. The instructor should have hit the break on his end.. Here we have special cars for these lessons too for that very reason by the way 3. What's wrong with traveling the world? These mums are shit talking some girl for going out into the world instead of just getting married ...Jealous much? At least this girl is experiencing life before getting tied down 4. True.. Being overprotective of a kid will probably just result in raising a rebelious kid who'll get into trouble cause they won't want to listen ....Let them be free (to a certain point) and they'll grow up just like you and me 5. Eeeeehm... What the hell is the mum talking about?? That Hulk outfit looks much skimpier than the Captain Marvel costume Kamala has on ....Wow this woman is a lot 6. Yup... Kamalas friend is definitely into her ...He seems like a good guy though.. So far he's been there for her whenever she needed something and gave her good advice.. So I approve 7. Aaaaah ok... I was wondering what Kamalas friend was dressed up like... It's Tony Stark ...Aight yeah fair.. Who doesn't wanna be Tony? Tony is awesome 8. You're confused at to what Kamala is up in the attic looking for.... The Cosplay event has a certain requirement... The cosplayer has to make their costume look unique.. It has to have something on it that is different.. In Kamalas case she's going for something to show off her Pakistani heritage ....And that's where the bracelet comes in 9. Yeah that's total bullshit... A normal busdriver wouldn't just drive off while someone is still trynna put their bike on the bus 10. Why is this convention at night though?? Makes no sense... And yeah there's no line and the interior looks small as FUCK. ...This all looks very unconventional 11. Awwwwww... He changed from Tony to Bruce Banner??? But why?? Tony is like.. The coolest 12. Ok... That Ant-Man head is creating just a liiiiiittle too much chaos... It would've fallen down and that's about it.. It's rolling all over the fucking place.. Nah bish 13. Hmmmm... For some reason I though I heard Kamala say that Captain Marvel was gonna be a judge at the competition and (even though she was kinda meh) I was hoping for a cameo ....Kinda disappointing 14. Mum: "I wish you would just focus on you" ...NO. You want her to be like you.. Kamala IS focusing on herself and you are keeping her from being all she can be ...Again... This woman is A. LOT. ....Chillax.. Let Kamala find her own path 15. I mean you ARE right.. Kamala does come from a different culture and so it's gotta be different for her... You and I never had this kinda upbringing... It's interesting to watch a character go through this kind of life while trynna be a superhero 16. I thought this episode was pretty good.. I vaguelly remember watching the trailer and thinking the added effects were a bit much cause they reminded me of Scott Pilgrim which is a movie that's HIGHLY overrated... But I have to say it didn't distract me.. On to the next one